Samstag, 4. Februar 2023

i have to go but how high is the pedophilia disease in aryan highlands!? isn't it xenophobia, genetic hostility, racial hostility? the silence about mass rapes of children in austria in the last 80 years has to do with what?

himmler trumpeted this on purpose: there are only two races in this world, the aryan race and the jews. what indirectly means evolution and creation, go and investigate. 50 years later vienna and berlin said: iran is liberated, iran rightly has a mahatma gandhi who ensures peace and order. and in fact khomeini, who was of indian origin, came and wrote immediately: sex with donkeys, sheep and camels is one thing, but sexual touching and sexual satisfaction with infants is permissible islamic behaviour. indo arian networks said: such a holy book! we native people and our infants have been raped and murdered by the tens of thousands.

I stop writing for today. good night

in the time of imam ali, "monafegh" had a deeper meaning, a distance. indo aryan sick islam uses this for xenophobic genetic psychopathy. what asghar farahdi and indo-arian race with vienna do with us is this: you are strangers and not from us, vienna also means the same: you are not austrian and not from us, so not iranian and not austrian. asghar farahdi makes us strangers with his celebrity gang and networks: we my mother rana and i were and never are iranian

these sick animals live in iran and are genetic xenophobia, iran is ours we are iranian and you are something different, iran was aryan today islamic aryan.......this crime in iran should have been stopped with 100 billion punishment islamic republic of iran, instead a UNO kurt waldheim flies to tehran and lays flowers at the grave of ayatullah khomeini

the man had seen genetic horror scenarios and genetic crossing. the result is what you see in vienna: 24 years of persistence, psychoptaic collective behavior, sociobiology: xenophobia. we smell different, our vmat2 and vmat1 chemistry stinks for some

death factory is murder, killer is bastard race, bastard race, bastard aryan race. this stasi system without evidence is death factory of aryan bastard race iran austria

i was especially popular in luristan as wired, wired to other dimensions and the guru

the aryan race in iran has been spreading justified hatred against race for decades, with the support of europe, america and israel. iranian leadership "rahbar" were genetically chosen before christ, like cyrus the great. also top military commands, generals and soldiers. even as children they were treated like raw eggs and educated and raised. as the honor and treasure of the land, the creation. today as underclass and unnecessary, many are with two dr. titles condemned to starvation. see vienna and wiener bastard psychopathy, with iranian bastard race in exile

تار عنکبوت قاتل ها

یک سری  دختر ها ما دیده بودیم که از سن شانزده سالگی به فکر تاب بازی نمی افتن، اونم تو پارک، اصلا به فکرش نمیرسه بره برای تاب بازی پارک، به چه مفهوم!؟ کدوم اراده، کدوم انگیزه؟ بعد میبینی یک سری خرس گنده چهل ساله با چند گنده بگ دیگه هرروز نشستن تو پارک برای تاب بازی، تااازه با کلی نفرت و کینه، با کلی عصبانیت، با کلی شعار در گردن کلفت نازنین: مرگ برحجاب اجباری، مرگ برحجاب اجباری، مرگ بر اسلام عربی، مرگ بر هرکی که گفت حجاب. لول

حالا جریان چیه: طرف هی لنگ رو میبره بالا میاره پائین با عشوه با خنده، با لوطی بازی، با شیرین بازی، مادر قحبه اصلا هنرمنده در جگر کباب کردن. بعد میبینه: نه، کسی نیست، کسی نگاهش نمیکنه، کسی محل به لنگ ما نمیذاره، پستون چیه، کون کیه، مو نشون ندی گیسو افشون نکنی کسی جلو نمیاد. جیگر کجا بود، جاروکش پارک هم سرش تو لاک خودشه. خلاصه موبایلش رو در میاره، ۴۰ ثانیه تاب بازی میکنه بدون روسری و میگه: سلام مسیح جون منم ماندانا از تهران و میخواستم بگم: مرگ بر حجاب اجباری، با امید  آزادی ایران، دوست داریم ادامه بده به سر نگونی و آخوند حجاب اجباری رو بکشون پائین. دوستاش هم میشینن هر وهر میخندن مثل بوزینه کنارش:، ما مو افشون نکنیم رو تاب، مارو نمیذارن با موهامون تار عنکبوت واسه باری درست کنیم!؟ خوارتون رو میگائیم. این تار عنکبوت هم واسه این میگم: شما ضد رژیم نیستید، خارکوسده هستین. دختر ایرانی های وین رو نگاه!؟ میگه: آزادیست و دموکراتی ست و "اتریش سکولار" ، با آزاده حرکت و جنبش و آزادی بیان داریم. تار عنکبوت بین المللی داریم. 

