Montag, 13. Februar 2023


یک کم از وطواط هم بخونید ببینید از نبض دویم جامعه چی میگه، نبضی که ضد آدم کشیست، ضد خونریزیست ولی پیکره جریان رو میخواهد نگه دارد، میدونی کیه؟ گروهک های جانباز و از خود گذشته: زن در جامعه. با مهربانی و عشق ورزی و صبوری چنان ضربه های مخوف میزنند که زمان مرگ به این فکر میکنی: بریم جهنم بهتره، جنایت محبت و عاطفه از کونمون با خون داره میزنه بیرون، یا شیطان بزرگ

اگرچه اصطلاح بنیادگرایی در کاربرد عمومی شاید به صورت طعنه آمیز در مورد یک گروه ایدئولوژیک افراطی، یا جنبش‌های نژادی افراط‌گرا که انگیزه‌های به ظاهر مذهبی دارند به کار برده می‌شود، این اصطلاح در واقع معنی دقیق تری دارد. واژه «بنیادگرایی» به معنی بازگشت به اصولی است که معرف یا اساس یک ایدئولوژی است

آقا جریان و جنایت بعد از آزاده قرار بود این بشه ها، ما هم زدیم به جاده خاکی و چاله میدون بازی، گفتیم برو تو یکی در کونت رو بذار خارکوسده

mysticism has a poetic language and answers to everything, with an unbelievable millisecondary flow of thoughts, it has hate and disgusting feelings in the stomach, even when it comes to black magic and dragon network society...

Ancient magical artifact (a bowl) depicting demons, ringed with Aramaic. Found in Iraq. From the University of Pennsylvania Museum *collection

To whet your appetite: According to scholar B. Barry Levy, the ancient magical artifact at the right “was prepared to protect Abuna bar Geribta and Ibba bar Zawithai from a series of evil forces. Its writer drew his power from the garment of Hermes and the Creator of heaven and earth. He threatened the destructive forces with the curses of the Leviathan and Sodom and Gemorrah.”

میگم نکنه باید بشکنم دستم رو حاجی؟ جون حاجی بشکنم!؟

سپهر از بهر آن دستم شکسته

که نگشایم گره از کار بسته

همه از دم فرهنگی، همه شجریان گوش کن، آره؟ آقا شما شانس اوردین ما ایران نموندیم بازجو بشیم، همچین مثل چارلی چاپلین با آهنگ سیمین بری بازجوئی میکردم ازتون که خوار مادرتون میشد یکی و به عمت تا آخر عمر میگفتی مامانم اینا. دیوونه بازی هنوز ندیدن، اینها تازه کارند، جن واست میاوردم جلو چشت پائین که بفهمی خوارکوسده بازی یعنی چی، دیگه واسه من بازی در نیاری شجریان گوش کنی

This million-year-old stone from Gebun explains the "elemental expressiveness" of the Armenian painters.

anyway, god said to abraham: wait, kill barbad and let simone and azadeh live, for a perfect world in the future

In the world hunger crisis, the UN works as a mediator and intermediary between all parties: in first world Europe, in Vienna, the simple Aryan family cannot afford real estate, is the sacrifice of Rana and Barbad and his mother not justified? we have enough flesh and blood from the third world

goldfish is a freshwater goldfinger that works wonders in saltwater, halal, kosher, academically, without letting 10 million starve to death in one year

یارو نمکیه میگه: جاکش تو از آب شیرینی چجوری وارد سرمایه سنگین شدی؟ معجزه هستی بیناموس؟ سرمایه چجوری وسط ما بهم زدی جلب، چیکاره بودی چه کار کردی با دوزار سرمایه؟ خلاصه پتیاره های بیشرف رو کردن قوای ضد معجزه

i have to go, but before that: vienna is a beach in front of the sea where you never reach the water as a goldfish. alfred kubin

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

I have to go to sleep, this sarcasm is always disgusting

حاجی شعر نخون، بگو تو روح بابات سگ برینه که اونم زیادی پول خورد....

over 15 million euros has been donated to azadeh and her family with the support and help of three world religions and these people still claim to be god worshipers and not spirit worshipers

حاجی نشنوم الان داری سیمین بری واسه باری میخونی

three world religions are occupied by aryan and indo aryan races next to jews, we the genetic zarathustans should die as kafir in democracy secularism and constitutional state? through azdeh's spirits help? you do not worship gods but a lousy spirit cleverly nested in the lowest strata of society

the element fire is spiritual ability, electromagnetic spectrum, have we lost the ark of the covenant or have you? what's going to happen with azadeh? ghaladeh?

was i in the position of my lord and king to free you from the 7 demons? no, i am a simple persian

as the lips talk about life, it is also marked: it was never me means i was and am never in this world. photo 2008, rooster and duck crossing, a paracite union of two bird paracite species. tablet editing lips...

ask the austrians: you support iranian in vienna in racial lynching and in 1988 you didn't help the ayatullahs? for international silence until today? left hand elam!?

this mass flow in vienna, this collective always flows in the direction of bloodbath, rogue states and dictatorships as soon as it corresponds to the country's interests: national honor based on racial annihilation vmat human

vienna never had anti-fascist movements, never in vienna. otherwise i would have become a member of some party in the 90s, so it's nonsense that the viennese networks claim: we have anti-fascist movements that had never seen anything, from the iranian and from us

this is the reason for an emergency: what was in prehistory? who are you nazis and who were and are we? No more fascism and taboo: prehistory. darwinian nazis. i will be 48 in 6 days, and i think: these crazy people know luristan from history, they had blood in their penises until they were 140

Jörg Haider had less effect on the restoration of national honor, national pride, prosperity based on vmat2 and Jewish Armenian race, ÖVP and SPÖ were up to 90% involved with a mayor. Listen to the conversations in chat rooms today, all layers of society, even ex-whores

there is current antismitism and fascism in both countries, the whole stasi auschwitz protocols have been tolerated by the international authorities for 20 years. with the promise: there is no registered and recorded evidence, no files even at interpol and europol

i don't know how many viennese will cry when they recognize their mothers, i guess enough in chatrooms

as a reminder of that time, i bought a hundred photos today for stasi women in chat rooms, sitting next to the viennese judges, politicians and police officers. Viennese women in a brothel in the 90s