Montag, 19. Dezember 2022
earning money with zari bari and rana is fascism, will people talk about "feminicide" when over 500 viennese mothers and daughters die so that private life trade and racial fanaticism come to an end? or are we talking about animal female fascist creatures behavior!? the weaker sex that can't make a career on its own and can't earn more than 1500 euros!?
The large number of female criminals — who stole from the Jews, administered the genocide, and participated at the crime scenes — are missing from collective memory and official histories. The role of German women in Hitler’s war can no longer be understood as their mobilization and victimization on the home front. Instead, Hitler’s Germany produced another kind of female character at war, an expression of female activism and patriotism of the most violent and perverse kind.”
Die Idee des Gottesgerichts dürfte ihren Ursprung im Zoroastrismus, im babylonischen Gottkönigtum und altägyptischen Jenseitsvorstellungen haben. Als Vorläufer monotheistischer Eschatologien behauptet schon der Zoroastrismus ein Totengericht und den endgeschichtlichen Entscheidungskampf zwischen Gut und Böse als Weltgericht. Der Gottkönig Babylons bewahrt als oberster Richter diesseitig die kosmische Ordnung; das Alte Ägypten kennt die Vorstellung von den jenseitigen, individuellen Totengerichten in den Pyramidentexten, Jenseitsbüchern und im Totenbuch.[1]
my experiments are satisfactory. two pomegranates, 4 lemons and one and a half tablets tramadol is a sleeping pill that is essential once a week, the deep sleep (actually also coma) from 11 p.m. to 11 a.m. leaves traces during the day, as nitzsche describes it. the journey in sleep was long, colorful, and society political and philosophical
Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2022
Matthew's report that Jesus was taken to Egypt as an infant was used by hostile sources to explain his knowledge of magic; according to a rabbinical story, he came back tattooed with spells.[48] It is also pointed out that in rabbinical tradition that Jesus was mad, which was often associated with people of great power (dynamis). The Gospels speak of the "descent of the spirit," the pagans of "possession by a daemon," and both are possibly explaining the same mystical phenomena. It has even been suggested that Jesus' claim to be "the Son of God" is a formula used in magical rites by the operator who identifies himself closely with the supernatural power that he invokes.[49
نو ایرانی لاشی
آقا پیروزی ما بر علیه اهریمنیسم بیشترش خنده بازار بود، به جون هوشدر قَسم حاجی. زنیکه جنده رفته با عن ما ازدواج کرده که من و خواهرم رو بکشه، یعنی عاطفه رو تا اهریمنیسم قیچی نکنه ول نمیکنه، اول عاطفه رو نابود کردن و بعد کشتن با فامیل و غیره. یکجا حسابش اشتباه بود: عن ایرانی وین بالا اورده، میگه: آخه مگه میشه اینرو کشت با این پدر موند بالا و زنش، آخه باباش چرا بدبخت بیچاره نیست، چرا مثل ما نیست این کوسکش که ما کلک باری1 رو بکنیم، یارو باباش پولداره با شخصیته، هر کوسکش بازی هم یارو درمیاره جلو ما بازم نمیشه، باباشه. کیر تو روح جد و آباد همتون مادر جنده ها کس ننه نو ایرانی با اون ناصر کیری
if there weren't billions of stones here, then vienna wouldn't be murdering millions of people with hundreds of intrigues, committing mass murders, and still to this day, right now chasing down races and families. with bastard meat iranian, bastard blood iranian, bastard origin new iranian. Argentinia and the rate line, a vatican patronage and delicacy
in vienna there is a stone collection law, anyone can collect stones, just not in certain ponds or streams or where nature will be damaged, or on foreign soil. i went to a park and saw a black stone, half underground and the other half above ground, it wasn't loose, i took a pocket knife and pulled it out. according to roman law it belongs to me because i plugged the hole with another stone, no danger. service done. is it the golden ass story with lady isis!?
حاجی امروز رفتم یکشنبه بازار یه قابلمه خریدم، تا اسمش رو خوندم گفتم: زکی! بابا زرشک، علامت نباشه، مارو نکشن بی ناموس ها. خلاصه، تاکسی دیگه سفارش ندادیم، با اتوبوس اومدم خونه
Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022
A part of the Ahrimanic occult ritual is theft, deprivation of existence, which includes property, art objects, real estate or antique things. vienna still pays everyone who cheats us, robs us or acts in intrigue and community. the networks consist of dozens of thousands of viennese, the wiener newspaper talks about white manipulated statistics, the viennese ayatullahs and emam ali mosque also sit in brown areas and black numbers. satanism networks, balkan gypsies ayatullahs and hezbollah in the name of islam
did you know? the salary man vienna has adjusted to this level: renovating the house, kitchen, bathroom is a duty, Enlarging the living space, remodeling the balcony is a privilege, where does the money come from and how was it financed is usually cemented in with the enlargement of the living space
this mirror for bad spirit invasion was high technology, actually also in pompeii, it shows an excessive transition of black matter and spirit from other sides. like in switzerland which is the current case, forever open black hole for armageddon. and science notices that something is coming out, but it says: we can't prove it or classify what that can be. I can make glasses right? or should i do it for hollywood?
the only thing that has changed: this is the aunt of azadeh amiri atefeh amiri, 30 years court interpreter. and the grandmother shams maternal side. actually you see these women at the flea market screaming: nema para nema para, that has developed in iran: bekhoftom kenaret bedune pool koon para koon para, baba kapal para. Viennese judges like this beggar culture insofar as Vienna wants to portray all Iranians as characterless thieves and beggars and criminals. nema para koon para.
i had no respect for europe and america and israel from the start of my political activism, by that i mean politicians like obama or merkel or netanyaboo, or billionaires like fucking sorros. how should i have respect for ajnabi government iran? balkan gypsies, european scum tribes. this is not antisemitism or racism, scum have been killing iranians for 40 years.
tell me: i have been living in vienna since 1986 without a black mark in my police file or criminal record, vienna portrays me worldwide as a criminal and mafiosi, and nobody asks why even pedophiles and rapists in vienna have data protection because of lynching and i don't? as someone with no police record or court record
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...