Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2022
fascism race should be eradicated forever, just ballast and garbage for this world, it proves 80 years after national socialism more that it is an animal. incinerator threat against this breed is not a crime. just ballast and garbage that produces more garbage and unnecessary generations. "it needs houses and condominium" . useless brain invalid dirt. facking useless nazi dirt
In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert
this world could be a paradise, but these hyenas "women" described by brecht are first world war, second world war, 30 years war and war everywhere, today in vienna as business women with racial trade and vmat2 trade. this woman is annihilation, the end of the world and armageddon. because: my uterus is damaged and disabled. tablet photo raw
i've been drinking black tea with rum since this morning and i'm listening and singing traditional persian music, is that a kafir's identity disorder or rather: we're allowed, but the others aren't allowed. muhammad rasullolah said: i can't see anyone that after 2 glasses of wine walk on four paws, we drink 3 bottles and walk happily upright and humane... stop drinking everyone i don't want happiness with these scenes
fascism was and is always an unnatural phenomenon, an unnatural formation of dragons, like in vienna today. it's all about eradicating vmat2.Those who do not know about black matter and black magic, or let's say anti vmat2 movement, are made the main offenders with lucrative money offers. fuck wehrmacht israel, fuck wehrmacht nazi jews
2 years ago i saw a chinese man smoking cigarettes hidden in an alley, i looked at him and saw no danger, he was 1.55. i went up to him and asked hiau chi cha hu wua hachak chuk chuchek?, (, do you know azadeh amiri? ) he looked at me angrily and looked away, i asked again: chin chin chua, hu wu kua sianfu? he said in German: piss off psychopath, fool someone else! I said my seedling has been swallowed by you with your dragons, you cook, in which pot do you cook it? he yelled loudly i only make sushi you asshole leave me alone
Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022
political activism and human rights activism in austria is financially dependent on the state and has to meet certain criteria. in the case of iranian activism, whatever branch, the state does not demand any radical measures and statements, insofar as 5000 regime employees live in austria and do illegal business. I was a loner from 2002, in the city and on the internet portals. looting iran by vienna was always a thorn in my eyes, money laundering for the islamic republic of iran
In EU countries, the state is not the owner of the citizen and citizen regardless of ethnicity and race are not slaves of the state and authorities. nevertheless, the austrian state says: hundreds of millions of euros stasi income with ayatullahs are not right, but also not wrong and crime because these actions with our society never existed
i will write about genes dna and tribes with my blood, i will prove that this race is the dirtiest alien production, the dirtiest race and production and culture, this is not a human being only animals in human form, dirtiest laboratory animal origin what he also in democracy andrule of law proves. filthy european beast
inferior wiener iranian, the superman, the son of ahura mazda says:showing a penis has one requirement: you should write with blood, with your blood. so this is mazdakism. or Mazdakist nationalism
„Von allem Geschriebenen liebe ich nur Das, was Einer mit seinem Blute schreibt. Schreibe mit Blut: und du wirst erfahren, dass Blut Geist ist.“ (S. 48)
Freitag, 9. Dezember 2022
i have to go to sleep, but: there are anti persians among iranian, former emigrants and gypsy tribes that pretend to be iranian, a very clever behavior is: they lower their heads in front of europeans and americans and israelis, with the intention: you are higher beings and we lower ones, you are always right and modern. that means barbad is one of us and inferior. I say my kir in your mouth you dirt, you anti persian american israelis and european and austrian, fuck your mother. assholes
The world is a daily catastrophe because 1% society chooses everywhere genetic evolutionary human and uses it as a key figure, also in terms of 3 world religions, also in terms of international authorities, also in terms of environment, also in terms of human rights activism. only human without empathy and bad genes is used everywhere
i write every day because this country including the green party and leftists, including church synagogues and mosques does not give up trying to kill a jewish armenian vmat2 family and bloodline before the eyes of the world, with the glorification: too much money has flowed into our financial economy , should poor families lose their real estate and houses with their children?
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...