Montag, 12. Dezember 2022

هر کاری ما میخواهیم بکنیم میگه: تو نه من، هر کاری ما بلدیم میگه تو نه من، بده به من، هر حرکتی ما میخوایم بکنیم باز میگه: تو نه! بشین سر جات فقط من، ولی تو ماشین میگه چی؟: بشین پشت فرمون بکش من عن. ریدن به مملکت رفته کوسکش های عن، فقط بدل سازی از ما، دین آئین ملت رو هم کشوندن به عن، ما بودیم یا شما های عن؟

خارکوسده هندی اومد جای مارو گرفت مادر جنده

iran should actually demarcate itself like north korea and block all doors to find out what these bastards israel, america europe and nato actually are, iran needs 40 years for itself to get back to normal and to find its roots. "we have a family of yours, they are worth nothing, find others for wealth".a woman with 18 years of work in iran and 15 years of work in vienna

the only thing left for the iranian native race: builds cells up to five people, renounces and forbids pyramid systems, acts chaotically and often acts individually, also against international authorities and CIA NSA and MOSSAD

به حضرت عباس قسم حاجی، دستم رو ببرن آب رو با پا درست میکنم میخورم که بیشتر بهت بشاشم، آخه کربلا تو نبودی گفتی: مفسد رو بکشید؟ با این اتریش، کوسکش بابن برگر رفیق فابریکته، زمان امام حسین رفیق فابریکت نبود؟ کیر کردی مارو نا برادری

these police officers animals will suddenly kill me in vienna, and then make rana and her mother fatally ill, because the animal cannot live with food vouchers, a salary of 1400 euros and additional overtime of 200 to 500 euros, the animal has too little money

das arschloch: hau di über di haiser und kumm nimmer zurück du gesindel....! du scheißdreck nazi wiener

i am indigo nazi doctor and at night i dream i swim in water and travel in universe, gate for sleeping peter pan. energy chain

all police officers have a salary from 1400 euros plus daily food vouchers 5 euros, there is also corruption: unnecessary overtime 200 to 500 euros. this nazi animal teaches the lowest strata of society, former refugees from iran: we need more money and with your help we can do it

"iranian" girls and women, mothers and daughters in chat rooms are loud about murder and stasi money. is anyone starving in vienna?

who is in vienna as hungry as in bangladesh north korea and ethiopia that says: we have to sacrifice human flesh to feed ourselves

the first 3 months of the first world war was a civilian massacre, without official orders or pieces of paper up to 40,000 families were hanged and ammunition was saved. it's that time again in vienna, vmat2 civilian families in iran and outside iran are treated like 1918: ten million dead iranians with the k&k army stationed in iran. today you see it with iranian farmanfarma tribe parties, toudeh, aksariat, jebhe meli, and pseudo leftists, my family my person are being attacked and there are calls for murder against us in vienna. "iranian" girls and women, mothers and daughters in chat rooms are loud about murder and stasi money. is anyone starving in vienna?

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2022

Before I go: This is a special case, unique Hungarian tribe, women with a pig dragon as leader, also represented in the Austro-Hungarian Army and responsible for the hanging of 38,000 civilian families without a written or official order

i have to go but my work level is more than hollywood, of course with the right equipment. insofar as it is true and the scenes are millions of years old

if the 2nd district says: i don't know about fascism and i just have to earn money, then i have this answer: juda's wehrmacht race, traitor race, hang yourself

my invalid brain does something different, the mirroring of this stone set in water silver mirror and crystal is a deep journey to nibiru, and includes gate code. the channel for anunnaki and djinn travel.

good night

fascism race should be eradicated forever, just ballast and garbage for this world, it proves 80 years after national socialism more that it is an animal. incinerator threat against this breed is not a crime. just ballast and garbage that produces more garbage and unnecessary generations. "it needs houses and condominium" . useless brain invalid dirt. facking useless nazi dirt

آقا اومدم یه جوک بنویسم گفتم بیخیال، میزنه آخوند مارو میکشه. جون تو، میگه: ما سر فوتبال واسه مردم گریه میاریم تو سر سنگ واسه مردم خنده؟ بیناموس، جهود مخفی بی کفایت، این خنده ها تو نمیدونی یعنی چی؟ بی غیرت بی شرف با اون پدر الدنگت

as this symbolism from prehistory shows: these women (goose) also become symbolic Nobel Peace Prize winners. "V" peace

Do you understand? Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was the first democratically elected president, these women broke the wall to prevent war. lol

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert

tyrannosaurus rex is not a dragon, it is a world war two and three formation. the lower stone, relatives in london. and i don't mean margaret thatcher, other tribal relatives with viennese women

this world could be a paradise, but these hyenas "women" described by brecht are first world war, second world war, 30 years war and war everywhere, today in vienna as business women with racial trade and vmat2 trade. this woman is annihilation, the end of the world and armageddon. because: my uterus is damaged and disabled. tablet photo raw

it is not to be expected that someone in europe will come before and end national socialism in vienna with an iranian "jewish armenian race" family, do you know why? Because of black capital, Vienna and Tehran gave signals. the traces are in vienna, UNO city and vienna

what the viennese achieved in iran like in the sassanid era: a youth in poverty with no hope for a future, seduced into genocide, with economic and job/career advantages. with the help of the americans and israel and ayatlahs as main actors

حاجی سر فتنه سگ مست ها این ملت 40 سال شلاق خوردن، آی مادرت رو فتنه، مادر قحبه ها، سگ مست ها

i've been drinking black tea with rum since this morning and i'm listening and singing traditional persian music, is that a kafir's identity disorder or rather: we're allowed, but the others aren't allowed. muhammad rasullolah said: i can't see anyone that after 2 glasses of wine walk on four paws, we drink 3 bottles and walk happily upright and humane... stop drinking everyone i don't want happiness with these scenes

fascism was and is always an unnatural phenomenon, an unnatural formation of dragons, like in vienna today. it's all about eradicating vmat2.Those who do not know about black matter and black magic, or let's say anti vmat2 movement, are made the main offenders with lucrative money offers. fuck wehrmacht israel, fuck wehrmacht nazi jews

2 years ago i saw a chinese man smoking cigarettes hidden in an alley, i looked at him and saw no danger, he was 1.55. i went up to him and asked hiau chi cha hu wua hachak chuk chuchek?, (, do you know azadeh amiri? ) he looked at me angrily and looked away, i asked again: chin chin chua, hu wu kua sianfu? he said in German: piss off psychopath, fool someone else! I said my seedling has been swallowed by you with your dragons, you cook, in which pot do you cook it? he yelled loudly i only make sushi you asshole leave me alone