Montag, 26. Dezember 2022

My site is free and without financial interest, but when I reach 100,000 readers "official" then I will do necromancy in a hall and let people communicate with the spirits through smoke. through myrrh and frankincense and spices

Vienna hasn't done anything, I'm not a victim of terror, just crazy, paranoid, schizophrenic, derepressive and embarrassing, 9000 mentally ill people worldwide are in solidarity every day, from the madhouses. only the mentally ill read confused stuff and nonsense

Viennese atheism, spö övp police satanism let 5 million euros flow towards nasser farahani veronika weiss and the relatives, with the request: let us end the ritual with killing this mother and two children

حاجی هم از ترس کونش افتاده دنبال کون غرب زده ها و ممل ناصر پپسی آمریکایی های قدیمی که بذاره تو کون ما، شیشه پپسی حاجی، آی خوارت رو من گائیدم حاجی که گذاشتیش توکون ما تو این شهر

نگاه کن، بچه پل سیمانی دوزاری کیری، بدبخت بیچاره کون لیس عقده ای، کوسکش نوکر صفت مادر جنده با سه تا برادر کوسکش و جنده اکرم، کوسکش کریمی های قحبه، بچه آریانا های کولی قحبه

hehehehehe atheists monkey origin, empty bodies, zombie pigs. VMAT2 history oida

this pool is the story of a divided society, bible: elijah sat by the river or pool until the river ran dry is a deep philosophical methphysical meaning, prehistory code

the only thing that remains fascism racism antisemitism to eliminate the cause of mass murders is to work permanently on prehistory human and ape genes, creation and perversity ahriman

laughing 1932 is skill, organized, studied, practiced, tactically strategically used for mass murder. nose, penis, beard, bald head, overweight, living room. implemented neurolinguistically in word and sentence. SPÖ/ÖVP/ Viennese judges

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2022

you have to turn the photo around, prophet and......

i have to go to sleep, i'll put it under my cushion, maybe i'll be towed away as a blind passenger. good night

It is an important scientific work, I lack the equipment and precision camera and expensive programs

it is the case with prehistory things: to rummage inside one should have prolific inventive spirit, only an inventor can understand what is going on inside

that's the metal ball that i bought in the flea market in the summer, it weighs 300 grams, pretty small but with fine lines, i guess a celestial body fell down before the ice age, a time when the blond monkey still threw bananas and coconuts at us and laughed about it . I have to have it checked out

this son of the bitch EU is psychopathy, every armed struggle and attack was and is a privilege and a service to mankind. austrian constitutional authority is itself neonazi terrorism with suppression of evidence. you are fucking terror and provocation

this is to thank the international community that an animal society rises up again and says: we did the right thing with ayatullahs in vienna, together with israelis

vienna earns billions of euros a year from tourism, austro-fascism gathered hundreds of millions of stalker spectators as a tourist attraction: we have a jewish armenian immigrant from iran who doesn't want to work, he's an antiques and antique carpet dealer. VMAT2 jews armenian

Viennese churches, synagogues and mosques are absolute ahrimanism 21st century with participation in these cyberterror shows

Vienna is a city full of tourists, there's a reason why nobody reacts and talks. Vienna is well booked.

austria is dirty small and inferior, do you understand what that is: dirty small and inferior? dirty small and inferior was always the mass murderer throughout history, no matter where and what nationality, dirty small is an animal.

more than 70% of austrians can't stand in this business and say i'm human, more than 70%. there is only 1 percent. Look what they've been doing with secret cameras since 2002

cheapest kind of fascism and antisemitism dirtiest fascism is the small village in europe austria, cheapest inferior fascism, cheapest bunch of mass murderers is this land of austria, inferior existence and life, inferior racism and racial fanaticism. see the viennese judges, inferior flesh and blood, before the eyes of the world in the 21st century: we live in luxury through iranian vmat2 torture and murder

غیب بین

غیب بین . [ غ َ / غ ِ ] (نف مرکب ) آنکه غیب را بیند. بیننده ٔ غیب و نهان . رجوع به غیب شود : انبیا را داد حق تنجیم این غیب را چشمی بباید غیب بین .مولوی (مثنوی ).

حاجی میخواستم برم بیرون یهو یاد جمال‌الدین عبدالرزاق افتادم، گفتم بیشین خونه ویگن گوش کن، بیرون خبری نیست، برو تو هپروت و شپروت با عبدالرزاق

2002-2017 and persian artifacts

hieronymus bosch is to be studied in exactly the same way as the last 4 volumes of marx and engels, branch society. garbage origin woman is an animal, cancer of society

these murders are not possible without killer women in society. for example in vienna, there are chinese killer women, austrian killer women, dozens of hundreds of iranian killer women, arabian women and turkish women. Most of them own nothing and have nothing, most have no career and are poor. the only thing they have is a garbage container between their legs and two hanging garbage bags to control strange men and to motivate them, as second mothers for men, men with a mother love complex. the only thing they have is a file of evidence, state crimes and dictatorship. the love for this file is: there are inferior ones than us and free to kill

vienna and the government, the authorities, the secret society, police and secret services are proof: indian-pakistani immigrants in iran, roma and sinti, balkan gypsy and ghaznavite tribes, have the order to destroy and eliminate us, 40 years is proof enough, 40 years of American European and Viennese freemasonry genocide politics

a handle of a vase has a meaning in many ways. shamanism and water and spiritual journey. the water prevents anunnaki and djinn sabotage, the bubble is unassailable when it flies through wormholes and channels. tablet photo raw.

Samstag, 24. Dezember 2022

i have to go to sleep, but the teacher of mankind was also jesus christ and dozens of hundreds of other prophets. viennese stone, favorit'n oida

Happy Christmas.... 😇

Matthew's report that Jesus was taken to Egypt as an infant was used by hostile sources to explain his knowledge of magic; according to a rabbinical story, he came back tattooed with spells.[48] It is also pointed out that in rabbinical tradition that Jesus was mad, which was often associated with people of great power (dynamis). The Gospels speak of the "descent of the spirit," the pagans of "possession by a daemon," and both are possibly explaining the same mystical phenomena. It has even been suggested that Jesus' claim to be "the Son of God" is a formula used in magical rites by the operator who identifies himself closely with the supernatural power that he invokes.[49

this is VMAT2 mass murder plan global. stasi torture business with the help of international authorities. salary people

Viennese journalists and amnesty uno and dozens of other organizations should have reported several human rights violations at least because of two women, mother and daughter. this is mass murder plan global

this research and book is a confirmation, our tribes were distributed globally, but the chronology is not correct, the artefacts in vienna go back up to 500,000 years