Freitag, 16. Dezember 2022

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon, in a city with dozens of untreated human rights abuses. i a city where amnesty international and UNO city employees walk past me, grin insultingly and say: were you in vienna before us, you creation?

jesus christ was poisoned 3 times by roman soldiers, he survived with holy water, further 15 times by the other. Maria Magdalena then said: my content of life is no longer 24.5 centimeters in my hole, but to watch your death live. that's not normal. mother fucker bitches collective

nobody has said that until now, i say it: anti-semitism means genetic garbage, new human and evolution against old races and cultures

you saw in mauthausen what antisemitic rubbish is among the working class without ever having read a book in their free time, viennese politicians and the parliament know this society better than adolf hitler knew the germans back then. better and deeper with three secret services

vienna: neo-nazi michael häupl was always right on one point: the jew doesn't pay any taxes because we haven't respected their rights and citizenship rights since 1998? also not right from his mother and sister, is that a reason not to pay taxes!? isn't that a rule of law? we are a right, we did nothing, but laws should work.

What happened between 1932 and 1946 I call it monkey sadism, underdeveloped evolutionary behavior, what you see today 4 generations later: we have an alliance of foreigners for ruining, humiliating and killing. monkey sadism, subhuman behavior. which was also the case in turkey with armenians. monkey sadism. deeply genetically ill with brain abnormality

i am at enmity with the islamic government of iran, i was a political activist, vienna exploits the ayatullah regime and says: why didn't we have the right to ruin his business? we are right and iran confirms us. bastard monkey origin, bastard brain

ordinary people are tired of life, in a stasi and terror system organized by the state, do you understand why vienna should accept that it's an ape, and why he as a subhuman and sees his life as inferior: Annoying and torturing, verbal escalation, causing conflict, intentionally provoking for violence. this dirt doesn't care if it dies or lives. like 1932, this dirt sees dead as redemption and liberation

I'll be back in the afternoon

i have to go, but: nationalism is honor, dignity, pride, fighting spirit, blood and soil. since 1979 we have shit blood shit veins shit origin. iranian government and opposition

what do you do with a supernatural duck and a pile of rocks. I accidentally bought two crystals, I happen to be able to conjure them up into a duck, placed one on top of the other

I don't know if it contains diamonds or not, it rings a lot, it can also be quartz, at least described as quartz, but that doesn't matter to Persian nationalism,other things should rings into the world, ahriman and ahura mazda. deep inside, 800 pictures

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022

maybe that motivates me to write every day, but soon vienna will take action with concentration camp politics with the ayatullahs:Do you have evidence of the Stasi TORTURE and NS repetition? of your business, shop and property? do YOU have evidence from 2006 that there were live cameras and microphones in your apartments? they are like blogers in iran, they talk without proof, a cell is right for jews

I have to go to sleep, good night

the fact that i should legitimately and reasonably be given an apartment and am being denied is a human rights violation, i need rooms to myself due to illness condition, schitzopherenia and panic attacks. as part of the stasi torture it was rejected

Blocking the way to a show case is a criminal act, with nonverbal aggression it's almost coercion. this happens at a place where the perpetrator and all employees have evidence of terrorism and stasi terror. since 2017 until today there are these behaviors and comments: it's us. the list of human rights violations just because of me is endless. 5 years more than before

I had a verbal conflict today without a gun. i was in carla caritas and there is an old 60 year old man, he played and still plays the monkey for a year. today i looked at him, he blocked my way to the showcase with physical aggression and drama, i said today it's time: you dirty fucking idiot, you scum, that's not just a shitty heap in yours head but also lime. he left and he immediately presented himself as a victim: i'm being insulted, help me, i'm being insulted. how was it 300,000 years ago? has anything changed? except that I'm not allowed to shoot!? they got human faces, the assholes

Die Initiative zur Bestrafung der Christen (VMAT2) kam jedoch gar nicht von den Kaisern, sondern von unten. Im Fall von Polykarp, der lebendig verbrannt wurde, sollen die Menschen in Smyrna sogar begeistert mitgemacht haben, um Holz für das Feuer zu finden. Das war Mob-Gewalt vom Feinsten

roman mosaic art, persian sassanid plates and stone slab

americans have up to a thousand bases worldwide and claim rights to vmat2 persecution and torture. the victims are convicted with the suppression of evidence, the perpetrators are given special status and live in luxury. without judges networks no chance, without iranian judges no chance either

israel and today's jews are also false flags, it was never about identity but about vmat types human

this billion-year-old stone from gabon shows why one should stay away from idols: potential and skills are as old as the stone itself. probably as a punishment god brought some people into the world with black color

am i worth less than a fox and bear or other animals? where is a rational behavior when it comes to vmat2 torture and agony, am i worth nothing because i eat meat? what about mental stress physical punishment and sex deprivation with secret cameras?

what does environmental activism and environmental awareness mean? or veganism, and fur coat opponents? false flag

I'll be back in the afternoon

if one of those downstairs approaches me he/she kills me, not for money, for shit in blood and veins. like the viennese killer iranian, girls mothers and men

I have to go, I'm paranoid too, because of dozens of Ajnabi tribes. see Vienna

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022

I happened to meet a turk today who has known me since 2002 through my business. i read his face he is involved in the stasi system and has illegal terror material in his mobile phones. at that time he was 40 today he is 60, the only thing he has achieved in his life and is proud of it: i was and am a human being with pictures and human rights, you are poor inferior iranians. otherwise he is a useless walker. like most arabs and turks: we are proud to be humane alongside austrians. bastard government, bastard animals, bastard scum origin of parliament austria, scum parties and leftists, scum dirt and animals in politics

iran has 15 million balkan gypsies, there is no other country in the world where the government consists of 90 percent emigrants. not a single country, all have adopted persian and arabic names, 5000 iranian gypsies live in austria, with hostility to us: iranian

i've been writing for 5 years my existence is 38 projects, 24 system works and several inventions, vienna shows hostility and says: the existence of iranian balkan gypsies and tribes in vienna is valuable, kebab ali and accountant rahim, two salary people with 1800 euros should get through your killing and torture living in luxury. 15 million euros is even not enough. 40 years european american iran politics. since 1979 until today

if the meaning of life and the content is political activism against dictatorship and your professional economic trade, then you are also talking about democracy and free capital. nazi satanism in europe, america, iran and asia, turkey says: your existence is no coincidence and your meaning of life is not self-determination, but previously determined. we have to observe and control. this is not new, but historical