Freitag, 10. Februar 2023

i talk legitimately and justifiably about auschwitz methods and camp crimes in iran, in partnership vienna/berlin. nazi crimes iran with the help of EU. against our race "JEWS/ARMENINAS" bloodline

these spirits in water grail (photos taken with cell phones) are the reason for human experiments in ausschwitz tehran, a facility 20 meters underground, north of tehran, shielded and protected against satellite espionage. one is first examined ethnically and genetically, and then observed non-stop, in case of strange action and abilities you will be held hostage for years and then killed.

The Viennese judge collective right now: magic and sorcery is allowed up to a certain point, with more incomprehensible action you have to look at whether it is harmful (namely that we are the apes origin race) I ask now: where is the certain straight line, and where is the limit? 10,000, 100,000 or a million? because black magic is sold legally in europe, america, israel and the west from 500 euros to a million euros

what's going on in vienna at the moment: the viennese secret services feel free to act and operate after all international including international authorities have turned away, that's why they want to throw an austrian citizen, no dual citizenship, only european citizens on the plane and handed him tehran's atrocities for secret human experiments. with the support of CIA and NSA and MOSSAD. I need an arsenal of weapons and bunkers for self-defense

یعنی ما پارک ملت می نشستیم بعد با این ناصر فلان بهمان شده خرفت میرفتیم کاباره و کرم کون سارکاسم رو نمیفهمیدیم چیه؟ نه؟ باشه... طاهره خدا بیامرز بود هی میگفت چرا آقا باقر هی میگه این یک روز پرزیدنت میشه، بچه رو لوس کرده. حالا ببین مارو کردن جهود ارمنی


in the early 80s the european states were very busy to take revenge on iranian, so much contaminated blood and plasma was sent to iran that these people thought: with 500,000 hiv infected injured we reach 15 million aids patients in iran. that went wrong, because for hiv infection you need more than 1% neanderthals in the body. the next step: kill these 38,000 intellectuals, they make us sick with their existence. always fuck well with a condom you over 2%

I have to go, but before: today this tribe is unable to buy houses with their own intellect and intelligence, it happens again, this collective needs our race differently again

before christ the aryan revolution race from scandinavian countries europe was gypsy race, plunder theft murder war was because of inability to found cities and states. hunger and illness were the order of the day. pity brought iran only misery, isamization iran an inevitable strategy. from 15th century this race accused jews and other races as gypsies, out of complex. history and... m

کولی شد؟ آورین آورین آورین

شهاب الدین یحیی بن حبش بن امیرک ابوالفتوح سهروردی، ملقب به شهاب‌الدین سهروردی، معروف به شیخ اشراق[۱]، شیخ مقتول و شیخ شهید[۲](۵۴۹–۵۸۷ ق / ۱۱۵۴–۱۱۹۱ م) فیلسوف نامدار ایرانی[۳][۴][۵][۶][۷] اهل شهر سهرورد زنجان است. وی از بزرگ‌ترین فلاسفه تاریخ ایران است که حکمت خسروانی ایران باستان را احیا کرد. وی در اصول فقه و فقه نیز ید طولایی داشته و شاعر هم بوده‌است


I was 8 and my grandfather's neighbor dug a well in the basement for irrigation of the garden. this came out from 4 meters deep. my grandfather put it in my hand and said: now you have a bell, you goat. that was also like poetry, goats are loud, even when they write poems. For some, the poetry piece is an inner drive, for others, an inner desire

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2023

I go to bed with nostalgia, it's on repeat, endless loop. maybe i wake up in 70s and kill khomeini

emam ali put his hand in the fire for us, as did hussein hassan abuzar, abbas and others. they stood next to us, for 40 years sister whores mother bastards have founded a republic and say to our race NAJES, NAJES. gypsies founded a republic with khomeini from india and call us najs.

the americans say next to israelis: iranian nationalism is more dangerous than the ayatullah regime, they don't mean the aryan monarchs and reza pahlavi supporters, but 20 million young iranians.

Do you understand, my mother was hated more than haj gassem's mother because of my birth. the reason is compromise readiness in afghanistan crisis CIA US army and hezbolah 1998-2002. apparently compromise is innate. I do not have it. i always said fuck america in afghanistan, syria iraq, in the great persian gulf or somewhere else

the austrians and romano aryan race iran talks about "aryan freedom". what does aryan freedom mean? 1200 to 2200 euros salaries against successful people? exploitation plunder sabotage, theft?

who was in bosnian pyramids who built them? iranian vmat tribes and other or aryan race, clarification in europe america and israel: when will racial persecution, vmat2 humiliation and terror stop?

i have a theory but far from iran to prove it: mazdaki line was royal archemid line, and salman farsi from a mazdaki monarch family... aryan intrigue exploitation and psychopathic system led iran towards islam. see vienna tehran today and sympathy for cyberterror against our race, and terror for 40 years

مملکت رو نگاه کن، باز شدیم شوهر خواهرخودمون، حرف هم نمیشه زد

آقا گفتیم برو ببینیم چکارمیکنی، سه بازی حد و مرز ندارد...

برخی از محققان او را از خاندانی مزدکی می‌دانند[۹] و برخی معتقدند از طبقه برگزیدگان جامعه مانوی بوده‌است.[۱۰]در برخی منابع از شهرهایی چون شاپور[۶] یا دشت ارژن و رامهرمز[۱۱] به عنوان زادگاه سلمان فارسی یاد شده‌است

when in the last 25 years has the austrian government treated me as a citizen? with full rights and equal opportunities? never. therefore: because I am a native persian GENE/DNA

if i start 5 scientific projects on my own, with an investment of 15 million euros, then the aryan race vienna tehran has only one function: i ring the bell when coffee and tea are needed, despite their academic education and dr. title. no chance, secret camera psychopath says: it's me, i do research, i publish, i am the inventor 🤔

this is the aryan race with the iranian aryan romano families, she writes: you are unique on a spiritual and emotional level, and with this justification this family is destroying us internationally with cyberterror. on behalf of international, european/american/israeli/austrian and iranian secret services. with a bounty of several million euros

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2023

حاجی جگر مادر زیاد کباب کردی ها.... ❤️😏

I have to go, but before that: for thousands of years the blue eyes and blond hair have been saying with their black-haired tribe relatives: this depth is not right, where is the end, where is the limit, where is a rational behavior with these feelings?

حاجی واااااایییییی، بیگی منو

holocaust in iran is because of love in the blood, vmat blood

do you understand? we iranian are forbidden israeli, with hundreds of thousands martyrs, murdered under torture and humiliation, in holocaust iran

this is a monkey circus, not a single israeli citizen was killed by the ayatollah regime, worse, in vienna both are business partners together as race dealers. our race the jewish armenians, the original ethnic israelis from europe, inhabitants of vienna in prehistory

my political actions in vienna and organizing was justified, a duty and a privilege, insofar as i have the right to live in iran without mass murder and threats of genetic racial cleansing, without persecution of genetic minorities. As you can see, even in Europe, I have no right to exist as a human, we are a family without human rights and civil rights. hide evidence strategy for 20 years proves it