Samstag, 7. Januar 2023

austrian governments and networks in vienna are cowardly filthy anti-semites, scum and the lowest level behind actual iranian fascism. composed of balkan gypsies and other european tribes. this antisemitism in iran does propaganda to justify the mass murders of the last 40 years: we have too many hidden jews, too many crypto jews

After this terrorism in Austria with the Ayatollah regime and hundreds of millions of euros in the vmat2 trade business, the Austrian state has to pay: one million euros for international lawyers and 500,000 for regional lawyers, actually for two things: why will single people and individuals and collectives be punished by the police when they talk to victims and provide evidence, and how does it happen with illegal vmat2 citizens private lives trade stasi money.

i just stumbled across an online auction offer in vienna: incredibly frightening, and even around 400 euros. my behavior is correct, this behavior is frightening like the fake standard

what atheist animals vienna, BSA and heinrich gross (children killer) students animals do not understand: paths to god and other worlds were and are reserved for vmat2, in the desert there is sun and through mind control program they send many with candles in the desert, confused and tired . as in iraq iran war, deceived and destroyed, betrayed and after death their names were used as martyrs for political murders

Mahmoud Shabestari: His most famous work is a mystic text called The Secret Rose Garden (Gulshan-i Rāz) written about 1311 in rhyming couplets (Mathnawi). This poem was written in response to fifteen queries concerning Sufi metaphysics posed to "the Sufi literati of Tabriz" by Rukh Al Din Amir Husayn Harawi (d. 1318).[6] It was also the main reference used by François Bernier when explaining Sufism to his European friends (in: Lettre sur le Quietisme des Indes; 1688)

حاجی میگه تو از کیرم گاز گرفتی، چرا از کونم خون داره میاد، این رو نگرفتی! رپته، تپته حاجی، کد شکن داری؟

حاجی باب دویوم رو خوندی برسی به سیوم ما بگیم پنج؟

hey anti-semitic shit europe, fucking nato states, monkey hate and psychological behavior found in alexander's tomb

these two stones were not far from each other, the hatred of the sun, mother and child relationship, love between sun and creation is the reason for monkey envy BUM BUM BUM

this scum town has sold three citizens with 1932 law repeat internationally for hundreds of millions of illegal euros, forced slavery. today every animal in vienna spies on what is happening at the flea market. what happens at the flea market, antisemitic animal origin, evolution origin, paranormal deviant animal experiment origin with 6 million corpses on the shoulder. paraanimal mass murderer, gene manipulated animal experiment origin

dreckschwein, antisemit du bastardkind, abschaum herkunft, hörauf damit, du staatsanwalt, polizist, richter, politiker, fake standard reiche affenkinder, anti vmat2 welle, du mordversuch, du scheißdreck du "netzwerke", du mauhausen psychopath, huansau du drecksau ayatullah freund, du killer rasse du tier, verpiss dich, du scheißdreck gene, du dschusch herkunft, du scheiß DNA

Freitag, 6. Januar 2023

I have to go to sleep, mass murder since 1979 was CIA and EU order. with hussein and ali gharib, with rahim amiri and ali rahbari, with iranian leftists and monarchists

this assimilation and cultivation of mass murder in europe and america is a fact: 5 million euros were collected internationally for our murder, murder by our own "father" and his relatives. for public execution vmat2, native race mother and daughter.. except my personality: political activist and trader

In 1979 ayatollah khomeini assimilated the gypsy races, romanians, and balkan emigrants to mass murderers and child murderers, today european judges with viennese judges assimilate indian iranian race and gypsy race for native and vmat2 mass murder, race torture and finance deal with native race. in europe and america. dirty viennese judges supported by international judges, alexander scum bastards

this friendship is eternal, alexander hated this friendship, he took the symbol on three glodplates to his grave

i photographed a lot of things on kefalonia 2016. the composition with a found argonite stone was unique: shiva's eye, i showed it to my natural enemy and talked like tarzan: you see? what is that supposed to mean? she looked around boringly and waited for something that never arrived on the island

I have to go and will be back in the late afternoon

so you read 200 pages and ask yourself: what does this page have to do with page 94.

so you unconsciously imagine yourself as a corpse on the ground, without knowing why, motionless, death. the deception makes kali blood woman dance on one

Mythology, religious belief and origin has a root and not an invention from the Neanderthals or fantasy creatures from the Homosapiens. in this case Bosnian pyramids

Viele Texte beschreiben Kali als unabhängig von einer männlichen Gottheit. Wenn eine solche jedoch erscheint, ist es Shiva, als dessen Gefährtin oder Ehefrau sie ihn zu wildem, unzivilisiertem Verhalten anstiftet (siehe Bhairava). Viele Bilder zeigen, wie sie auf Shiva tanzt oder steht, denn im Mythos wird erzählt, einst habe Kali, trunken vom Blut ihrer Feinde, auf dem Schlachtfeld triumphierend getanzt, und um ihr Toben zu stoppen, habe Shiva sich hingelegt wie eine Leiche. Erst als Kali auf ihm tanzte, habe sie ihren Gemahl erkannt und eingehalten. Vor Schreck und Scham über ihr Verhalten habe sie die Zunge herausgestreckt.

Auf einer anderen Bedeutungsebene drückt das Bild der Kali auf dem leblosen Körper ganz deutlich ihre Überlegenheit aus: Sie ist Shakti, das bedeutet Energie – der dynamische Aspekt Shivas. „Shiva ohne Kali ist Shava“, so eine gängige Redensart bei ihren Verehrern. Sanskrit shava heißt „leblos, Leichnam“. Aber letztlich sind Shiva und Kali eine untrennbare Einheit. Tantrische Werke zeigen sie in Liebesvereinigung, als Elternpaar des Universums. In einem weiteren Mythos ist es Shiva als Kind, der ihre mütterliche Seite weckt. Im Tantra wird der abgeschlagene Kopf als Symbol für die Befreiung von der Ego-Idee, der Identifikation mit dem vergänglichen Leib interpretiert

elam has to answer the question of melchior and caspar, iran archeology, my area, migration from europe to the south, near east, asia, africa

bosnian pyramid stones, tablet editing 2019, gate code to nirvana

parable of the buddha of the burning house. Brecht Bertolt poems

if you ask austria who had this value as an existence in order to live in prosperity through plundering by the stasi system, you will not get an answer. with hand grenades you get an answer: sieg heils, sieg heils.our dead soldiers will be gifted in walhala, or in niravana.

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023

I'll stop writing for today, I've been writing for 5 years and animals don't understand words, even spelled wrong. misspelling should actually have more neurolinguistic effect, but in vain. evolution animal remains animal, scum are deaf blind and dumb

militant vmat2 whatever religion and antifascism should consider a fighting method: without hand grenade in the stroller of capital fascism parents, rich eltites and nazi satanism, mass murder will never stop

nobody has been interested in these stones and photos for 3 years, actually what jesus was talking about. the only deeply believing radical fanatical behavior is: our viennese and austrian women bought real estate through nazi repeat, through repeat racial slavery, this time with secret cameras and private lives

satanism and atheism stir up hatred worldwide, with live cameras, even in erotic studios, brothels, and prostitute rooms, with the intention: god's children never get aids or get other diseases, that's god against us, god is our enemy.

fact and irony is: azadeh amiri has to present these laboratory and hospital reports from the last 15 years, including ali gharib and the sick sydikat with viennese women, the collective. Viennese sick women with fake real estate financing