Freitag, 20. Januar 2023

himmler and adolf killed a viennese jew because of this story: he ran to both of them and yelled: kill them and everyone, kill us all, but please kill these weird jews before us, they don't belong to us, kill these jews first so that we have peace and die in peace, please first kill these weird jews. adolf said: die now judas and leave us alone

fascism hates racial hatred, racial madness refers only to jewish armenian vmat2 line, austro fascism dirtier than all others as far as iran is concerned

we have 40 years of dictatorship in iran and since 1954 the black jew has been saying: we are dictatorships in europe and america and israel because of the holocaust. vmat2 racial hygiene program in middle east, africa, latin america, asia europe and america. all of these jews are a million wehrmacht jews including 150,000 jewish wehrmacht soldier families. nazi satanism perpetrator

these paranormal ahrimanic prehistory scum called themselves jews from 1932 to 1945 and killed 1.5 million children with their mothers in vienna and berlin. today in vienna you can see the behavior pattern, the behavior towards my mother and her children

the enemy of the viennese and european jews and zionists, these anti-semitism jewish tribes against our mother is the 600 years of enmity against iran. jews against iran, zionists hate against iran

راستی: هر جاکش سرشناسی هم که امروز زر میزنه من به رضا پهلوی رای میدم، یک کوسکش و یک برده سازمان سیا و سگ مادر جنده ماسونی است، میدونی چرا؟ رضا پهلوی خایه داره 5 تریلیارد سرمایه ملی گمشده رو برگردونه به ایران؟ اونم از بانکهای صهیونیسم بین‌المللی؟ بعدش هم آشتی و بخشش ملی جریانش چیه؟ مادر قحبه ها

داداش خارکوسده بازی و کولیگرائی را اسمش رو نگذارید شیعه و اسلام، شاشیدید به همه چی رفته، اینم من نمیگم، از من لات تر و چاله میدونی تر و لمپن تر آخوند دانشمند میگه. کونکش های بی ناموس

in 2010 i filed a criminal complaint against mahmood farahani, nasser farahani's brother, for terrorism and cooperation with ahmadinejad gypsy shiite sect.I have an hour of audio recordings including a stay at the police station. In 2018, the police officer said to me an hour later: We'll be in touch later because of cyber terror and dangerous threats. removing traces is a greater crime than NS revenge, denial

I have to go and will be back later in the afternoon

the austrian government thinks it can save itself with a thief, charlatan, fraudster and violent criminal. a scum convicted of tyranny and theft, nasser farahani and his wife were rewarded with 5 million euros black stasi murder attempt and torture money. to drive two women to commit suicide. Everything was stolen from us in 2002and my mother was left with a debt of 180,000 euros. presumably back then, with the help of the police/judges and the government

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2023

this is absolute fascism austria, in a europe that has known the ethnic origin and the origin of creation for centuries. americans give motivation: native iranians are jews armenians., elam rock art 5000 B. C.

The Bible (Genesis 10:22) claims the region is named for Elam, son of Shem, son of Noah but this has no support outside of the biblical narrative

Außerdem soll nach Genesis 7,11 im sechshundertsten Jahre des Lebens Noahs, im zweiten Monat, am siebzehnten Tage des Monats die Sintflut eingesetzt haben

Actually, in the 21st century, a racism that claims black color can't be a prophet's bloodline should be hanged. the back of shell is green

I got our internet purchase today, it will be an adventure to find the anonymous. genetic signs probably 1925-1935

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon

salvator rosa: nazi satanism elite is educated

آقا آریایی کودن ایرانی زمانی کم میاره میدونی چی میگه؟ میگه: کمال الملک سوژه ما بوده، قبیله ما بوده، غریضه اش و این مدرنیست مال ما بوده، تخت جمشید یعنی چی!؟ ببین کمال ما کی بوده

everyone who finances real estate loans and prosperity through the mauthausen camera stasi system is a repeat nazi offender

it has been done, austria promises vmat2 relatives millions of euros for vmat2 murders, with the help of balkan gypsy government and gypsy society iran, romanians and gypsies from balkan countries

i guess the gypsy government and gypsy judges and gypsy authorities killed him, davood sobhmanesh also for crimes against his sister, mother and daughter. rahim and ali gharib, toudeh and aksariat party networks vienna

i was 24 and my uncle davood sent me 20 books about persian writing in the last 700 years, actually a study: to identify the writing. yes, also an international correct business and national honor, preservation of cultural documents. uneducated trash like rahim amiri found nothing different than my family with wiener iranian. "international business"

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2023

I have to go, but it is thanks to the UN and international authorities that the rogue states of Iran and Austria are talking about "irrelevantness". in austria after treaties with allies in the 50s and in iran 40 years after mass murder

it's not a matter that it only affects one family, a dozen or a thousand families, it's NS repetition in iran and in vienna, racial degradation, racial torture, genocide, racial madness

and exactly this rubbish wants to become homeowners with iranian dictatorship and austrofascism, with salaries that in iran are not enough for food, and in vienna just enough for wurst




1. Unproduktive Staatsdiener vermehren nicht

den gesellschaftlichen Reichtum, sondern verzehren ihn

Karl Marx 

vienna is an example of this: we have to prevent certain races from having children, the sterilization policy from 1932. rana and barbad will not find partners. we made sure of that internationally. do you understand what's going on? the children become vi tims of of hundredfold violation of human rights. what is the pig doing in iran? calculate society genetically statistically, build hundreds of thousands of houses buildings and townhouses, and find victims, barbads and ranas race, financed by international fascism, freemasonry, darwinism and satanic sects. the salaries are not enough for daily food, how should the real estate be financed?

when rana and i were born, my mother was working, you know? she worked. iran has become a country of 85 million between 1979 and today where there is no work or many do not want to work, but the leadership has been saying since 1979: we have potential and capacity for 150 million. this is not only enmity but pure hatred towards iran.

references: Master Zahra Khonjmanesh. 1968-1986 iranian ministry of culture tapestry department

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