Dienstag, 28. Februar 2023

through key crystal and stone this magoi and priest taught me with his eagle from dimension x 5436 months: your morals are not high, the light will leave you if you don't raise yourself morally, i said: i've been living like a suffi without woman and sex, without sex, not enough? he said that's what kept you alive until now, i meant something else.

a philosopher was asked how does a microphone work, what about sound waves and electromagnetics, how does it transmit the voice and pass it on: he answered i don't talk about it without a microphone and only in public, my time is precious. but I even talk for free about earth and the current state of things for other dimensions

Ultimately, schizophrenia is an inexplicable hereditary disease that everyone has been trying to cure for 100 years

schitzopherenia sign, prehistory natural stones. intrique alarms

we still have the problem: every psychopath has access to study and university. with the potential: what we don't understand and we will never understand belongs to insignificance.this statement in turn means: slaughter

Alfred Kubin: Science and sterilization. he had an opinion on nazi experiments and scientific statements. nothing has changed until now.

Montag, 27. Februar 2023

آقا جون

راستی: رفع رکود اقتصادی در کشور هشتاد میلیونی احتیاج به ۴۵ تا حزب دارد و صد هزار نفر نیروی ارشد آکادمیک زیر نظر مدیریت غیر عادی و نابقه. این رضا پهلوی دویست نفر  مهندس هم ندارد چه برسه به دکتر... حالا هی چهار چشمی به برنامه های من و تو نگاه کن و بگو رضا جون آی رضا جون، آقا جون ای آقای خوب، آقا جون آی آقای خوب


In 2016, US researchers reported they had discovered a gene closely linked to the risk of developing schizophrenia. is it a disease from primeval times?

i have to go, but schizophrenia with spirit posing in the smoke is like dream realizing time jumps and time travel

FUCKING NAZI AUSTRIANS, dirty evolution fanatics

billions of people have a penis size between 14 and 16 centimetres, what is important is what it is genetically inherited from primeval times. today there are no more concentration camps but cyberterror with coveted secret cameras for sex life and illegal pornography. this is how the fascists collect millions of consumers for forced sterilization.....

this is not learned knowledge, but innate talent, with an iq above average 160, intellect and intelligence.also what concerns instinctive work in the field of drug production, homeopathy, or in the column of physics, mathematics and biology, nutrition and in general science, also art and culture

this is the genetically stored behavior of the sick psychopathic other side: we prefer to swallow sperm than to put it in our uterus

1896: Galtons Untersuchung bezog sich auf Verwandtschaftsstrukturen über Vererbung von Begabung und Talent. Galton vermutete richtig, dass die Ähnlichkeit unter Verwandten sowohl durch die gemeinsamen Gene als auch die gemeinsame Umwelt bedingt sein kann. Hierbei werden gegenwärtig vier verschiedene Mechanismen der Anlage-Umwelt-Wechselwirkung unterschieden, durch die sich genetische Veranlagung und individuelle Umwelt wechselseitig beeinflussen[3].

over seven years, between 1938 and 1946, this country killed tens of millions in europe, in asia and in africa, with the hope: we caught 35% creation race! Today there is an international agreement with the help of 1% capital fascism: we can accurately and efficiently find the creation race with international laboratory and hospital networks without needlessly killing millions. this agreement even exists with the state of israel

there are tens of thousands of refugees living in vienna, tens of thousands of foreigners from different nations, tens of thousands of other races with austrian citizenship, all political parties, including civil servants and doctors, including the upper class and industrialists, have caused hatred and focused it on us, with this statement: they always were already there, we are just the subhuman race


austrian nationalism is only based on race, this race, also german and european nationalism, it is only based on race, in 1932 you saw the wilderness. our nationalism has always been based on light water god and prophet, i don't mean the romano aryan immigrant race but the creation, iranian native tribes

the whole thing has a meaning: if these immigrants exist in iran, without a reference or feeling for persian earth and homeland, no reference to national honor and nationalism, then the israelis and europe and america are lurking not far behind the borders, alexander alliance. who delivered the family of daraios to alexander's hands?

