Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022

back then, it was company espionage, trade routes espionage and valuables espionage, daily rate espionage for ruin and to appropriate the system, stealing knowledge and economics knowledge, road building, infrastructure and ship trade, transport, stealing logistics knowledge. Geopolitics was part of it. example: from china from 1449 onwards. a recurring "phenomenon"

this system is old satanism, old ahrimanism old mass murder old racial persecution, this system is antique, the cyberterror financial stasi system renewal

An Ancient Phenomenon
The use of citizen informant networks dates at least as far back as the Roman Empire.


Delatores (informants) were recruited from all classes of society, including knights, freedmen, slaves, wealthy families, philosophers, literary men, court officials, lawyers, etc. Similar to the TIPS program, it was an "all hands on deck" approach to empire security. Setups were routine, and informants sometimes received a portion of the land of those who they helped destroy.

More recently the fascist dictatorship of Portugal used the International and State Defense Police (PIDE) as the main instrument of political oppression. It consisted of secret police and a vast network of Bufos (plain-clothed citizen informants), who were apparently on every block. Money and a need for recognition (a pat on the back) motivated them. Second only to the Stasi in its thoroughness, the PIDE neutralized all opposition to the dictatorship.

Other countries have used massive citizen informant networks to destroy perceived opposition to dictatorial rule as well. In Czechoslovakia they served the Czechoslovak State Security (StB), and in Poland they worked for the Ministry of Public Security (MBP). The citizen informants of the State Protection Authority (AVH) ensured the survival of the Hungarian dictatorship. Targets were harassed, threatened, confined to mental institutions, tortured, blackmailed, and framed. Even their friends and family were co-opted to persecute them.

Probably the best recent example of citizens Gang Stalking people on behalf of the state is East Germany. In Germany the plain-clothed citizen informants were called IMs (inofizielle mitarbeiter), or "unofficial collaborators." Unofficial means that they unofficially worked for the Ministry of State Security (MfS), also called the Stasi. For her book, Stasiland, Funder interviewed former IMs, targets, Stasi Psychologists, and professors who trained IM recruiters in Spezialdisziplin (the art of recruiting informants). "The IMs," wrote Funder, "were 'inofizielle mitarbeiter' or unofficial collaborators [plain-clothed citizen informants]."

Funder continued, "In the GDR, there was one Stasi officer or informant for every sixty-three people. If part-time informers are included, some estimates have the ratio as high as one informer for every 6.5 citizens." In his book, Stasi: The East German Secret Police, John O. Koehler agreed that when you add in the estimated part-time IMs, "the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens."

In Russia, the People's Brigades were told, "We have growing problems in our country with enemies of the state. They operate internally, intending to undermine the authority of our government." Sergei Kourdakov tells how he was used to harass enemies of the state in his book, The Persecutor.(*) These specialized groups were referred to as the Voluntary People's Brigade. They were given a "License to harass," and charged with the "Maintenance of Civil Order."

When they sprung up all over Russia they were directed by plain clothed police on orders from Moscow. The citizens were told that they were part of a "special-action squad" and would be given tasks that the regular police couldn't or didn't have time to handle. They wore regular street cloths, and were convinced that they were ordinary citizens aroused into taking action against undesirables. Their leaders informed them that some of the people they'd be harassing were worse than murderers.

So in Russia and Germany, these informant groups were basically told that they were their country's first line of defense against threats to national security and criminals. But where are they getting the hordes of citizens who surround targets in public today? Well, they probably do pick people off the streets and use door-to-door recruitment. But due to the shear number of individuals now involved and the pervasiveness of this program, there must be a blanket recruitment process.

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022

god genes from iran is history of creation, origin europe, center vienna. where millions were murdered. vienna laughs and makes people laugh with fake material like 1925-1938 for murder, genocide. with new iranian, 40 years murder iranian

at night when i go to sleep i'm not afraid of demons in the room, i think more of viennese girls in chat rooms, dirty murderesses led by viennese judges as admin. talking about mother and daughter. I hear every chat room. good night

I could have had a existence of 450,000,000 euros with a starting capital of one thousand euros, insofar as my knowledge was worth a million euros in many branches at that time. a thousand euros in antique carpet and antiques trade. 2 million annually on ebay alone. nonstop surveillance would have killed me for this in 2008 at 80,000,000. because of theft and looting. i have been buying for my sister since november 2022....

three austrian secret services austria are nazi satanist sects that formed in the post-war period to thieves and ritual plunderers. i'll wait until the looting, rana's property is in the apartment. the looting since the 1960s has not only affected iran, but all continents. tons of nazi gold are in reserve and well protected in underground chambers, bunkers, trains, under water. no chance for excavation

I have 300 readers less since 3 days, because european secret services including international authorities freeze all, fascism racism animal origin were chosen in office for silent public execution. fucking dirty europe america israel

vienna has no judges only national socialist collective organization, smuggled into the legal system, supported by international judges

The Bible (Genesis 10:22) claims the region is named for Elam, son of Shem, son of Noah but this has no support outside of the biblical narrative

