Montag, 20. März 2023
not a single authority, including austrian constitutional officials, wants to work because of these mass crimes, because the state wants to establish vmat2 as state property and business forever
the plundering of austria, the emptying of state accounts and national capitals through military intervention is a right that austria grants to others with these actions against race, 80 years after national socialism
revoke the rights of 3 citizens, turn private life into business for cyberterror, turn it into labor and potential and financial business is slavery. The UN and Amnesty International are the proponents
bondage and the theory of property were discussed in Plato's time.Today, 2023, we in Vienna are confronted with evolutionary monkeys, with lower beings, more primitive than two millennia ago: Viennese politicians and judges
In der jüdischen Tora finden sich Regeln,[3] nach denen in jedem Sabbatjahr (hebräisch שמיטה shmitah), also jedes siebte Jahr, Schuldknechte ohne Ansehen ihres sozialen Status von ihrer Knechtschaft erlöst werden sollen, so das Deuteronomium, Devarim (hebräisch דְּבָרִים) (Dtn 15,12-18 EU, Dtn 15,1-2 EU). Dazu soll jedes 50. Jahr nach dem siebten von sieben Sabbatjahren, also nach jeweils 49 Jahren, ein vollständiger Schuldenerlass gewährt werden, Erbland zurückgegeben (Bodenreform) und Schuldknechtschaft aufgehoben werden.[4]
Sonntag, 19. März 2023
آقا یه توده ای الان نظر داد: یک سفسطه ای در افکار ایشون هست که باید ایشون زحمت بکشه وخودش حل کنه: ما هنوز زنده ایم و داریم عشق و حال و زندگی میکنیم، چی میگی تو! ؟ جواب بنده: خارکوسده زامبی، تو فکرمیکنی با زن جندت زنده ای هنوز و زندگی میکنی؟ نذار نامه ها و اشعار خطاب به کیانوری و احسان طبری رو باز پست کنم، شعر از فلانی و بلانی به کیری ها
Only a piece of shit that will do anything for money can break the law with impunity. Viennese Freemasonry Drawing and "Mysterious Sheep Painting Europe"
There are many significant factors that can cause hearing voices. The major factors that contribute to this condition are stress, anxiety, depression, and traumatic experiences. In some cases, there might be environmental and genetic factors that cause such hearing of voices
I got up at 6 a.m. today and went to the flea market, a voice sang it for me until I wanted to go home at 12 p.m. and got on the train, suddenly a street musician came in the subway with a guitar and sang it 2 stops to to my station. then i thought about the trip and the stations last night, at one station the love was real and warm as a long awaited friendship boarded the shuttle
Samstag, 18. März 2023
Freitag, 17. März 2023
we have aryan racists and nazis, that with her daughters and sisters make iranian native race resources, vmat2 financial projects with strategic death plan. the other way around, revolutionary ideas are abhorred, armed struggle is criticized, freedom struggles are condemned, with one reason: as long as the ayatullahs govern, we also govern and have freedom of action. we are for reforms. as far as reforms are concerned: we don't hang people, we fuck the race to death
so that racial madness and mass murder, racial torture and exploitation stop, thousands died here on this coast. 50 years later austria pulls everyone back into this system and nobody says or reports anything because in 1988 nobody seriously reacted because of 30,000 iranians. iranians have become worthless than jews in 1940
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...