Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2022

austrians and many european iranians are ill and brag about their illness, they brag about their psychopathy and illness

forced pornography dictatorship, racial degradation, racial torture and attempted murder, mass murder plan vmat2 should be executed up to 5000 including the families and children. that should happen in 1946 in incinerators, austrians and their families. shit america and russia and england were the protectors until 1954. still today

secret sex recordings is forced pornography and slavery,with a race tribe and ethnic group that once killed 6 million of them by aryan race: fascism of two states

aslani was an academic, dr. and psychoanalyst. after 8 years in prison and stasi financial show project like in vienna he was murdered. by these judges, balkan origin, ali and hussein gharib tribe, friends from viennese judges also in the case of my family and the stasi porn secret camera action in iran: there was no terror stasi financial show and forced pornography slavery with iranian secret cameras. balkan gypsies iran, and austro fascism vienna

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2022

viennese police don't work for 1932 race: jews armenians from the orient, if you are vmat2 carriers then you have the death sentence

i have to go out, but: in vienna and tehran the judges make judgments based on race, today in vienna, even in the case of asylum applications, judgments are based on laboratory tests and ethnic origin reports.

the viennese police have been refusing to serve for 20 years because of our bloodline, the police don't work for 1932 race: jews armenians from the orient, if you are vmat2 carriers then you have the death sentence

good night

america is using this keypto jew politics, cyberterror, torture and murder stasi system to raise bad genes and psychopathy worldwide, more among iranian than anywhere else, next to israel and austria

dirty genetic origin: i have to kill and build pyramids, or like today: i have to kill in order to build houses, to buy apartments. this is the programming, extraterrestrial anunnaki genes in whores also in bastards. viennese stones and prehistory. natural formation, natural growth LOL

According to this report, my grandmothers and the sisters were as crypto Jews in Mecca and Medina, as spies as Jews, as haram, haj was haram, crypto jews

the american writes that as a scientific report for the world and homland security and millions of americans watch the stasi torture and murder show against the luri elami family in vienna. bastard flesh and blood america, bastard europe with ayatullahs, bastard ahrimanic turk and arab in the name of islam

i think i should say fuck america in an academic way, maybe i can get gold with rubies diamonds emeracts and brilliants. i love the three holy kings

I got mysterious signs again, fantastic three, sun with indigo man with my initials. that looks like an old tribal bangle. I just don't believe it. every time i curse america i get signs

in europe and america there are networks where people are chanting: we burn crypto jews, rana and her mothers should travel abroad, all networks have been guarded by the fbi cia nsa and homeland security for 20 years. dirty flesh and blood

this iranian terrorism and NS repetition should be punished, sick flesh and blood says: only possible with violence and taking hostages as in the charlie hebdo case. the iranian jew armenian stasi torture money stays in the bank account of fascism and terrorism. supported by VIENNESE JUDGE FUCKING CIA AND NSA MOSSAD

i estimate 3 million emigrated among 10 million exiled iranians who live abroad as european american or western citizens, but they can't leave us and our existence in peace, with sick european flesh and blood

what the viennese and gypsy iranian do with mother and daughter is like in the balkan war with the UN as no act bastards and observers, secret perpetrators. what have mother and daughter done!? for which crimes?

These scenes and behavior is not a persian iranian arab behavior and culture, this is the forced introduction of barbarism with balkan gypsies. majid is dead, he was extradited by the fucking CIA and sent back to iran, because he killed an ali gharib or rahim amiri tribe judges, a judge responsible for hundreds of political murders. aryan race like fucking sick viennese judges. fucking sick like viennese aryan judges

since 1998 we are under jewish boycott and gypsy iranian vienna have led all of vienna into deeper racial annihilation stasi system. with the promise: money through iranian racial annihilation., gypsy iranian vienna tehran

I'm a political activist and a victim of terror, viennese judges collectively want to glorify terror and attempted murder with these statements: we have something from persia in vienna and don't observe any constitution or citizenship. something just happened, and not worth a penalty

you hear this sentence in vienna: "we have houses to build" from people whose classification and potential was classified as a salary of 1500 euros. through murder and manslaughter and torture.introduced by governments including ayatullah regime with amiris and gharibs

I'm a victim of terror and I'm still under mental and physical torture and these monkey whores say I'm the master race, monkey whores and dirt origin says I'm a Viennese master race. inferior dirt, bastard dirt, bastard viennese women, bastard scum

this Aryan heritage is inferior to a shitty bunch, the behavior shows it in 21st century, inferior to shit with a salary of 1800 euros. it cannot afford a house or more money with monkey intellect and intelligence, the thief robber and plunderer

ich bin terroropfer, und habe mit wiener und israelische amerikanische drecksau huren zutun, huansau drecksau huan, wien jerusalem berlin paris newyork Washington tehran, UNO, amnesty international

what brecht meant by mother courage and was boycotted in vienna: viennese woman is the dirtiest animal with the dirtiest rat hole with two hanging garbage bags. i am a terror victim because of political activism and the thief, charlatan whore, bastard gender, bastard origin says: looting is our right, private life trading is a privilege and our national socialist behavior affects this one foreign family

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert

i have to go out and come back in the afternoon, in a city full of iranian evolution origin: human: the stasi murder money and torture money is important not this family

today aggressive killer ape, man and evolution shoots with airguns in the eyes of iranian. "this is human" and we opponents of the regime are not human

there is no evidence in vienna of daily human rights violations and torture and attempted murder is this meaning: only evolution is human, this race is not human or half human like the minorities in iran

this garbage, old fascism in uno city is so stinky that the smell of the mass murder plan reaches to the sky