Sonntag, 19. März 2023

حالا در خاک پاک میهن ما بیشتر از نیمی از جماعت روحانیت رو اینجور باید تشخیص داد: تاپاله ای که چسبانده شده رو سنده و یک توت فرنگی هم گذاشتن رو سرش و به ما میگوید نجس! خار مادرتون رو من گائیدم که کوسکش تر از شماها اتریشه

Only a piece of shit that will do anything for money can break the law with impunity. Viennese Freemasonry Drawing and "Mysterious Sheep Painting Europe"

There are many significant factors that can cause hearing voices. The major factors that contribute to this condition are stress, anxiety, depression, and traumatic experiences. In some cases, there might be environmental and genetic factors that cause such hearing of voices

schizophrenia with singing is actually something wonderful, and the human imitations see it as illness and invalidity... how many was it again?

I got up at 6 a.m. today and went to the flea market, a voice sang it for me until I wanted to go home at 12 p.m. and got on the train, suddenly a street musician came in the subway with a guitar and sang it 2 stops to to my station. then i thought about the trip and the stations last night, at one station the love was real and warm as a long awaited friendship boarded the shuttle

Samstag, 18. März 2023

آقا ما بریم با پوتین های ارتشی بخوابیم، امشب دارم میرم تو ماتریکس تکان دهنده شم، حلالمون کنید، بچه لمپن فحاشیم اول میان سراغ ما مادر جنده های بی ناموس اهریمنی.... کوسکش های عوضی، میگه فحش نده لمپن، فلسفه بچین، بلدی؟ جواب داریم... فحش نده..

حاجی ما هر چقدر فکر کردیم چرا انجیل به ذات ما میسازه به یک نتیجه رسیدیم: لغت نامه فلسفه عیسی هم لری بوده، والا، عربی هم یاد گرفتیم بعدش، ولی خوب اینه دیگه، انجیل جاذبه داره، قرآن کشش، یعنی من رو به کشتن بکش... چجورم مارو کشید، آهای آریایی ها

as brecht says: if you talk too much in a big city...

there are a number of american filmmakers, if you ask: where is the school? then they answer: where philosophy gives us a voice and opens our eyes

I have to go for some hours: before the yugoslav brothers and sisters were invited to the EU, belief in god was murdered, as they claim: god genes, christians and muslims. the conditions of the invitation were: please clean yourself beforehand. we are almost all clean in the EU

a european union that allows real estate to be financed through racial degradation and torture and racial murder should again be attacked and stopped by the military, the geopolitical plans should be sabotaged, also in the case of ukraine.

Austria says secretly watch the pasquale! and what does pasquale do then? he says look at yourself in the mirror and admit the truth. oing oing oing origin

The comedian Pasquale lives in almost every revolutionary person, some people wouldn't believe what Pasquale does in his life until secret cameras were developed and the Stasi stalking culture and Ahrimanism took on a new meaning

Freitag, 17. März 2023

we have aryan racists and nazis, that with her daughters and sisters make iranian native race resources, vmat2 financial projects with strategic death plan. the other way around, revolutionary ideas are abhorred, armed struggle is criticized, freedom struggles are condemned, with one reason: as long as the ayatullahs govern, we also govern and have freedom of action. we are for reforms. as far as reforms are concerned: we don't hang people, we fuck the race to death

so that racial madness and mass murder, racial torture and exploitation stop, thousands died here on this coast. 50 years later austria pulls everyone back into this system and nobody says or reports anything because in 1988 nobody seriously reacted because of 30,000 iranians. iranians have become worthless than jews in 1940

this envy even reaches the poker table: he knew which card was coming, he didn't gamble, he knew it!? fuck yourself

capitalism liberalism and neoliberalism, free market, free capital, all this has a meaning. but it says no! we want to know who belongs to the old race and who to the new human being. we decide on standard and capital size, we officials

it was always about potential and talent, level, success and invention. there are no christian bloodlines jews or other races that are named after religion, yesterday is the same as today: old and new. target search torture and murder business: because of young and old

حاجی با شتر رفته بود به صحراها، ولی نشون نمیدن میترسن بگن ایرانی بوده.

حاجی شانس اوردی ما هیچوقت لب به هرویین نزدیم، وگرنه یک شاعر بیباکی میشدیم، والا شتر سواری در صحرا به سوی غباری راه و جاده اش ناپیدا. تدریجی همچین ریدمون میکردیم به علم و عالم و دنیا و وضعیت که آخرش ناپیدا..


Austria had as resources a vmat2 family 20 years for real estate financing, sell us for some coins and buy pistachios...

vmat2 human resources iran.

in iran, pistachios and watermelon seeds and pumpkin seed mixture are a tradition at the new year celebration, in the sense: we shit on your sofreh, our spring live long, through your suffering. a kilo per mixture 400.000 tumans, average monthly salary 6 million tumans. as long as there is no stasi attraction and show and vmat2 torture then you will suffer. where should the money for your happiness come from? should we pay? we only have vmat2 human resources.


بهار، بازهم سبزی؟ چرا ترا نمی‌بینم؟
تو آشکار و من بینا؛ ولی چرا نمی‌بینم؟
بهار، باز گل‌پوشی؟ نگین ِ ژاله در گوشی؟
چه قصّه رفته با چشمم؟ چرا تو را نمی‌بینم؟
... کجا تگرگ می‌بارد که تخم مرگ می‌بارد
نصیب ِ عالم از بالا بجز بلا نمی‌بینم
در آتش ِ دو دیوانه، دو قطعه شد دو ویرانه
روانه خون ِ خلقی را چنین روا نمی‌بینم
مگر بدان نظر دوزی که مرگشان شود روزی
که من جز این دو، پیروزی زماجرا نمی‌بینم
بهار رنگ خون داری، نشاط کو؟ جنون داری!
که مرگْ کمتر از برگت، به شاخه‌ها نمی‌بینم

سیمین بهبهانی

I'm still at home, who's waiting for me on the street? LOL there are actually good-for-nothings and recreational psychopaths that run towards the 5th and 6th districts when I say: I have to go, they pass me for a grin, just for a grin... where are the gallows?

I have to go, but the topic of hermits is also a keyword in Brecht's works, pig breeders via the rat line. right vatican?

بدبختی ما اینجاست، حزب خارکوسده توده ایران به هیچوجهی نگذاشت صدای برتولت به ایران برسه، فقط عکس امام در ماه... آخه برتولت میگفت: از کوس آبجیتون و دخترتون مایه میگذارید مارو بکشید، بعد به ما میگید چوپون، به ما، چوپون

my daily 20 comrades, i bought an industrial pack to keep you for the day, no one can take you away from me anymore. what moved and ambitious ernesto were also comrades in bertold berecht culture institute, against nazi industry and rat line

what bertolt brecht knew: the post-war period is the start of hitler's dream: the thousand-year empire. racial hygiene creation and survival of evolution. 3 years ago i went to the forest like brecht, played a little by the pond and made my hands wet with lukewarm water, the feeling was good like fucking an old experienced whore, best blowjob for euros

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