Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022
Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022
I happened to meet a turk today who has known me since 2002 through my business. i read his face he is involved in the stasi system and has illegal terror material in his mobile phones. at that time he was 40 today he is 60, the only thing he has achieved in his life and is proud of it: i was and am a human being with pictures and human rights, you are poor inferior iranians. otherwise he is a useless walker. like most arabs and turks: we are proud to be humane alongside austrians. bastard government, bastard animals, bastard scum origin of parliament austria, scum parties and leftists, scum dirt and animals in politics
i've been writing for 5 years my existence is 38 projects, 24 system works and several inventions, vienna shows hostility and says: the existence of iranian balkan gypsies and tribes in vienna is valuable, kebab ali and accountant rahim, two salary people with 1800 euros should get through your killing and torture living in luxury. 15 million euros is even not enough. 40 years european american iran politics. since 1979 until today
if the meaning of life and the content is political activism against dictatorship and your professional economic trade, then you are also talking about democracy and free capital. nazi satanism in europe, america, iran and asia, turkey says: your existence is no coincidence and your meaning of life is not self-determination, but previously determined. we have to observe and control. this is not new, but historical
Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022
i have to go, but first: the reason why i have 500 readers daily from france and canada
In den Nachkriegsjahren war Sartre der tonangebende französische Intellektuelle: Sein L'Être et le néant (Das Sein und das Nichts) und der Essay L’existentialisme est un humanisme (Der Existentialismus ist ein Humanismus) von 1946 galten als Hauptwerke der neuen, hauptsächlich von ihm geschaffenen Philosophie des Existenzialismus, dessen Kernaussage ist, dass der Mensch durch den Zufall seiner Geburt in die Existenz „geworfen“ ist und aktiv selbst versuchen muss, dem Leben einen Sinn zu geben.
indigo child or indigo race vmat is a meaning, a subject, i have the evidence of origin. higher own race and master race, all characteristics were made 2017 in vienna chatrooms with international and iranian fascism wave on topic: potential, "telepathy", spiritual power. everything should lead to hate envy and murder with iranian
the green party should actually be dissolved, this drama is worse than right-wing radicals, the hatred of vmat has such a dramatic extent that they convince and with fanatical views invite everyone abroad and in vienna to talk about genocide and pull them to their side. with UN staff and Amnesty staff
In der Kriegsführung gelten False Flags im Allgemeinen als akzeptabel, um den Feind zu täuschen und einen strategischen Vorteil zu erlangen. Falsche FlaggeAngriffe sind eine Methode der psychologischen Kriegsführung, bei der die öffentliche Reaktion dazu gebracht wird, der Brotkrümelspur zu folgen, um mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit die eigene Regierung und die eigenen Streitkräfte zu unterstützen, insbesondere wenn Außenstehende für die Operation verantwortlich gemacht werden.
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...