Freitag, 3. Februar 2023

کولی بافت

آقا دید ایرن امروز نسبت به دین شیعه غلطه، والا خنده بازار بود، اینها  کردن جریان رو گریه و زاری. والا آخوند زر کولی بافتی میزنه، ما نه: آقا رفتیم جنگ قادسیه، دیدیم امام حسین اونور وایساده داره به ما میخنده، ما هم ریدیم به خودمون رفت، پیش خودمون هی میگفتیم: خوار مادر صلواتی شمشیر فروش نکنی، نزنی به ما، نکشی مارو تو مملکت کار و زندگی داریم، آقا یک دفعه حمله شد، دیدیم هی میخنده یه لگد میزنه دره کون ما، شمشیر از پهنا میزنه در کون ما میخنده، هی داد زدیم یا حسین یا حسین بیخیال، برو آریایی رو بچسب، نزن مارو بخند امامزاده، نزن برو اونور

این سه خط آخر حضور امام حسین در جنگ قادسیه رو تعریف میکنه. از بیخ مادر جندست، برای یک خونه با باغچه میرینه به منافع ملی و تمامیت عرضی و ملی گرایی، همین جنده. شیعه نبود ایرانی هم دگر وجود نداشت تا سال ۱۳۵۷. بعدش هم دیگه شیعه نبود، به معنای نژادی، کی اون بالا نشسته؟

if you want to know exactly: were imam ali and prophet muhammed, abuzar and his gang holy moles, creation race guardians . shemr and yazid and omar realized that too late.

جنده های چابک سوار

we fucked rahim in the ass with arabs and made azadeh a harem whore with her collective, with islamic government iran they have their golden times again

آقا سیاسی بودیم ها، هی میگفت خوشگلم و خوشگلم کج کلاه خان یارمه، ببین تیکه رو تو خونه، چی دااااارم. اینم کج کلاه خان کوس ننه زن اجنبی ایرانی، جنده لاشی اهریمنی وارداتی

hizbullah brother do 4 more rounds with nissan patrol i have an hour to do before i leave the apartment. I read old emails

آقا این زنها حالشون بد بوده زمان شاه، خوار هرچی مرد بود گائیدن با این انقلاب... لعنت به تو اشرف، که هم خواهر شاه بودی، هم زن مسعود رجوی، هم اشرف دهقان پفیوز

i have to go, but aryan in iran means psychopathy and mass murder, intrigue. it doesn't matter exile iranian in opposition or regime actors in iran

both native iranian, iranian ministry of culture 1972. under shah time there was a lower percentage of racism and antisemitism, today my mother is a victim of it. even my mother.

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2023

this psychopathy has to do with mass imports of other races, former emigrants feel like persians without history and roots. hatred is deep intrigue and mass murder: cyrus was not an israeli tribe but aryan romano gypsy. although israeli tribe is also a ridiculous one, 38,000 years ago there were no jews in israel, only us. in Europe. this city has disappeared like atlantis

Viennese Iranian psychopathic doctors in AKH and other hospitals heard my discussions live with secret cameras. already in my antique shop, illegally and with terrorist methods

I have to go to bed, but: after the second world war, no jew insulted the aryan race by name, do you know why? because none of my race exists among the jews anymore, only collaboration race and wehrmacht jew race that is only interested in business

that was certainly an Aryan whore named Dr. ashrafi, close relatives of austrian doctors. psychopathic aryan bastards

آقا طرف رو بردن بیمارستان تازه با خارکوسده تر از رژیم آشنایی پیدا کرد: آخه احمق دیوانه، الاغ، بی پدر تو این دنیا کسی نه به فکر شماست، نه به فکر حال شماست، نه کسی میدونه شماها کی هستین. سه روز وایسا تا بهت بگم چکار باید کنی. آقا بهنام هم یک دفعه دید یک چیزی رفت تو بدنش و بغضش گرفت گفت:شماها آدمهای خوبی هستی، تو زندان بدتر از این مارو میکشتن، بدجور با زجر و شکنجه مارو میکشتن. شماها آدمهای خوبی هستید

these actions are ahrimanic supremacy with ayatollah regime. the business of vmat2 torture and death

the world suffers from ahrimanic dark force, the monkeys also saw that with the corona vaccination, and a bastard paints caricatures of the prophet muhamed, with the opinion: the world suffers from islam. I would have burned his body after he was shot. look at viennese bastard journalism, dirtier than hebdo

viennese hizbullah drive past me every hour, at the front door with patience: when do you leave and when do you come home, regular hours. wiener journalism, charlie hebdo colleagues know nothing and have no idea about the cyberterror business. fucking viennese animals, fucking viennese animals, fucking aryan race, fucking austrian animals and aryan race

austrian women and their daughters have psychopathy because of death factory, you understand? with the help of the americans they set up mauthausen again for vmat2, cyberterror and chemicals. including women in the hospital