Sonntag, 26. Februar 2023

آقا ما بریم.. بای بای

i was 17 and soroor shams came to us for insurance contracts, she looked at me, i was sitting behind the high mountain and her eyes shone like a sky full of stars and hope. today, by targeting old genes and dna with 100 million consumers, a sea of blood should be reached. who doesn't need a house with a garden?

my answer to the googoosh song "mordab" is: we always reached the sea of blood with saushyant, hoshder, cyrus the great, daraios the great, but emam ali was the ultimate bloodbath, the psychopathic society still screams after a millennium how an injured animal.see today what has been made common again, with ayatullahs, only armed struggle ideology remains as a way out, one more bloodbath

i decided to watch the movie blob today, a movie from 1988. the amusing thing is that many people who have been vaccinated 3 times report feeling a lump of mucus in the upper and lower abdomen. creating a collective mind controlled ahrimanism and satanism was not enough, apparently a collective with synthetic slime intellect and intelligence in the belly is the new program

آقا ما بریم، سوزن ما هم گیر کرده رو آهنگ مرداب گوگوش، دفعه چهلم دارم گوش میکنم، والا ما هر زمان اعصاب مصاب مون میریزه بهم آهنگ های گوگوش گوش میکنیم.. خانوم از قبل از انقلاب تا به امروز آبشار نیاگارا بوده واسه ما مرداب میخونه، تا کی میخواد رد گم کنه!؟ والا آبشار کی به دریا نمیرسه، حالا خوار مارو با رضا پهلوی بگا، خمینی کم بود. پدر سوخته... شب بخیر

in iran and among iranian is a moral where it says to azadeh amiri "my patriotic blood sister"

. حکایت میمون فداکار که جان خود را فدای قوم خود کرد از باب چهارم

40 years iran is example enough: iran has 15 million xenophobia sufferers against the native race, in iran and in exile. Aryan tribes immigrated to Iran from the 15th century

i'm getting confirmation today, after a two-hour conversation with a chinese european i've been convinced even more firmly: contaminated evolution biology, xenophobia, is driving others back to their roots with their integration politics.it produces and breeds asian or oriental ultranationalists in the middle of europe. second and third generation of emigrants

Samstag, 25. Februar 2023

we are surrounded: whoever comes out on the streets in iran will be killed by indo aryan race in iran, in regime costume, and abroad as you see there is murder and attempted murder by indo aryan race in opposition and regime opponents costume or human rights activist costume

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی چرا ایرانی ها به الین میگویند آدم فضایی؟ جریان آدم چیه، جریان فضا چیه؟ جریان فلک و چرخ چیه

آقا جریان ممد و رحیم بابلی و آزاده بابلی چیه

بنکاش، نام شهری در استان «اوتار پرادش» هندوستان است و به ساکنان آنجا بنکاشی یا بنکشی می گویند. زبان مردم این استان «اردو» است. مهاجران کولی بنکشی در استان مازندران عمدتاً در شهر آمل ساکن شده اند (این طایفه آنقدر خطرناک است که نام ویروس معروف اینترنتی «بنکاش تروجن» هم به اسم آنها ثبت شده است).
لازم بذکر است که نام بزرگترین طایفه پشتونهای افغانستان هم «بنگش» است که از همان تبار کولی های «بنکشی» می باشند. پشتون ها و مازندرانی ها از یک ریشه هستند و در بین آنها بزهکاری بسیار زیاد است. بنا بر ادعای اداره راهنمایی و رانندگی ایران، حدود 60% از کل تصادفات رانندگی در ایران فقط در استان مازندران رخ میدهد!! بسیاری از مأموران اطلاعاتی و جاسوسان رژیم جمهوری اسلامی ایران نیز از مازندرانی ها هستند.  

we are surrounded: whoever comes on the streets in iran will be killed by indo aryan race in iran, in regime costume, and abroad as you see there is murder and attempted murder by indo aryan race in opposition and regime opponent costume or human rights activist costume