Sonntag, 22. Januar 2023

آخه سپاه خارکوسده هم از ترس کونش چسبیده به رضا پهلوی، بچسب به اینها خارکوسده تا نکشتیمتون مادر قحبه ها

these children shall become our leaders in the name of cyrus the great, not reza pahlavi

iranian opposition is not yet in iran and officially announces native vmat2 race is slave, we have debts to pay to west for construction. with native race in the system we have no chance. with kurds, azeris, luris, elamis, ahwazis and bluchis, gilanis as the leading native tribes

archemid dynasty were mazdak bloodline, my bloodline, a line from prehistory provable in vienna bosnia and cologne, sarajevo. indians and pakistanis, the indo aryan race the romano race, was never, never in any way related to us, only alexander spies and vmat2 murderers

the austrian state is not silly, it manifests and establishes indifference when it comes to iranian vmat2 human beings and race, as far as torture/murder and humiliation are concerned, without internationally active iranian fascism, vienna has no chance

what is the difference between father pahlavi and son pahlavi: he wanted to show european and american fascism and zionism teeth, the son shows a wide open asshole. hardly to compare

the future iran needs genius contemporaries as far as the economy is concerned, even iranian business bosses cannot conjure up an economic plan, concept or forecast. only we can. we are genetically different, mr reza pahlavi has nothing in him from the old days, total emptiness. i mean what concerns iranian ancient kingdom and royalty and dna and genes. he is not a hoveyda shapoor bakhtiar. as a leader he's just a cia scarecrow, with black money from vienna and the exploitation of my family

the austrian state is not silly, it manifests and establishes indifference when it comes to iranian vmat2 human beings, as far as torture/murder and humiliation are concerned, without internationally active iranian fascism, vienna has no chance

the austrian state is not silly, it manifests and establishes indifference when it comes to iranian vmat2 human beings, as far as torture/murder and humiliation are concerned, that can only be achieved with hundreds of millions of euros in black money. without internationally active iranian fascism, vienna has no chance

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon, but: Tara was an academic and I was the cab driver

« Qu’est-ce que cela peut faire qu’il soit duc ou cocher s’il a de l’intelligence et du coeur? »

„Was tut es denn, ob einer Herzog oder Droschkenkutscher ist, wenn er Geist und Herzensbildung besitzt?“

payeh or racial madness iran, fascism has been involved and schooled since 1968 by the cia, mossad and mi6

VMAT2: The concept of emotional intelligence is based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, the core idea of which was already referred to as "social intelligence" by Edward Lee Thorndike and David Wechsler.

The topic of "emotional intelligence" is therefore also a contribution to the discussion of the question of success in life and work

the same thing happened to my aunt Tara in washington in 1990, high-ranking double student with honors. pursued and murdered by the payeh. a car accident was simulated and her body was put into the car. nazi aryan iranian with ape origin brain, aryan iranian. CIA, NSA, agents like massih ali nejad

part of the functional iranian government is racial hatred, racial madness and mass murder, with dozens of mass graves of intellectuals, activists and journalists, poets, scientists. old native race, not an aryan race

this behavior has been racial madness since 1998 with the reasoning: they make a career and rise and leave us behind. the word "payeh" in iran means pillar and it means ambition and willingness, active action. viennese iranian and austrian government would not have had a chance without active payeh in iran. azadeh amiri has been working with payeh sects since that time, balkan gypsy sects.

Samstag, 21. Januar 2023

I have to go, enough for today

i was free jazz in iran politics, ruined and destroyed by aryan joke, ridiculous origin. the monkey

the left fist logic means: I see 100 stones in a shop, I choose six pieces and assemble the fragments of the story, an evolution partly manipulated by extraterrestrial and ahrimanic forces. How else do you explain dictatorship, war, hunger, suffering and torture? or stasi murder system psychopathy

i got my genes from bagher, skin color doesn't matter. bagher and my mother., we are all left handed elam

these stones lie up to billions of times on european soil for millennia, do you think that the iranian romano race (in silence) doesn't know it? 27 years of perseverance with your daughters, azadeh amiri breed is proof

Iranian art has deep roots in prehistory, but this is an Aryan joke about Vmat2 schitzoferenie namnes: rabbit

رضا پهلوی زنجیره جریان مارو گرفته بود سال ۲۰۰۲، افکار و پرنسیپ و انگیزه رو خوب درک کرده بود. که این "جاز" یا فری جاز نه با چپ سازش داره، نه با راست سازش داره و نه با سازمان مجاهدین خلق، این امکان نداره مثل خر ملانصردین از پله نره بالا سقف مملکت رو بریزه پائین. مادر جنده ها کوسکش قربتی سیاسی. گوه بگیرنتون

reza pahlavi has known me as an admin since 2002 in paltalk, my rooms and my users and my declaration of armed struggle and combat readiness against mass murder, or shall we say: native murder

in elamite nationalism skin color was never an issue, there was no difference white or black. only anti vmat2 psychopathy was called an animal or evolutionary animal, abnormal scum psychopathy animal woman and man. look at vienna today: government members are evolution animals and psychopathic vmat2 killers, with police secret services and judges

elamis were semites, even the language didn't exist anywhere else, but this black nationalism never had a place or chance in aryan nationalism or shiite nationalism. to the extent that for 600 years it has been written in high letters: iran was aryan and is aryan. fuck yourself

if you ask the americans what was the matter with him, then you will hear from austrians: he was ill, always in the springtime

i will tell you at easter what this part in old vmat2 schitzopherenia means. a scientific achievement? I have to study until then

actually, a nuclear reactor is our tribal right, the americans israelis and europe call it: phenomenon. fuck yourself

from the 20th century to the present 21st century, iran is the only holocaust, with a potential 10 times that of switzerland, which muhammed reza lahlavi the "anti-semite" also claimed (LOL) . a holocaust involving 15 million gypsies and 30 million genes manipulated

this purchased lava stone from gabon proves one thing: persian art and mythology has its roots in prehistory, so the goat and related tribes were the chosen ones, never isaac. what isaac is proving today in vienna with the ahrimanic financial system

so the goat and related tribes were the chosen ones. stone from gabun