I've been walking around the city for 5 years, almost everyone walks past me as if nothing had happened. no 3 business ruined, no career, music career and no existence and life ruined internationally. the rest grins and laughs as they pass by. like the nazi doctors and killers in the hospital.... antique trade is an international business, antique carpet trade is also an international business

you could have changed the world with your unique intellect, intelligent and extraordinary spirituality, and you only write about nonsense on facebook. OK, I piss on this world that has become yours, 1 human among 8 monkeys. we are emamzaman's martyrs, against ahrimanic world order and no bill gates

میگم حاجی این جریان اشرف دهقان بود یا اشرف پهلوی؟ بلاخره ما نفهمیدیم سر آقا گوگوش به کدوم یکی میگه من و تو!؟

Americans have removed the trace elements from 500 chatrooms in Vienna as far as Rana and myself are concerned. Chat rooms Concerning austrian upper class with viennese networks. million euro profit income without risk and invest. this is a world dictatorship against iranian native and vmat2 race. this mass murder with cyberterror is a hundred times more serious than 9/11

many do not know that they are vmat2 carriers who are treated with respect, poisoned with respect, or killed in an artificial scenario and buried with respect. the result is an amount of hundreds of millions of euros, luxury life for killers with respect

Im Dunkeln bleibt Suhrawardis Verhältnis zu Frauen. In den biografischen Berichten gibt es – so weit ich weiß – keine Hinweise auf Liebesbeziehungen oder eine Ehe. Tatsache ist, dass Suhrawardi in seinen Schriften wie viele seiner Zeitgenossen eine auffallend frauenfeindliche Haltung an den Tag legt. Die wohl extremste Passage in dieser Hinsicht findet sich in Teil 2 seiner “Philosophy of Illumination”, wo er zuerst von den Vergnügungen des Geschlechtsverkehrs spricht und dann sagt: 13)

The two faculties of love and dominance are stirred so that the male desires to dominate the female. From the world of light, a love mixed with dominance occurs in the male and a love mixed with abasement occurs in the female in the proportion of cause and effect, (...) each desires to be united with his mate so as to lift the veil of barriers.”

حاجی لول نه سر دول بلکه سر این فول

به آنان که با قلم، تباهی دهر را /♫♫:::
به چشم جهانیان پدیدار می‌کنند
بهاران خجسته باد، بهاران خجسته باد /♫♫:::

و این بند بندگی، و این بار فقر و جهل
به سرتاسر جهان، به هر صورتی که هست
نگون و گسسته باد، نگون و گسسته باد /♫♫:::

به خویشان، به دوستان، به یاران آشنا /♫♫:::

Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2023

I have to go,.... but the hyena has a lot of killer baboons, apparently parasites were taken from baboon feces and planted in evolution, so the social behavior. 7 and 4 in carla, that makes 11. with me as a victim 12.fear of my child is number 13. the 13th tribe of god children. a mixture of 12 races. the chosen tribes

persian origin vmat2 flacon head. you dirty mother fucker plastik evolution bastard. bloody dirty mother fucker european stalkers and hunters. sick asshole aryan race

This painting came to us by chance and metaphysics in 2018, an ambition over my head, over my bed. this hyena... god save everyone from these hyenas, parasites and microbes in plastic man, in plastic man blood and flesh. Mass murderer. death factory farmer

look at the one percent prosperity in europe versus my person and my family, european millionaires with their children. where is the need for this action!? despite superfluous prosperity? the whore and the bastard is made of plastic. evolution plastic

bastard race sent plastic uterus plastic vagina to iran for millennia for genetic modification, aryan whores were sent to elam for cleaner work, harem whores and field workers. to one of the richest countries in the world at that time. today the protest statistics are up to 30,000 humans, not even supported by the 1%. 800,000!gene manipulated plastic iranian