Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

the element fire is spiritual ability, electromagnetic spectrum, have we lost the ark of the covenant or have you? what's going to happen with azadeh? ghaladeh?

was i in the position of my lord and king to free you from the 7 demons? no, i am a simple persian

as the lips talk about life, it is also marked: it was never me means i was and am never in this world. photo 2008, rooster and duck crossing, a paracite union of two bird paracite species. tablet editing lips...

ask the austrians: you support iranian in vienna in racial lynching and in 1988 you didn't help the ayatullahs? for international silence until today? left hand elam!?

this mass flow in vienna, this collective always flows in the direction of bloodbath, rogue states and dictatorships as soon as it corresponds to the country's interests: national honor based on racial annihilation vmat human

vienna never had anti-fascist movements, never in vienna. otherwise i would have become a member of some party in the 90s, so it's nonsense that the viennese networks claim: we have anti-fascist movements that had never seen anything, from the iranian and from us

this is the reason for an emergency: what was in prehistory? who are you nazis and who were and are we? No more fascism and taboo: prehistory. darwinian nazis. i will be 48 in 6 days, and i think: these crazy people know luristan from history, they had blood in their penises until they were 140

Jörg Haider had less effect on the restoration of national honor, national pride, prosperity based on vmat2 and Jewish Armenian race, ÖVP and SPÖ were up to 90% involved with a mayor. Listen to the conversations in chat rooms today, all layers of society, even ex-whores

there is current antismitism and fascism in both countries, the whole stasi auschwitz protocols have been tolerated by the international authorities for 20 years. with the promise: there is no registered and recorded evidence, no files even at interpol and europol

i don't know how many viennese will cry when they recognize their mothers, i guess enough in chatrooms

as a reminder of that time, i bought a hundred photos today for stasi women in chat rooms, sitting next to the viennese judges, politicians and police officers. Viennese women in a brothel in the 90s

my sharp observation was: until 2003 all erotic studios and brothels were full of Viennese women, the statistics decreased, from 2006 not a single Viennese woman was to be seen in erotic studios, or on the street or in hotels. I estimate 70% have received government orders: private secret sex recordings through simulated partnership, wife, mother, friend actor in Stasi methods financial vienna, the number of homeless men and mentally disturbed men has been increasing since 2006. Madhouses are full of ruined, paranoid depressed fat men.

there is current antismitism and fascism in both countries, the whole stasi auschwitz protocols have been tolerated by the international authorities for 20 years. with the promise: there is no registered and recorded evidence, no files even at interpol and europol

actually forbidden school education or the inaccessibility of a school to learn, inaccessible information is the reason why the second half of the brain mechanism unlocks itself, it is called shamanism naturopathy, and naturopaths. Many medicine men and gurus on all continents suddenly healed with a mixture of spices, plants, fruits and vegetables. Without human experiments or cases of death, they healed intuitively and instinctively. dr C. Sturm collected knowledge worldwide. some he published and some were secret for the pharmaceutical industry

کونتو به من نشون نده، کون جلو من تکون نده، از کون تو دفتر من اومدی؟ از کون وارد شدی؟ چی کاره هستی؟ پروژه شق القمری داری؟ خلاصه جریان کون و یه تکون و بتکون تعلق داره به ماقبل از تاریخ حاجی، نی ناش ناش، ناناشناش ناش ناناناش. دم عقاب میزنه بیرون حالا

Whether it manifests as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety or anorexia, mental illness is a medical condition. It affects a person's thoughts, mood and daily life -- often negatively [source: National Alliance on Mental Illness]. Even so, mental illness has been part and parcel of some of the world's most creative minds. We'll explore why on the next page.

this work and composition is unbearable, while i put no crystals on the second composition, for unworthy? inferior thieves and charlatans that even copied our garden architecture? 8 paradise? in the name of europe ?

Samstag, 11. Februar 2023

i have to go, but before that: auschwitz and mauthausen was built up from naturally reduced origin, from monkey evolution origin. to reduce the natural high intelligence and high intellect namely creation

Plan B schizophrenia: Unfortunately for some patients, as time passes, people who received radiation therapy may begin experiencing deficits in their learning, memory, and spatial information processing abilities. The learning, memory, and spatial information processing abilities are dependent on proper hippocampus functionality. Therefore, any hippocampus dysfunction will result in deficits in learning, memory, and spatial information processing ability.

let's put it this way: intelligence can be reduced by poisons and medicines, intellect with simple words is called disability. logical discussion and solutions in simple formulas are considered worthless. i live in a country with secret forced sterilization policy until the 90's

Non-stop secret camera action is surgical intervention for ethnic mass murder. the laughter program is for glorification

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی یک روز داشتم تیم ملی بسکتبال رو تماشا میکردم دیدم یارو آریاییه به ایلامیه پاس نمیده، تکروی میکنه. گفتم غصه نخور اینها پستون رو هم از ما برای والیبال گرفتن و تکروی میکنن. شب بخیر

خلاصه ما که اگر از اینها همه جا خبر نداشتیم خر میشدیم پاریس هم میرفتیم در مراسم مجاهدین خلق صندلی هم میچیدیم، مادر جنده ها، شما گوزو ها کجا نیستید؟ کجا فرقه ی لانه فاشیستی نساختید؟ در حزب کمونیست کارمندی حکمتیسم؟ مینا هم که با دارو دستش فاشیست نیست!

we are confronted with this in iran and outside of iran: veiled everywhere, under different political names and colors everywhere, everywhere with one goal: iran was aryan, iran is aryan. also represented in all iranian authorities, parliament and military

the mishap in history has become our undoing: around 10,000 bc when the nazi ari tribe (related tribes in iran) taught the evolution craft and education for manpower. today it says: I'm Aryan you nothing

the result of unanswered mass murders in iran and the glorification is the legalized cyberterror financial auschwitz program, in europe and america against our race

no matter sunni or shia our showbie tribes were never traitors to iranian history, that's how shahab suhrawardi starved to death because of these statements: our achaemenid kings were light bearers like zaratustra and prophet muhamed and others

this story is also today: auschwitz camp iran for naghi and the race: non-stop surveillance and punishment and torture, ayatullah regime with vienna and berlin

I have these suspicions: the ponds of vienna's 10th district were not built by romans because of stone quarrying, but an ancient garden was destroyed, built in prehistory, all traces removed. but everything is still underground, up to the pillars of palaces. photo: passargad architecture, in times of cyrus the great

our ethnic origin, the mixed race is marked in iran and austria, from 8+4 utopias, it is called golden age in greek mythology

کی گفت: اینم هشت خلد بیا حالا کیر من رو بخور؟ چهار تا دیگه اش هم + بیر میشه بش خلاصه پیشکش