کیر توکوس ننه شیطان پرست حاجی، به کوس ننه خارکوسده های پول خور

Shem was a hundred years old, and begot Arpachshad two years after the flood. ... Arpachshad lived five and thirty years, and begot Shelah. 13 And Arpachshad lived after he begot Shelah ... Shelah lived thirty years, and begot Eber. ... Eber lived four and thirty years, and begot Peleg. ... Peleg lived thirty years, and begot Reu. ... Reu lived two and thirty years, and begot Serug. '... Serug lived thirty years, and begot Nahor. ... Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begot Terah. ... Terah lived seventy years, and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran. ... and Haran begot Lot.

i have to go, nice day

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022

The Bible (Genesis 10:22) claims the region is named for Elam, son of Shem, son of Noah but this has no support outside of the biblical narrative

the secular state is practicing satanism because of vmat2 in solidarity with national socialism because of jews/armenians blood. ahrimanic capital has swallowed up all mosques, synagogues and churches. including human rights organizations and international authorities

Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2022

I have to go to sleep, good night

photo today and 2021

what did aleister crowley or levi say about change? am I a rough sketch? in any case I discontinued insulin in 2021, let's say only used it in an emergency, a few seconds before the heart attack

Aryan Iranian are prepared by CIA and Europe for native mass murder and torture abroad and in Iran. Turkey supports everyone

end the discrimination of zahra khonjmanesh and rana farahani in vienna, both are native iranian and not aryan bastard blood and flesh

after ayatullahs it gets worse, israelis americans european chinese and turks want to burn iranian. not because of politics like now, because of gene dna and race. 40 years Iranian opposition has been schooled by the cia mossad and others. the iranian aryan bastard breed

40 years ayatollah regime wasn't enough now seduced american bastard flesh and blood, euro american blood, the beast of the world, indo-aryan iranian for mass murder vmat2. monarchists leftists and rightists and maryam whore rajavi, maryam whore rajavi alongside farah diba and iranian communists. for black money, blood money

As in 1932, large parts of Austrian society consist of bastard races, bastard sick races, serial killers and mass murderers, torturers and scum animals. it flies even higher because of us instead of falling because this time iranian bastard killer breed is there, bastard killer breed serial killer for 40 years from iran

our address was favoriten between 1988 and 1998, once i looked at this stone and said: please god not that, the whole parliament and ministers in the head. 30 years later I had to realize with regret that taking the stone home with me is a duty, working on it is a universal task. i took it back from its place in 2019, it lay there untouched. I hear every fucking day that the judges, the politicians and upper class monkey children want to kill me, upper class monkey children. bastard genocide race, bastard origin, bastard chain murders

the law never looks at nationality, race, ethnicity, origin and dna because of crimes. Employees of the UNO, amnesty international, human rights watch, international judges and prosecutors apparently already: the perpetrators are Indo-Aryan and the victims are Jews

vienna: victims and perpetrators are judged genetically and ethnically

iran is led and ruled by romanian gypsy pyramid class society, again like in the era of the sassanids, again father and son engaged in genocide. vienna has this iranian gypsy pyramid society in smaller frames for the reintroduction of national socialism: crime is racial, victims and perpetrators are judged genetically and ethnically

this is the value of my mother's life for damages: 85 million euros for 18 years of work in tehran and 15 years in vienna and the destruction of her existence, internationally. 90% Turkish mothers, Iranian, Arab, Afghan, or Bosnian and Serbian mothers do not have this value. this is exploited by the spö/övp/police: you foreigners are human, this family is not human

i have to go LOL

Alexander the Great lived close to about 1500 years before we can speak of Romanians; He was from Macedonia, not Thrace nor Dacia and certainly not Romania (the ancient, the medieval or the modern one).

i am still political activist, against ayatullahs, america, israel and EU

it is an alexander coin honoring azadeh amiri from transelvenia, a separate tribe, indo-aryan spirit, origin bosnian pyramids. she helped alexander with her father. today she helps again to stop creation, to destroy masses and to give presents to evil, with luxury, villas, cars, houses and other things. she works for governments, police, secret services and freemasonry. i took the photo in 2008 with my mobile phone, right angles of her mouth, the mouthpiece of fascism and mass murder, vmat2 destruction and torture

Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2022

I have to go to sleep, good night

vienna: shit is worth more than this family with lost existence and 3 shops. but that's what vienna has been saying to iran for 40 years, with the best connections to the ayatullah regime: shit is worth more than this race with prehistory. that says shit blonde evolution monkey vienna, scum manipulated dirt origin

i didn't study linguistics, but no viennese achaeologist would dig with me because of the older version of this language in vienna

vienna: shit is worth more than this family with lost existence and 3 shops. but that's what vienna has been saying to iran for 40 years, with the best connections to the ayatullah regime: shit is worth more than this race with prehistory. that says shit blonde evolution monkey vienna, scum manipulated dirt origin

That's just one law out of hundreds, personal rights in the 21st century. my family and I are under personal rights 1932.