Sonntag, 29. Januar 2023

the genebiologists should make a random sample of us, vienna has already done it: there is no animal in us, no genetic manipulation and no ahrimanic laboratory experiments in the prehistory, no rat, snake, fish and other oddities that the aryan race is so proud of it. certainly not chimpanzee genes

that is actually the sign of collective unity when both become killers in solidarity with each other, the head and the body. through mind control program. elamis were gene researchers and americans and europe slowly learned prehistory technology from the 18th century

so she is an iranian citizen, my mother got her current birth certificate when she was 14 and she was registered in her passport as a daughter. what was and is in iran is the scum collective, network society in the service of international fascism. more whores than men, scum meat that calls itself: heir cyrus the great

anti forced hijab movement for me was a metaphorical meaning: they are breaking the walls of silence. i throw plates and dishes and say to this movement: go to fuck. Setting up a movement and then using mind control program to represent the interests of the CIA and international fascism in Iran is an old genetic disease

Glazed earthenware bowl with leopard depiction confronting serpentine figure, Northern Iran (possibly Tabaristan region), 10th century CE (Source:Facebook page ‎باستان شناسی و تاریخ مازندران- Archaeology and history of Mazandaran).

Samstag, 28. Januar 2023

آقا ما باید بریم بخوابیم، تا الان هم بیدار موندم و شستم رو کرده بودم در پریز وایرلس ببینم چی میگن مردم، خندم گرفت، اکثریتی کونده چادری چترومی فوری برای ما واژه پیدا کرد: آشغال عتیقه زیر خاکی. دهنتو نانجیب

کتاب تقدیم به سینمای ایران، پدر سوخته های آشغال و دوست داشتنی. پفیوز تواب آشغال دوست داشتنی بود یا اعدامی!؟ بیناموس، بی همه چیز بی نمک، تابلو های 40 ساله فسیل

what is written inside is far from explaining natural hatred towards vmat2, or fear of superiority, fear of greatness and charima. in vienna, 20 years ago, 80% green party sleepers were recognized, and 90%, viennese "leftists" under the sleeper, anti-semitic anti vmat2 movement with national socialist system and ideas as far as vmat human is concerned

Reza pahlavi and his followers have been a regular guest in my PLATALK (JAZZ_MAN_) chat rooms since 2003, along with hundreds of others, many of whom have learned political speeches, even populism, from me. without having studied populism history and neurolinguistics, just a copy of me also when it comes to armed struggle

It was the case in 1932 as it is today: the disenfranchisement caused many citizens to find in themselves psychopathy and killer instinct, I'm talking about activating sleeper genes again. Disenfranchisement means lynching in the 4000 year history. disenfranchisement is murder

Freitag, 27. Januar 2023

I have to go, but the other mystical eye against other dirty eyes, the pyramid system eye. you know which ones

i have to go to bed, but before that: the earth in vienna is like a fish tank that if you throw a goldfish in, a shark will come out later. what are people complaining about? I mean these lousy fascists!?

. Am 1. Juli 1943 wurden alle Juden im Deutschen Reich unter Polizeirecht gestellt, so polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert und völlig entrechtet, ebenso wie ihre Helfer

I have a message with today's photo: do not smoke and do not fuck without a condom, without ahura mazdanian protection you will die

why did the persians leave these artefacts? for zoology? for natural science? animal species research? or for information: avestan description of ahuramazdan rebel spirits?

a hundred million euros for 3 executions in western democracy and the rule of law, so that it says: we were right about mass murder for 40 years, we are the law and order

it is mojtaba khamenei with his israeli, american turkish and european friends that promises another 100 million euros to the vienna police for a coup d'état, exceptional status and execution because he has monkey blood and is not a seyyed, a prophetic tribe lineage like most israelis

. Am 1. Juli 1943 wurden alle Juden im Deutschen Reich unter Polizeirecht gestellt, so polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert und völlig entrechtet, ebenso wie ihre Helfer

science fuck you, dna race and genes has nothing to do with jewish history

what concerns ariai culture in iran and not the race

DNA from a man who lived in Ethiopia about 4,500 years ago is prompting scientists to rethink the history of human migration in Africa.

Identifying the genetic component of Jewishness—though controversial because the Holocaust was predicated on the idea that Jewishness was a genetic trait that could be eliminated from the German population—could have medical as well as historical value, Tishkoff adds, because many Jewish populations have high incidences of genetic disease. Knowing more about the groups' biological makeup could enable doctors to provide more informed genetic counseling to Jewish couples, or better personalize courses of treatment. Tishkoff notes that the little-studied Jewish populations of India, sub-Saharan Africa, China, and Burma weren't examined in the latest analysis. Ostrer says his team plans to include their DNA in a future study to complete what he calls "the tapestry of Jewishness."

i have to go but before that: in iran, many muslims become orphans in the mosque, for example because they can't find their new or even old shoes after the midday prayer, then the orphans look around and notice: three out of five in this mosque can't afford shoes

Während ich male, lasse ich meinen Körper draußen vor der Tür, wie die Moslems ihre Schuhe vor der Moschee. – Pablo Picasso

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2023

I have to go to sleep, good night

i am vmat2 the prehistory melchior version. since 2001 i have been protesting against mass murder, execution, torture, hunger and suffering, against persecution and terrorism. well, the iranian and austrian whores say today: that's an insult why aren't all vmat2 LOL

Reading and hearing the intrigues of black channels is tiresome for black networks. Every day a different tactical movement is troublesome, isn't it, Mr. Richter?

i bought an art object today, at first i thought it was an abstract howling buddha, then i saw no: a prophet beheading the idol, the false god, and a laughing buddha, and other things. a phenomenal piece that has been carefully crafted with love. I think 300 photos including editings are possible

he thinks about money all the time, transfer there, receipt here and fee there, transport, logistics and other things. in the evening he sends his cook 100 grams of truffles for the pasta sauce and suddenly he thinks: in singapore there is a vmat2, yes yes and in vienna there is also a family, what are you doing right now? what are you thinking of? to god and the world? go eat mc donald, go and buy kebab, go eat all you can eat with chinese, you are worth it. I eat like the pharaohs.

my hostage-taking (or there is me as a hostage) has been by terrorists for 25 years: capital fascists, industrial and wehrmacht zionists mafia and politicians. international vmat2 hunters and terrorists