Samstag, 18. Februar 2023

What two pennies Iranian anti-Semitism and fascism currently raises with Viennese academics is: mass murder attempts and establishing genetic minority persecution with financial advantages

آقا ما بریم، برای امروز بس است. ولی شانس اوردین، والا بخدا، به ابوذر قسم اگر من بودم هر دو رو تیربارون میکردم، مملکت با یاوه آکادمیک و لطیفه آکادمیک به باد رفت... بفرما ته موندش احمدی نژاده که مثل وزق داره سایت این جانب آقای جهود ارمنی رو میخونه با قورباقه های پا دراز تر از کوتوله وزق: آخوند

بعد از فیلم سینمایی مصطفی چمران، خلاصه این هم جلال طالبانی، رودرواسی کم داشت با عاطفه گرگین... نازت رو برم کورده.. لطیفه، شکوفه... لول

آقا الان فیلم سینمائی و جنگی تمام شد، نقش اول هم یک یاوه آکادمیک دیگه بود، یاوه از آمریکا رفت ایران و پا گذاشت به پاوه. مثل آزاده خانوم با باباش: حاضر به این هستن سر مزاحمت و لطیفه های یهود ارمنی های ایران شهید بشن.

Do you understand? 1968 to 1988 was academic work. academy

these last 20 years 1998 until now is academic work, by whom? from academic associations spö övp fpö green party, by whom?from the Viennese Doctors Association, from whom? by 3 secret services, by whom? by the Viennese judges' association, by whom? by BSA, by who? by young austrians, girls and boys, by whom? by vienna universities, professors and students, by whom? by social worker, by whom? from vienna zionist women movement, from whom? from church, from whom? from synagogues

apart from the last 20 years, i have been living in vienna under dictatorship for five years and the worst violation of human rights in europe in the last 50 years, NS repetition in the EU. for five years aryan race austria/iran has been saying: our target is a muslim and a murderer, barbad is a muslim and a murderer when he finds out what we did to his mother and sister.

and today, as you can see, aryan fascism achieves two goals with one shot and says: you as a muslim killed, you muslims killed, you muslims are murderers, barbad farahani is a muslim and a murderer. We did not do it! current fascism from iran says it, current free nazi organization in tehran sitting next to ahmadinejad

people read books or magazines from some journalists and ignore this fatwa and 30,000 imprisoned! tens of thousands were killed within a few weeks, this fatwa!30,000 people killed without protest and without punishment. it takes 20 years of work to achieve silence from the international community. 20 years of precise strategic plan keeping. 1968 to 1988. These twenty years of work are scientific 16 books to explain what was implemented between 1968 and 1988. see vienna since 1998 until today 2023

Freitag, 17. Februar 2023

is it a vmat2 joke: in vienna's 10th district there are certain trees where you can eat branches and roots and even make tea? who lives on his "own ground", and doesn't know that: holy ground, holy forest spirit, holy trees? photo just now

حاجی چی بودیم چی شدیم با این یه تیکه چوب..... 2020

who are you that you need houses and don't want to live in state-subsidized apartments? Who are you? who are you that rented apartment is below your level? what are you worth

science is an infinite ocean, current status ridiculous, physicists and mathematicians still in mongolid phase for next 1000 years

this race never gets rid of this feeling, what you see here, there are secret societies and governments, intrigues that make these creatures willing to die, in wars, in distress, in race wars. 85% are willing to die because they will never get rid of this feeling. millions have stood at the gates of persia for thousands of years.... behind alexander and others to create a way, to things, to tools and buildings, to feel even more miserable for himself. or to my apartment: what does he do when he thinks he's alone

5000 years ago the aryan race had no food and today no houses.... my race is responsible for evolutionary prosperity, like in 1932 in europe

کون لخت مادر قحبه، کون لخت چپ نمای کوسکش، فاشیست دهن گشاد جنده زاده، چپ نمای کونی

aryan evolution man the fascist is still a looter today, the fascist. it can take care of itself without our existence, then 5000 years ago because of food and today because of houses

in no case does fucking old fascism, fucking ahrimanism want to have seen that, himmler said: our actions have deep roots in history, I'll show you the story: evolution has not been able to take care of itself, and has always depended on our presence. prehistory man and aryan evolutionary man. this truth shall be erased away. you are sick, hideously sick beings

شعبون جعفری بی مخ بود، آره؟ ولی خدائیش کون لخت ولد زنا رو میشناخت. مادر قحبه های بی آبرو

iraj eskandari a high tudeh party member said after leaving the party: you have been fascists since 1920 and not communists... until today

tudeh party is an old fascist party, demonstrably turned into communists after stalingrad, into a secret service organization with the camouflage screen of the communist people's party. today members of the social democracy mafia europe and vienna, international solidarity in persian vmat2 target extermination. this is actually exactly what happened in vienna berlin: all nazi academics became social democrats in the post-war period. i was the only side event in vienna, "the hardliner"

Obwohl bis 22.00 Uhr angemeldet, wurde die Demonstration laut Polizei um 20.50 Uhr abgebrochen, da sich unter den Teilnehmern auch kleinere Gruppen, sogenannte "Hardliner", befunden hätten. Mit deren radikalen Botschaften hätten sich die Veranstalter nicht identifizieren wollen. Das Ziel sei zwar dasselbe, doch man wolle keine Gewalt, so Hashemi dazu. Trotz des vorzeitigen Abbruchs verlief die Protestaktion störungsfrei.

به علی قسم اگر من زر مفت زده باشم.. یا بزنم. از زبان ایرج اسکندری

آقا بیژن جزنی هرچقدر علامت داد که ما خودمون میدونیم کی هستیم، حزب توده با چند صد ارتشی کونی قحبه گفتند: همون جز عنی. به ما هم در پالتالک خبر فرستادند جاز عنی نه جازمن...

آقا بعدش فیلم بلوگا نگاه کردم، دیدم دااااو: ما هم یه چند میلیونی نژادمون قدمت داره، دست زن رشتی می افتادیم بهتر بود تا زن بابلی... جون تو

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2023

i believe that tara had a future in iran as a cleaning lady and i in vienna as a construction worker

I have to go and come back later, but: a hundred million toman was not collected because of Morteza's rescue, but 1% of the actual amount for his death. iranian police officers are worse than viennese police officers

The deepest thing that struck me while the criminologist was solving the case was his private life. his son did not want to study, his mother insisted that he study,and that he should get a title. he decided: if you want to see a title then i will only become an actor and i will study art. I am afraid for my future

From the second the university professor asks: what's your name you talented mathematicians!? the end of the film was clear to me, a secret society on a target search. after failed marriage. like a persian poetry and life. The film is based on a true story

i watched yesterday from iranian cinema manufactory morteza, a criminologist and a case. I think the hundred and seventieth movie, right now it occurred to me: from 2002 until now I was more a journalist, more a police officer, more a criminologist, more a parapsychologist, more a whistleblower, as far as child murders in Iran are concerned. race and gene target murder in the name: small mishaps at protest actions