Dienstag, 7. Februar 2023

A country with Mauthausen and a history of 1.5 million infanticides is targeting oriental crypto-Jews, also when it comes to looting, theft and murder by chemicals. all of vienna, including women and children, is enthusiastic about the financial project stasi secret cameras. hundreds of millions of euros with murder and manslaughter caused by cyber terror

what vienna has thought about: because of crypto jews, DNA jews no one exhausts suspicion because of antisemitism and holocaust repetition, gas chamber chemicals murder in hospitals. these families are muslims

in a nazi country with nazi women collective with this history and our ethnic origin vienna trumpets: this action was not anti-semitism with iranian, ayatullahs and hezbollah

azadeh amiri confirms theft of 280,000 euros with her family, azadeh amiri's aunt has been a court interpreter for 30 years and is in close contact with many viennese judges and their families


my post yesterday was not idiocy but psychology, after the theft of 280,000 euros with the help of iranian terrorists, this is the 4th state nazi looting. he me called today

in the last 5 years not a single civil servant and human rights activist in vienna was willing to hand over a sheet of paper proof of ayatullah/hezbollah cyber terror financial system and state terror stasi secret camera financial system. But as for Rana's ruin and her mother's collapse, everyone wants to work. because america says: jews armenians origin

my post yesterday was not idiocy but psychology, after the theft of 280,000 euros with the help of iranian terrorists, this is the 4th state nazi looting. he called me today

I've just been called by a bailiff, he made an appointment for tomorrow, in a country where no civil servants want to work in the case of dozens of human rights violations, and in a country that has caused me debts through 20 years of state secret camera stasi system. 32,000 euros debts

that's me, the photo is from yesterday, and the photo below bagher, melchior race iran. this is vienna that searches all iranian genetics like my sister and mother and sends DNA, GENES, BLOODLINE affiliation reports to tehran for NS activity. doctors and laboratories in vienna have been working on iranian ethnic statistics for 30 years. and it says: it's not us, it's the iranian and we can't do it and stop them

in america a barack obama becomes president and we have become 85 million with shit, with shit, although obama has nothing to do with old race. Iran has it and is more xenophobic than American fascism

7000 B.C. Great Persia Negro swastika, 🤣🤣🤣😋😋😋😛😛😛😛🤪🤪🤪🤪😝😝😝🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

کاربرد سواستیکا یا چرخ گردون در ایران سابقه طولانی دارد اشیای زیادی از ایران با نشانه صلیب و صلیب شکسته وجود دارد. این نماد در دوره‌های حاکمیت مزدایی نیز در ایران ادامه داشته‌است. در چند ناحیه ایران از جمله در کردستان و گیلان و خراسان بر دیوارهای سنگی کوه‌های کنده شده سواستیکا یا چرخ گردون وجود دارد که قدمت آن را بیش از ۷ هزار سال برآورد کرده‌اند. یکی از این دیوارنگاره‌ها در خراشاد بیرجند در دیواره کوه سنگ‌نگاره لاخ مزار است. حداقل یکی از سواستیکاهای آن سالم مانده‌است. بر این دیواره شکلهای متعددی کشیده شده که بعضی از آنها در اثر ترسیم‌های بعدی یا عمدی تخریب شده‌است. این نقوش و صدها عتیقه کشف شده در جغرافیای ایران که بر آن چرخ گردون نقش شده نشان می‌دهد که چرخ گردون نمادی که آیکون خورشید و مظهر چرخه زندگی و خوش شانسی است در ایران کاربرد بسیار کهنی دارد

before i go: i think this swastika elami figure was excavated in vienna or near vienna, like aztec maya and chinese and japanese artefacts. it is only sold as exotic and import. we have these origins even arabic and jewish semitic dna from vienna. where skin color and hair color didn't matter.

