Freitag, 24. März 2023

when i bought this stone from online auctions, it reminded me of a poem, even the gold from all over the world the greatest wealth does not bring him rest, as long as we live he finds no rest

this union of aryan tribes, coat of arms lion refers not only to barjam and ruining the country, but also against my family. No European government, Israel and America is willing to provide evidence of black business: cyber terror! and illegal money from accounts of the Ayatullahs, Sepah, Mojtaba Khamenei and other Iranian

مملکت سر برجام کیر خورده، ولی از قدیم مودب میگفتن: جریان شیر توش شیر شده... آخه اینها باید میرفتن سر مذاکره؟ این شیر با اون یکی شیر؟ آی خاک عالم

stay down and shut up is not anti-semitism or fascism, but as the hafez says: you are not mature enough to understand the mysteries of the world, you only ruin and trample

the whole thing is a joke, i say i want to find the holy grail these tribes with their ayatullahs say: we will find it, you are a nobody we will find the ark of the covenant you are a nobody we will do this and this you and are a nobody. we rule the country you are nobody

actually miscegenation was not an issue in iran until antisemitism invaded iran, a tribal hostile culture and struggle against native iranian

آقا 12 سال پیش رفتیم تو یه شیره کش خونه، دیدیم صاحب خونه میخنده به ما و مهمونش چپ چپ به ما نگاه میکنه و هی میگه: بیست یورو داری؟ بیست یورو داری؟ بهت فردا پس میدم. دیدیم صاحب خونه شیره مجانی میده، تریاک مجانی میده ولی مهمونش بیست یورو هی میخواد که بعد پس بده! به خدا ایران شیر تو شیری شده در طول تاریخ از دست این امت.. اون سرش ناپیدا..

what vienna is proud of: we have 2000 iranian sinti and roma families on our side in vienna, against native iranian: jews armenians

vienna is a city like any other, society has its daily differences, conflicts, opinions, compromises and events. but the austrian agrees on one point, no matter what social class or political opinion and ambition: we don't answer, we don't take responsibility for anything. in austria established post-war period general psychopathy: there is no evidence it wasn't us.

یگان ویژه یک، یگان ویژه دو، یگان ویژه سه، تو اون روحتون سگ برینه با اون ملی گرایی و زر مفت تمامیت ارضی. مملکت به گایدن رفته از درز کون ما پول در میارید حالا...

i have 38 projects, some inventions and i'm under judenboycott violence, and i'm looking for holy grail and the ark of the covenant. the blonde viennese bimbo talks about intellect and intelligence: we studied LOL we are the first world

building a house is a procedure in life, a system, a financial plan, a strategic plan, reason, logic, a rational way of life: where and how?

you understand, the fake standard is supposed to explain this with vmat2: you ape i human, just like in second world war. I have house you have nothing

all perpetrators and terrorists, fascists and anti-semites, the thieves looters live unpunished and walk around freely in the city, and in chat rooms it is speculated how much the victim kills so that we can keep the illegal real estate and houses

Donnerstag, 23. März 2023

میگم ترامادول تابحال با چائی سبز و آب لیمو و سیر و ردبول خوردید؟ عجب گیری داریم، دارم میرم دوندگی از سرمون بپره... بای بای

tudeh party is an old antisemitic fascist party, demonstrably turned into communists after stalingrad, into a secret service organization with the camouflage screen of the communist party. today members of the social democracy mafia europe and vienna, international solidarity in persian vmat2 target extermination.

به علی قسم اگر من زر مفت زده باشم.. یا بزنم. از زبان ایرج اسکندری

farmanfarma and guido von List iran

Since the 1960s, political conflicts have been strategically simulated for mass murder, chain murders, intellectual murders, scientists and potential murders. vmat2. the basic pillars were set by the farmanfarma clan and the hungarian austrian imperial and royal army with the founding of the tudeh party

dirtiest person and dirtiest fascism was austrofascism, with history knowledge prehistory: vmat2 elam is of ethnic origin europe austria

afraid of what? superstitious romantic satanism. red black green brown yellow purple orange. the asshole movement is in all political colors with lodge seats

anti vmat2 racial movement is so foul smelling that only armed struggle can stand against it, for freezing of officials regional and officials international authorities and of course for shutting down the leftists. red fascists

jose ortega gasset in his book the revolt of the masses only hinted fragmentarily about poverty psychopathy. on purpose.

poverty psychopathy lived here in the 21st district, in a desolate building until 2002. family amiri without hope for change, house, garden, prosperity. 1200-1800 salary

i have to go but your poverty psychopathy marched on the streets in 1979 too, what resulted was the murder of 12 to 14 year old girls and boys. note: political activist. today again against my mother and sister

poverty society, the salary man is sick, without future prospects and prospect of change. this society becomes a killer when vmat2 stasi torture system economy is manifested deep in the heads of society by the state

what is presented to this envious society: we had prosperity jews in vienna, today they are below the poverty line without rights, no equal citizens, before the 60% poverty society. with 78% poverty psychopathy approach. daily stress, manipulation techniques and humiliation.

For 40 years iran is worse jews than israel, israel was threatened iranians were killed. what post-war viennese authorities are saying today: we cannot be reached by iranian jews, iranian jews are not state citizens