Montag, 20. Februar 2023

rare specimen and crossing for country safety and leadership. against natural enemy alexander and his tribes

we are monafeghin and europe is what in iran? god bless the soul from the salman farsi

What Austria and some European countries have been doing for 30 years is chasing these genetic wonders, international for financial projects, with millions of stasi movie viewers potential

if a single person from iran stands at the gates of austria with five billion euros and comes in pleasantly and nobody asks where the money came from, then it's old friendship since 1979. just like tens of thousands "iranians" in america with collective capital in the billions of dollars. there were many who had no mirrors and visions in revolution fire, but international support, and academic education in western universities.

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم تا قسمت دویم رو فردا ببینیم، ولی خداییش موسی خیابونی این یکدونه جهت هم اگر توش بود گیر خارکوسده ها نمی افتاد... حیف.. آینه بین هم نشد که بشه موسی خیابونی نازنین

آقا ما بریم بقیه فیلم سینمایی نیم روز رو ببینیم، بر میگردم که بگم کجا گودیدی سه دست صبح و ظهر و عصر... فیلم هندی هم از انقلاب واسه ما درست میکنن... دالی دالی دالی ههههه، گاییدن کردندایم هیییی

austrian government and iranian government focused on me and my family as torture: 100 million people! including millions of torturers and psychopaths race for silent murder, family murder, for suffering, for misery, for destruction, for psychosis and suicide or murder.two self-asserting Aryan master races. with international support. Persian poetry has had the answer for hundreds of years. safavid time painting and indo aryan ritual on international basis

خلاصه شوخی و وطواط

آوخ ! آوخ ! وای وای و درد درد!

دل ز درد آزاد داری روی زرد

از رخ زردم روان و ز دل روان

وز روان زی دل روان آزار و درد

دور دارد آرزوی دل ز دور

وز دو وردم دور دارد آن دو ورد

حاجی سنتوری رو بلند تر بخون... بای بای

I have to go, and come back later, today I asked these two stones again what to do? it said wait, i said please first move the basic pillars of ahrimanic church stephansdom. the sign of mass murder

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2023

the reconciliation of viennese freemasonry with the church is: world peace reigns with equality.... our rituals with father and vmat2 children is a right. we are all the same origin: evolution is creation., WORLD REVOLUTION

no one understands until today genocide during french revolution? see the second freemasonry revolution in iran after 1979: vmat2 genocide with the support of international authorities, europe, israel america, historically with a father and a daughter and another father

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین سرهنگ حیدری، دهن گائیده، یک بلایی به سرتون بیاد واسه انقلابی که واسه ما به پا کردی که در کل بفهمی دیوانگی یعنی چی، یکی واسه انقلاب ۵۷، یکی سر آزاده و باباش

با عشق و جنون هم سفرم

شمع و پروانه منم، مست میخانه منم
رسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
رسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
یار پیمانه منم، از خود بیگانه منم

حاجی دارم الان جهان گوش میکنم، به اون انقلابتون من ریدم.. لول

These Austrian women are born as NS repetitions, as bertold brecht describes it, the man is brought up by the mother, the upbringing to NS repetitions

Bad Spirits

about 6 months later i was at her house, she stood on the stairs where the upper floor was, the bedroom, i asked her what's the matter with you? she replied: i can't stand this constant stress and hassle, i feel that i should protect you all the time. at that time i assumed she has more knowledge of human beings than her age allows, she must have an environment full of demons, bad spirits and ghosts apart from her family. Today I grin and recognize: I am blessed from both sides, ahrimanism and anunnakis alliance protected me until 2017 for establishing vmat2 mass murders, and god me for enlightenment to stop it internationally, with the report of several inhuman crimes and crimes against humanity and NS repetition

The Kiss

the kiss, my first kiss to a regime assassin was here, 1993 prager straße 127. she lived there 300 meters away from an established prostitute house, i loved both the house of necessity and the house of joy. the difference between germany prager strasse 2A and vienna prager strasse 127 is just the need, pressure on the testicles, and demands. but still both memories of terrorism

i have to go and will be back in the late afternoon, but first: "islamic fanaticism" has been eating money with mass murder in iran for 40 years,and "anti islamic fundamentalist" outside iran with vmat target genocide strategy. both same related tribes, indo-aryan tribes

2007: american senate voted 70 million dollars for iranian opposition, dutch parliament 10 million euros, paris 12 million euros, other countries a little less...where does the money come from, where is the money?, is there already a free iran with this money? or should it rather be said: from jews armenians free iran, vmat2 free iran!?

Europe America attracts people who present themselves or groups, organizations, parties as alternatives, with black money, with race trafficking and human trafficking. america has been at the forefront for 40 years, since 1979. for ruining the country with unsuccessful jaweh academics, jaweh: big mouth and nothing else. please present a properly healthy economic plan 5 years iran. i said that in 2006 in the presence of 500 "opposition politicians", academics, all of whom looked at me like idiots. import export? production, work, family, woman? anti islam campaign is not a country building or a successful future iran

for a million euros worth of existence, a human in europe needs 5 years, including know-how, intellect and intelligence. that is the simplest prerequisite for getting into politics, for financial independence, that means no betrayal, no corruption for small money. old and young iranian men and women cheat with crimes against humanity: vmat2 race trade for fake standard..

Samstag, 18. Februar 2023

What two pennies Iranian anti-Semitism and fascism currently raises with Viennese academics is: mass murder attempts and establishing genetic minority persecution with financial advantages

آقا ما بریم، برای امروز بس است. ولی شانس اوردین، والا بخدا، به ابوذر قسم اگر من بودم هر دو رو تیربارون میکردم، مملکت با یاوه آکادمیک و لطیفه آکادمیک به باد رفت... بفرما ته موندش احمدی نژاده که مثل وزق داره سایت این جانب آقای جهود ارمنی رو میخونه با قورباقه های پا دراز تر از کوتوله وزق: آخوند

بعد از فیلم سینمایی مصطفی چمران، خلاصه این هم جلال طالبانی، رودرواسی کم داشت با عاطفه گرگین... نازت رو برم کورده.. لطیفه، شکوفه... لول

آقا الان فیلم سینمائی و جنگی تمام شد، نقش اول هم یک یاوه آکادمیک دیگه بود، یاوه از آمریکا رفت ایران و پا گذاشت به پاوه. مثل آزاده خانوم با باباش: حاضر به این هستن سر مزاحمت و لطیفه های یهود ارمنی های ایران شهید بشن.

Do you understand? 1968 to 1988 was academic work. academy

these last 20 years 1998 until now is academic work, by whom? from academic associations spö övp fpö green party, by whom?from the Viennese Doctors Association, from whom? by 3 secret services, by whom? by the Viennese judges' association, by whom? by BSA, by who? by young austrians, girls and boys, by whom? by vienna universities, professors and students, by whom? by social worker, by whom? from vienna zionist women movement, from whom? from church, from whom? from synagogues

apart from the last 20 years, i have been living in vienna under dictatorship for five years and the worst violation of human rights in europe in the last 50 years, NS repetition in the EU. for five years aryan race austria/iran has been saying: our target is a muslim and a murderer, barbad is a muslim and a murderer when he finds out what we did to his mother and sister.

and today, as you can see, aryan fascism achieves two goals with one shot and says: you as a muslim killed, you muslims killed, you muslims are murderers, barbad farahani is a muslim and a murderer. We did not do it! current fascism from iran says it, current free nazi organization in tehran sitting next to ahmadinejad