Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022

I have to go and I'll be back in the afternoon, even a hundred thousand philosophers can't tame this beast, this monkey "master race" Austria

i have to go, but first: the reason why i have 500 readers daily from france and canada

In den Nachkriegsjahren war Sartre der tonangebende französische Intellektuelle: Sein L'Être et le néant (Das Sein und das Nichts) und der Essay L’existentialisme est un humanisme (Der Existentialismus ist ein Humanismus) von 1946 galten als Hauptwerke der neuen, hauptsächlich von ihm geschaffenen Philosophie des Existenzialismus, dessen Kernaussage ist, dass der Mensch durch den Zufall seiner Geburt in die Existenz „geworfen“ ist und aktiv selbst versuchen muss, dem Leben einen Sinn zu geben.

Austrians and their international friends find your children's origins in the laboratory and kill them quietly and unobtrusively, the hatred is more than 1932, insofar as they cannot be insulted as jews or responsible for the economic crisis

indigo child or indigo race vmat is a meaning, a subject, i have the evidence of origin. higher own race and master race, all characteristics were made 2017 in vienna chatrooms with international and iranian fascism wave on topic: potential, "telepathy", spiritual power. everything should lead to hate envy and murder with iranian

good night

i have to go to bed, but no one believes me, vienna has had two turkish sieges behind it, just because of one thing: the pashas wanted to protect these austrian children from leftists and greens, and intimidate the assholes

the green party should actually be dissolved, this drama is worse than right-wing radicals, the hatred of vmat has such a dramatic extent that they convince and with fanatical views invite everyone abroad and in vienna to talk about genocide and pull them to their side. with UN staff and Amnesty staff

it is thanks to the seven that our race still exists, still! who wants armageddon? obama? Sarkozy or Merkel? or Netanyahu? you erdogan?

the fact is: vienna should write and sign after 80 years of national socialism that we are inferior aryan nothing, no advantage for this world, we are inferior aryan nothing. so everything leads to peace

Viennese SPÖ/ÖVP security forces want to kill an indigo sibling, with suppression of evidence and support from Viennese society, do you know why? Do you know why?

lucky seven, persia 500 bc

it is called to murder because of what? we bought houses? we need luxury? inferior salary bastard, inferior salary bastards, inferior animals, inferior killer race, bastard killer race, bastard garbage race

these families including shams family must be arrested and punished so that the establishment of attempted vmat2 mass murder with financial advantage in the west and in iran stops

we are no longer talking about psychopathy that is portrayed as humanly normal, but about the dirtiest rubbish of flesh and blood and the dirtiest genetic origins, even the lowest strata of society. it is called to murder because of what?

the hate against my and our bloodline is paranormal in vienna. para-paranormal

we are no longer talking about psychopathy that is portrayed as humanly normal, but about the dirtiest rubbish of flesh and blood and the dirtiest genetic origins, even the lowest strata of society. it is called to murder because of what?

I have to go out I'll be back in the evening, fucking schizophrenia

i need 500,000 euros for special equipment, arabs and turks don't understand words, i have to get 45 minutes of visual language out of stones

In der Kriegsführung gelten False Flags im Allgemeinen als akzeptabel, um den Feind zu täuschen und einen strategischen Vorteil zu erlangen. Falsche FlaggeAngriffe sind eine Methode der psychologischen Kriegsführung, bei der die öffentliche Reaktion dazu gebracht wird, der Brotkrümelspur zu folgen, um mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit die eigene Regierung und die eigenen Streitkräfte zu unterstützen, insbesondere wenn Außenstehende für die Operation verantwortlich gemacht werden.


we live in an 89 percent evolution kingdom, i started my career in 2002, and my sister in 2005, and the animal kingdom says: we eat the flesh (existence) and drink the blood (stasi psychological mental torture) the spirit

Montag, 12. Dezember 2022

there is nothing, but potential and intellect can pull itself up and just have life. what does the world do with billions? sacrifice us?

I have to go, I don't feel like writing endlessly today, I'll be back in the afternoon, fucking schizophrenia

From my position and angle I also say: European American, western socialism is barbarism, barbarism. see vienna......

good night

we got these two rings today, it reminded me of this artefact: stay down with your wife, stay down. they still wear these symbols on purpose and say "I" ! this i has a philosophical historical meaning, actually also in prehistory: saying this i always means annihilation

هر کاری ما میخواهیم بکنیم میگه: تو نه من، هر کاری ما بلدیم میگه تو نه من، بده به من، هر حرکتی ما میخوایم بکنیم باز میگه: تو نه! بشین سر جات فقط من، ولی تو ماشین میگه چی؟: بشین پشت فرمون بکش من عن. ریدن به مملکت رفته کوسکش های عن، فقط بدل سازی از ما، دین آئین ملت رو هم کشوندن به عن، ما بودیم یا شما های عن؟

خارکوسده هندی اومد جای مارو گرفت مادر جنده

iran should actually demarcate itself like north korea and block all doors to find out what these bastards israel, america europe and nato actually are, iran needs 40 years for itself to get back to normal and to find its roots. "we have a family of yours, they are worth nothing, find others for wealth".a woman with 18 years of work in iran and 15 years of work in vienna

the only thing left for the iranian native race: builds cells up to five people, renounces and forbids pyramid systems, acts chaotically and often acts individually, also against international authorities and CIA NSA and MOSSAD

به حضرت عباس قسم حاجی، دستم رو ببرن آب رو با پا درست میکنم میخورم که بیشتر بهت بشاشم، آخه کربلا تو نبودی گفتی: مفسد رو بکشید؟ با این اتریش، کوسکش بابن برگر رفیق فابریکته، زمان امام حسین رفیق فابریکت نبود؟ کیر کردی مارو نا برادری