Dienstag, 24. Januar 2023

I have a visit from two prophets and a child, it's better if I don't take sharper photos and open the gate in hd. i actually think an end of this world is better than if this goes on: grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren: we must find ancient race take vmat2 hostage, kill him or her and build house. my opinion is not small, I have listeners

You know, saying fondumentalist instead of fundamentalist is a brecht after a bottle of wine, nothing is more important than laughing at garbage

islamic embassy iran with several hundred dozen terrorist attacks are not fondumentalists with hussein gharib and ali gharib, i am the fondumentalist and terrorist because of vmat2. bastard american bastard EU supports financial plan of both, million euro amount with iranian ambassador

fucking american bastards and EU bastards with vienna, dirty blond blue eyed animals, we, my mother my sister and i are vmat2 fondumentalists and ayatullah regime involved in stasi finanz as serious partners?

in islam by ali shariati there was a certain straight logic inside, who came and killed 38,000 muslims right at the start? god's creation race iran? was it vmat2 without mercy, empathy and regret? was it ali shariati? fuck amerika cia nsa and EU, FUCK YOU

since 1998 my mother rana and i have been considered fundamentalists.... with 3 shops and successful lives. dirty darwinism beasts, dirty satanism in the name of atheism

the support of vienna by america cia nsa pentagon and capital fascism is the proof. the truth is: the monkeys are fondumentalists, monkeys without vmat2, and they use islam for ahrimanic murders and torture and plans

you are filthy inferior Aryan monkey race. hundreds of millions of mass murder projects on all continents was not enough. iran and near east, vienna with us is up to date

Aryan race is with its inferior tribes scum race, it proves this in the 21st century, stealing our existence and giving it to apes origin, while capital fascism thinks that the money was earned white, there was no black money

austrofascism no longer works in basements, but publicly in chat rooms. the statements and slogans are NS re-activation for decades, but the monkey origins are supported by the police, politicians, secret services, by viennese leftists and the green party. the austrian constitutional judges say: legitimate defense and self-protection, we killed 6 million because of religion and not because we were apes and this race was human

152 euro was beyond the affordable limit. but photos are sufficient as proof of our existence, from the primate time evolution

I have to go and will be back in the evening

prehistory stone, on ebay

we are vmat human with prehistory origin LOL

Ideologie Bearbeiten

Ein Indigo-Kind weise nach Carroll und Tober neue und ungewöhnliche psychische Merkmale auf, die ein bislang nicht bekanntes Verhaltensmuster ergäben. Es komme mit einem hohen Selbstwertgefühl und dem Wissen um seine Erhabenheit auf die Welt, akzeptiere keine (künstlichen) Autoritäten und reagiere nicht auf Disziplinierungsversuche, verweigere ihm unverständlich oder sinnlos erscheinende Handlungen, zeige Frustrationen gegenüber ritualisierten Systemen, gelte als Querdenker, habe Schulschwierigkeiten, werde von anderen als dissozial wahrgenommen und habe einen hohen Intelligenzquotienten. Auch sei es hypersensibel gegenüber chemischen Stoffen, beispielsweise in der Nahrung. Bei Indigokindern würden von Ärzten häufig fälschlicherweise kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Störungen wie beispielsweise eine Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) diagnostiziert. Anhänger dieser Idee empfehlen daher Eltern, auch entgegen ärztlichem Rat, auf eine schulmedizinische Behandlung dieser Störung zu verzichten. Carroll, Tober und andere einschlägige Autoren vermitteln den Eindruck, die „Ankunft“ der Indigo-Kinder sei Teil eines größeren spirituellen Prozesses, sie seien Vorboten einer neuen, hybriden, möglicherweise sogar außerirdischen Lebensform.[3][4][5][6

messiah child and the white horse. his blood and flesh is prehistory purity, uncontaminated by evolution.photo last week, tablet editing, deep inside

Montag, 23. Januar 2023

I have to go to sleep, but the power of persuasion to kill creation has also reached azerbaijan. no one should survive, we were all monkeys

iranian government and iranian embassy and imam ali mosque have been using secret cameras in our private rooms since 1998, even in intimate situations. with CIA American support

In 1932 these judges turned 6 million into nobody and today us? non human ?

Viennese judges are death factory manufacture, all judges networks are in death factory manufacture for native breed, indigo breed, again.this time with international judging collectives and community. supported from america

35 million vmat2 and one children are targeted by world terrorist america, the terror police, 35 million children alone, iran is involved with 850,000 children, with the help of the ayatullah gypsy government. that's why the 9/11 people should think about it, aren't school buses, kindergartens and schools better goals? why not the children and grandchildren of bastard european evolutionary race!? bastard psychopathy, bastard scum killer race and torturer race, inferior scum origin

آقا ما پرستو پایه یک داریم پایه دو داریم برو تا درجه بندی پایه ۱۰. جریان میشه این: پائیز پایه ۶ داره و رفته تو نخ ما. ایشون پشت موبایل با خیالات طلایی داره با ما حرف میزنه: بدبخت بیچاره ساک زدن ندیدی تا حالا، تو اصلا کوس دادن ندیدی، اگر تونستی بعد از ۳شب از کوسم بیایی بیرون ولم کنی، اگر تونستی یک شب پیشم بتونی نخوابی. لول.... خانوم پائیز من چون میدونم شب 15 چه کسانی بالا سرم وای میسن و بهم میخندند، منظور همون نامرد های مخوف که ما یکی رو با شوخی متلک و خنده به خنده میارن و بعد میکشن، و نه با نامردی، شب اول هم نمیام، دهنت رو باز کنی برای ساک زدن با کون میرینم توش. بگو پایه 10 بیاد، باز یک حکم دگر است

salman farsi and i slaughtered with the help of islam these dog and pig breeder tribes, tens of thousands, the same situation with double eagle vienna: psychopathic mass murderers race murderers with ahrimanic stasi financial business

حاجی قبل از اینکه برم: سینمای ایران خودش رو زده به "جاده خاکی" به سگ نصف جون میگه: ای هم قبیله، آی که خوار مادر بنفشه ها، شکوفه های بی نمک، آخراش شده دارن با باد بهاری قر کمر میان، میرقصن، هالیوود شده واسه ما بی پدر مادر