Mittwoch, 22. März 2023

one said to c. G. young a sick person with deformed schizophrenia, after which he wrote his opinion about the collective unconscious. I'm called paranoid schitzopherenia after which I claim my umbilical cord is anchored up to 40 meters deep in Vienna's soil

the only thing i like is that guido von list called himself a black magician and not a jew or of jewish origin, he was just a DNA jew

Viennese antiSemitism is insane, mentally ill

do you understand what has been going on in crazy vienna for a century? everything that the country finds under the earth between 10 and 30 meters is hidden and described as the property of the Aryan race, with the reason: we were black at the time and have become white through race mixture (monkey mixture).

Ariosophy is ari people and ari tribe. charlatans

all of vienna knew it, i opened a business with zero capital after theft because my knowledge was worth a million euros at the time. vmat2 without studying at a university at the age of 26 years

The sick biology and inferior brain mass has ruined my business and existence internationally and is behaving like a victim, or wants to behave like a victim, the sick biology and brain. my shop contract in 2002 after nasser farahani robbed us with the help of viennese judges and the police

In 1970, Vienna tried to wipe away the reputation of women and child murders with victim theory, which Vienna is trying again today after 20 years, which is why Vienna insists on more psychological violence and torture for amok and death victims, for victim roles

it can only be an inferior race and origin that means: our intellect and intelligence are not sufficient to build houses, so we have to exploit race and vmat2

0815 race, the incompetent race asks: why is the barbad doing this? This question represents an inferior that lives in illegal houses and apartments, and has achieved prosperity through racial torture. inferior race, sick biology and genes, invalid brain

40 years of mass murder in iran is not anti-semitism and ethnic cleansing, this action in vienna is not ethnic cleansing and forced sterilization, it was only in 1940 with jews. forbidden is: persecution of the Jews

racial delusions referred and always refers to vmat2, its potential and abilities and talent. shoa was the start of vmat2 mass destruction until today which you also see with my family

the problem with vmat2 is: i was never one of haneke's students, he can't teach me anything, he should just sit on the corner, keep his mouth shut and watch what vmat2 does without studying. talent is gods gift monkey.

haneke is an austrian and only scum will become viewers of crimes against humanity show and keep silent

the sign of 0815 psychopathy, today's multi-talented viennese and project geniuses on an international level. we need VMAT2 race as a resource for our multi-talented projects. This includes the multicultural society, international genetically defective biology and disease, psychopathy society networks in vienna

i have to go, but listen to what young people in vienna say: we have iranian dna genes race ethnic group to use as resources, families and fathers say: we have enough children like that

piece of shit sells his kids to fascism, and another shit the whole country race and resources to fascism. it is based on the belief: we have to survive and be on top. the mental suffering of millions of iranian men. what comes out of it you can see right now after 40 years

austrian secret service and the iranian secret service installed a secret camera economic plan on behalf of both governments. subject: old race, old genes, old DNA, jews armenian

we are human has a meaning in the islamic republic, in vienna with other methods it has a meaning, and when we say we are human it has a different meaning

آقا این حاجی بعضی وقتا یه سری به پالتالک میزد و یواشکی به ما پ. م میداد: کون میدی یا نه جازی، کونی مسلحانه. ما هم لبخند میزدیم و میگفتیم ب. ه. ه. ه ب. ه. ه. ه تف سر بالا، یزیدت رو عشق جاکش

here in 2003 the austrian secret service and the iranian secret service installed a secret camera economic plan on behalf of both governments. subject: old race, old genes, old DNA, jews armenian

Dienstag, 21. März 2023

I left the apartment of the state stasi nazi whore in 2017, but today I see: 80 percent of Viennese women carry and carried Ilse Koch genes and illness. stasi secret camera action advocacy is this mass murder psychopathy.

It says: I have earned money by ruining three lives and careers and it is my right. Without reporting and dealing with this crime against humanity it is premeditated murder. the earned black money is the main motive.

Today I went shopping in Billa, close to our apartment, a 55-year-old woman behind the cash register showed her aggressive behavior verbally and non-verbally: I'm superior to you. Genes are responsible for personality and the state is the father and mother of morality...

this hatred and animal behavior in the 21st century in vienna is due to the doctors and laboratories: we have persian crypto jews with 3 shops. we have jews economy.

80 percent of Viennese women carry and carried Ilse Koch genes and illness. stasi secret camera action advocacy is this mass murder psychopathy

do you know IQ 75 envy psychopathy? iq 75 envy psychopathy is the killer woman, also in a supermarket behind the checkout. topic: political activism and business doesn't matter, many people live with problems, me too.That's why a target suddenly sees other people like monkeys and shoots 40 people in a supermarket. these monkey figures live like hordes in vienna: 20 years of terror and humiliation is normal! black money through races. ird earning is normal, business and existence looting is normal. iq 75 to 90 woman

i have to go, but yesterday like today: alexander had a 200,000 army in iran, i.e. 40,000 behind the iranian border

والا بخدا جریان این بود، همین که حافظ میگه: کوس جنده، مادر جنده. وگرنه داریوش کجاش ضعیف بود بی ناموس، شهر ری شده بود محل اقامت ارازل اوباش، اینارو باش: میگه داریوش ضعیف بود

اسکندر مقدونی در تعقیب داریوش سوم از راه همدان به ری وارد شد و ویرانی‌ها به بار آورد..

نیروهای محلی در ارگ شهر دست به مقاومت زدند و سربازانی که در جریان پس‌روی بودند در کوچه‌ها و خانه‌های شهر با اسکندریان به زدوخورد پرداختند. "" "با این که در این جنگ خیابانی برنده و بازنده مشخص نبود" "" ، نیروهای ایران در سومین شب، ناگهان دست به پس‌روی و خروج از شهر زدند و عازم شهر صد دروازه (دامغان) شدند.
پس از پس‌روی آنان که تعجب‌آور بود، ارگ شهر هم سقوط کرد. داریوش سوم شاه وقت که با این سربازان از اربیل (اربلا) عقب نشینی کرده بود، میان راه، به صلاحدید افسران ارتش و تایید یک شاهزاده هخامنشی کشته شد تا به دست اسکندر نیافتد و شکنجه و تحقیر نشود. مورخان، شکست ایران از اسکندر مقدونی را به حساب شخصیت ضعیف، دو دلی و قاطع نبودن داریوش سوم نوشته اند. بررسی تاریخ کهن این مرزوبوم نشان می‌دهد که هرگونه شکست نظامی و تغییر حکومت در زمان زمامداران ضعیف انجام شده است


هر دوست که دم زد ز وفا دشمن شد

هر پاکروی که بود تردامن شد

گویند شب آبستن و این است عجب

کاو مرد ندید از چه آبستن شد

خلاصه، سفر برای وطن و برنامه من و تو. مثل اینکه ما به سوی رژیم فقط تشتک میپروندیم. والا سر جنگ مسلحانه شیشه نوشابه رو این لس آنجلس کرد تو ماتحت ما: به اتریش چیزی نگید، ما به هم محتاجیم، مثل آدم به هوا... مثل گندم به زمین.... مثل دیوونه به خواب.....