I have to go...... : but vienna/austria has represented the interests of the islamic government of iran as a consultant for 40 years, and says: as a ranking one economic partner, we have obligations towards iran.the viennese business mafia is only interested in gypsies from iran, in all branches of the economy. even in cyberterror stalking business with elami luri race. in vienna with iranian gypsy families, in tehran for 40 years. it studied immigration and eugenics for centuries, and current statistical genes dna and ethnic groups condition

Montag, 6. Februar 2023

I'll stop writing for today until tomorrow

iran is the only country on earth that needs a forced dna and genes and race origin ID card, otherwise there will be nothing left of cyrus the great and daraios the great, only fake material. This card is intended to ensure that only Iranian should be active in the government apparatus and system, native Iranian and the tribes

well, that's also gypsy hussain khan, from gypsy ghazvin village, mediator between israeli black market mafia, nsa cia and vienna in race trade with secret cameras, Farahani tribe race, nationalists and patriots, both sayings a deep origin, meaning and explanation. a great man in vienna. the brother of ali gharib

daffinger was an excellent viennese painter and painted a great man, iranian ambassador. in hamam he and his family were a key figure in the MIRZA TAGHIKHAN FARAHANI murder case. should we prove it, mr. richter and mrs. richter? iran should research the close tribal relationship to vienna assassins. faramnfarma parties toudeh and then aksariat party, and amiris

daffinger only painted portraits of important men and women, in this case an important man for vienna, not for teheran

he bought real estate through his daughter that doesn't go hand in hand with a salary of 1800 euros and a pension of 800 euros, this fascism has prevailed in iran for 40 years. billion euros capital of the networks of iranians abroad can be compared: when Mr. bean appears in a ball tailcoat at opera ball. just laugh and laugh

very often iranian poetry (even lyrics) is in paranormal sarcasm, two tracks, three tracks, even in 4th dimension. the whole thing is an exchange of feelings between the aliens and elam and luristan. this dark sarcasm is disgusting: i destroyed you and will destroy you

آقا ما امروز سوزنمون گیر کرده بود رو همیرا.... هرچی کوسکش هم رد میشد از کنار ما میگفت این دیوونست، دیوونست، دیوونست. مادر قحبه ها

من از اونام که عشقم تو راه عشق فدا بشم
دستی بکش روی سرم که عاشق نوازشم
من از اونام که با کسی اگه که هم نفس بشم
فرقی برام نمی کنه زندونی قفس بشم
دل که بهت سپردم برات قسم که خوردم
دیدی که راست می گفتم وقتی که رفتی مردم
وقتی که رفتی مردم
دل که بهت سپردم برات قسم که خوردم
دیدی که راست می گفتم وقتی که رفتی مردم
وقتی که رفتی مردم
با یه قسم پوچ می کنم مال و منال دنیا رو
این روزها با تو دوست دارم بی تو نمی خوام فردا رو
یه روز نیای که دیر بشه عشق تو پیر پیر بشه
یا بمیره تو شهر عشق یا اون ورا اسیر بشه

i was in carla today, the purchase was 32 euros, everyone was very friendly, for a good reason: those who carry the gallows cord in their hands are always quiet, polite, elegant and never scold. so torture vienna for 40 years iran with iranian psychopathy, the spine of this psychopathy are several opposition parties and in iran active and ruling reformists with sepah

ok, now i have to go, it was on my stomach since this morning

i have a question for singer googoosh: when you came to vienna in 2001 to sing for the first time, with the help of the iranian secret service, did you know from my family what was going on from 1998? with faeze rafsanjani agents!?

حاجی هنوز نرفتم بیرون، ببین این دیگه چی خونده... مرده ایم از این همه کنایه.. آخه به ما چه تو فلانی

i have to go, but this time calls for rob wega and cobra units. you Viennese judge. I mean for eviction, looting and theft. also because of debts that vienna caused for us

that's my jewish blood share, starting capital from rana 4000 euros, for rana. 20 boxes

this sabotage extends to theft two thousand and eight, 280,000 euros were stolen from me with the help of the amiri family and viennese judges, without prosecution aggravated theft and attempted murder. i posted the voice of azadeh amiri, 2017. no reaction from wiener iranian or UNO and amnesty international. of aryan monkeys evolution law organizations.