I only say that aryan race is evolution and apes origin, afro elam, luristan, kurdistan and other tribes prehistory creation origin. pull yourself up like monkeys, like monkeys on trees: "we're watching you"

iran is confronted with a gypsy race that definitely wants to save itself by being aryan. also in terms of looting, mass murder, torture and persecution of minorities for 40 years. vienna plays a big role in the sense that they pull gypsies up with being aryan and pull us down as jews/armenians. it is all supported by american fascists and israeli racists

finally we (i mean rana and i) got mAni today, mazdak nationalism with swastika signs is glorious. the way to us was god's work again, 50 euros at the flea market. how does that happen? I do not know

Freitag, 3. Februar 2023

I am multi-talented, in many professional branches, also in the economy, from 2008, the Austrian secret service on behalf of the ayatullahs ruined me internationally and repeated the boycott of Jews because of my bloodline

himmler's poznan speeches were secret speeches, the result of which was: viennese talked about decent and indecent citizens. NSA and CIA listen to all chatrooms. since i've been writing iranian are jewish armenians and vmat2 carriers, viennese have been taking examples of himmler's speeches again: indecent people are protesting in iran against democracy and the rule of law, and decent people are taking care of their lives and future.

this is also genetic programming and a shock strategy. nobody uses anything today. we are not in rome, and no one listens to christ. we are in ahrimanic stronghold of the 21st century. with hundreds of millions of followers. hundreds of millions in networks

the mayan calendar is complicated, but this one piece here genetically explains the end of mankind.. stone made in austria

میگه محل سکونت باید محل خوشبختی باشد، اخلاقیات رو عشق، دین و آئین و مذهب رو عشق، جامعه رو عشق، پدیده که پدیده نیست، ورپریدست... مردمداره. داداش زرورق تو عیب نیست، زرق و برق با اینها عیبه، جلو دوربین بکش، بیخیال هیچی عیب نیست، بشین کنار خیابون بکش

i was 17 and i secretly made time for carl gustav young, philosophy, etics and morality, personality theory and the collective unconscious. i didn't understand very much about it, but years later i thought the password of azadeh's email address couldn't be anything other than dabrab. the name alphabet rotation fits a paranormal thought module. these cups in drawers thinking modules are sometimes chinese

do you see the police in vienna? secret service, society, amiris and farahanis? gharibs? do you see the politicians in vienna? judges and civil servants? they won't leave the race, our race, my family alone until people die, eternal torture: attack for eviction of rana's apartment, attack and theft, attack with ayatullah's orders until dozens die, or let's say with the hope that only a dozen die. they don't dare to think in dimensions of 500 to 5000. like 9/11

when we kissed salman farsi on the forehead and said: bon voyage, see you in the afterlife or here again it was this case: azadeh amiri had 15,000 parasite whores and blackheads in the network, rahim amiri 30,000 and nasser farahani 50, the ponds, rivers and fountains were colored with red

کولی بافت

آقا دید ایرن امروز نسبت به دین شیعه غلطه، والا خنده بازار بود، اینها  کردن جریان رو گریه و زاری. والا آخوند زر کولی بافتی میزنه، ما نه: آقا رفتیم جنگ قادسیه، دیدیم امام حسین اونور وایساده داره به ما میخنده، ما هم ریدیم به خودمون رفت، پیش خودمون هی میگفتیم: خوار مادر صلواتی شمشیر فروش نکنی، نزنی به ما، نکشی مارو تو مملکت کار و زندگی داریم، آقا یک دفعه حمله شد، دیدیم هی میخنده یه لگد میزنه دره کون ما، شمشیر از پهنا میزنه در کون ما میخنده، هی داد زدیم یا حسین یا حسین بیخیال، برو آریایی رو بچسب، نزن مارو بخند امامزاده، نزن برو اونور

این سه خط آخر حضور امام حسین در جنگ قادسیه رو تعریف میکنه. از بیخ مادر جندست، برای یک خونه با باغچه میرینه به منافع ملی و تمامیت عرضی و ملی گرایی، همین جنده. شیعه نبود ایرانی هم دگر وجود نداشت تا سال ۱۳۵۷. بعدش هم دیگه شیعه نبود، به معنای نژادی، کی اون بالا نشسته؟

if you want to know exactly: were imam ali and prophet muhammed, abuzar and his gang holy moles, creation race guardians . shemr and yazid and omar realized that too late.

جنده های چابک سوار

we fucked rahim in the ass with arabs and made azadeh a harem whore with her collective, with islamic government iran they have their golden times again

آقا سیاسی بودیم ها، هی میگفت خوشگلم و خوشگلم کج کلاه خان یارمه، ببین تیکه رو تو خونه، چی دااااارم. اینم کج کلاه خان کوس ننه زن اجنبی ایرانی، جنده لاشی اهریمنی وارداتی

hizbullah brother do 4 more rounds with nissan patrol i have an hour to do before i leave the apartment. I read old emails

آقا این زنها حالشون بد بوده زمان شاه، خوار هرچی مرد بود گائیدن با این انقلاب... لعنت به تو اشرف، که هم خواهر شاه بودی، هم زن مسعود رجوی، هم اشرف دهقان پفیوز

i have to go, but aryan in iran means psychopathy and mass murder, intrigue. it doesn't matter exile iranian in opposition or regime actors in iran