Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2022

nasser farahani robbed us in autumn 2002, that's the letter of divorce, he even took jewelry and things from my sister, including all company goods and capital. i started the business with zero capital. he has been working as a stasi agent for the state, the police and judges for 18 years

To glorify dozens of human rights abuses, all topics are addressed to portray us as inferior, just because of one thing: the looting of 3 shops in Vienna with non-stop secret cameras and intimate recording

my blood has been examined in 3 hospitals and 15 laboratories for 20 years, who has hiv? you or I?

there are only dirty animal nazi whores that philosophize about penis size from 16 centimeters, and up to 16 centimeters my category 15-16. the only reason is: only old race and vmat people are degraded with it, cause conflict, humiliate the wife and achieve forced sterilization as in my case internationally with secret cameras

stasi secret camera actions with UNO and amnesty and international court of justice is ethnic genocide, I say vmat tribes murder and forced sterilization

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon, but sleeping 30 years in prison of nelson mandela was like sleeping 27 years of azadeh amiri next to me

afro american and african in UNO city building

when i was 14 i registered at the library in the 9th district of vienna, i never took books home, i read them there because of data protection, i can remember the first book i took was about the life of nelson mandela, the first 50 pages were enough: you're a straw hero of liberalism, just like fucking mossadegh. "spö never saw me read". i have 80% of iranian opposition as enemy, evolution society with no sense of humor and criticism

working class can do everything themselves and occupy all state functions means: we have to take vmat2 and vmat1 hostage, not taking its existence seriously but exploiting everything, intellect and intelligence. this is monkey nazi satanism, nazi ahrimanism. which was also discussed in vienna in chat rooms with iranian.

you have to read all 52 volumes of marx, and feuerbach and engels and hegel: then you understand the assholes talk about two poles, good gene capital and bad gene capital also as far as the bourgeoisie is concerned. bastard satanism, romantic luciferian bastards

since the 19th century when socialism or social democracy talks about proletariat then it means evolution, the inferior race, it only attacks vmat and old race, it attacks vmat race bourgeoisie and capitalism, healthy economic system. in collective they ruin our existence and call us lompan, lumpen proletariat

Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2022

darwinism psychopathy: we have to find our natural genetic enemies as infants and throw flesh in front of society as a sacrifice. we can't kill millions but we can ruin their existence with millions of 0815 society and prevent professional career and advancement

my contribution to cosmic eye, native iranian elam and the eye. Viennese stone favoriten

Born to Sally and Irving Chestman, Russian-Jewish immigrants, she grew up with three siblings on Manhattan's West Side during the 1920s and 1930s. She spoke little about her childhood and left home at age 15 to work in the theater, adopting the name Faith Elliott. At age 18, she moved to Hollywood, starting as a messenger at Columbia Pictures. She subsequently worked as a sound-effects and music editor, and then script clerk for Republic Pictures. She later worked as a script supervisor (12 Angry Men) and editor (Go, Man, Go; with the Harlem Globetrotters).[citation needed]

it is a concept, an animation movie production, 40 minutes

bought and released on december 16 last year, i named it: vmat2 uterus tube

hey ayatollah this was a prehistoric submarine fleet of korean japanese alliance with ahuramazdan persian crew. a submarine looks like a whale to some. ehem, ehem

religion, king soleymans army was in nazi uniform

i keep showing this drawing, mauthausen austria 1945, this race was the target, race not religion, religion, the wehrmacht jew was in nazi uniform

The ruin of this business and that of my mother is 60 million in damages, a NS repeat between 1998-2006. the police have been spreading illegal pornography with the ayatullah regime for 15 years: these people are worth nothing, nobody reports anything, nobody says anything

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2022

I have to go, will be back in the afternoon

vienna has established a culture with iranian gypsy families in iran, after 20 years: building houses and owning them is only possible with native iranian torture and murder

linguistic: nema para koon para regime jana jana

dirty ayatullahs hezbollah sepah, ajnabi bastards with EU fascism and austro fascism, dirty european origin, dirty iranian and persian killer, dirty psychopatic european in iran

genetic minorities, no religion. dirty austria and iranian government

good night

there are many dignitaries among ahura mazdanian anunnakis, the rebels, god's soldiers. millions for millions of people, positive energy, also for pleasant dreams. is the world so simple? as the politicians would like to believe, or atheists, or the ayatullahs? more vmat2 torturing and killing means armageddon from now on. for billions

these two containers are the urn of my mother's sister and brother, the contact in deep sleep or the gat and portal. she dreamed. tablet photo raw

when my mother slept at noon

i take daily photos like today therefore: there are a number of doctors, police commanders and politicians and many other officials, at 48 they look like a 3 day congested donkey ass, you know that? the asshole is tightly pressed with folds. they agree with the police commander for the gas chamber, an infected cell. the reason for the arrest is: denial and suppression of evidence does not exist in austria

Aryan race is evolutionary plastic man, Aryan right is for plastic man, looters are made of plastic. scum without potential

fucking politicians in the EU you filth, I can buy 6 houses and villas within 2 years with just one project out of 38 projects, you useless parrot freemason. Dirt and human traffickers, potentialless dirt