Dienstag, 28. März 2023

I have to go, but i also have old navajo and cherokee indians in me due to racial mixing in vienna.... LOL

denial and damages

it is hard to believe how a society is formed, in the former union it was not a question of antisemitism as far as stasi protocols are concerned, in vienna it is the case.
Apparently there are apps for training facial features, verbal and non-verbal behavior: show target a worried face when buying bread, show an angry face when buying tobacco, show a sophisticated smile when serving food, or show a sad face when passing by. Probably the lowest level of society is given such an identity through app training: from a scale of 1 to 10 how good are you an actor? how do you behave when a target comes up to you and asks for a fire?
a: i am friendly and give fire
b: i behave inconspicuously and light the lighter without saying a word.
c: i say i don't have a lighter, but can you give me a cigarette

i have to go to sleep, but before that: the ayatullah government is comparable to amiri brothers and nasser farahani: we made friends with rich and powerful people and did our jobs: got rich through anti-semitism, we lived

I've been writing mass murder regarding Iran since 2017, masses have died so far. resistance is race, it is proven that it is genetic predisposition, linked to resilience, the power to resist. killing it is genocide and racial hygiene

Tawab is a term for people who betrayed revolutionaries with a slap in the face and sent them to the gallows. after an oath that they would never do anything against the regime again, they were released, there are dozens of thousands living in europe and america, well this time there weren't even slaps in the face, only bags full of money. who didn't know jazz_man_, in paltalk?

آقا الان داشتم فیسبوک رو ورق میزدم، دیدم علم رو گذاشته رو میز هفت سین ولی از علم فلک چیزی یادش نیست، جالبه: این اتریشیه به ما گفته جهود ارمنی اینا هم شدن نه منی نه تویی. روانی تر از این تواب ها دیده بودید تا بحال؟ یعنی روانی

Herodotus was a drunken nationalist with a deep hatred of Persia and the Persian race, like alexander: he burned almost all the libraries, burned all the fire halls so that the true identity of the ritual would be forgotten forever. He also took this golden elami block with him to the grave, it was found as a burial object in his tomb. The hatred is still a ritual to this day, and Iranian archeology suffers the same fate as in Alexander's time. everything is stolen and kept secret

well how long they lived or still live or will live, but still: frankincense and myrrh and smoke spice mix is a specialty that the romans and herodot said: the persians are perverted and abominable with frankincense

Herodotus describes the rites that preceded Xerxes’ crossing of the Hellespont: The Persians wait for the rising sun. Then they burn incense (thymiḗmata) and strew myrtle branches on the road. Xerxes pours a libation from a golden drinking bowl (phiāˊle) and prays to the sun. Afterwards he throws the drinking bowl as well as a large bowl (kretḗr) and a Persian sword (akinákēs) into theHellespont (7.54).

Montag, 27. März 2023

Austria is a country with 8 million people on a globe of 8 billion people, two world wars weren't enough, it still says: I don't want this race on this earth. and it has mule germany behind it as a weapon arsenal carrier. look at ukraine for 15 years

before I go: regarding this:

i have to go, but LOL

I have to go to sleep, but vmat2 birth is the rebirth of old wisdom, it is a database that with the right treatment and the right knowledge and correct education gives new information that is actually knowledge from the old days. it is also called tesla gene. the fucking demon wants it out of the world. as stamped on the old metal ball

I am an austrian citizen with a political activism background, the austrian government is of the opinion next to UNO: your genes and dna are not evolutionarily related or cannot be assigned to our race and origin, therefore no value, no human rights and no full civil rights

that happened in 1979, with the help of israel europe america. that happened again in vienna, with support like in 1979 this time for the prosperity of the austrians

حاجی اینم کم شوخ نبوده ها

شب رفت به پایان و حکایت باقیست

شکر تو نگفتیم و شکایت باقیست

گستاخی ما ز حد برون رفت ولی

المنة لله که حکایت باقیست

آره، نژاد ما نه کیسه کش بوده نه ماله کش نه خایه مال: خلاصه: میترا با روژ لب، مش حسن با ماله اش هردو میمالند اما این کجا و آن کجا.، کیرم تو دهن جفتتون مادر قحبه ها

I am an austrian citizen with a political activism background, the austrian government is of the opinion next to UNO: your genes and dna are not evolutionarily related or cannot be assigned to our race and origin, therefore no value, no human rights and no full civil rights

i always walked the red line in my life, even when i see the american ambassador walking next to me: oing oing oing blond man. hahaha

a switzerland with these faces as an elite in orient would be the daily suffering of sarkozy, merkel, berlusconi, mogherini and others, therefore they will soon reach their destination in parts of iran, namely ethiopia... including thousands of people with two Dr. titles

I have to go but these stones, reddish-brown, belong to two tribes from the 12th in Vienna to be found in abundance in the 10th district. atashkade smoke

iran is constantly under threat, with the reason: atomic bomb and shiite nationalism and geopolitical dreams! none of this is real, the only goal is: racial annihilation. what the ayatullah government is: a bad copy of us, otherwise they have been at the service of global satanism for 40 years. like azadeh amiri, the families and dozens of tribes

the second fact that leads to paranoia and doubt, to constant questioning and trains of thought: with so much köfte, iskembe, kebabs from the grill, pistachio baklava, tolumba and other sweets: i weigh 7 kilos less now.. mobile photo 2008

Sonntag, 26. März 2023

i have to go to sleep..

i was in istambul and sat there on the bridge and drank tea, suddenly a dog walked by and looked at the cat next to me, the cat jumped up and the dog barked friendly but the cat rubbed my foot and showed: my best friend, my best friend barbad, he bought me fish from the man over there. this romance was for a short time when someone played the violin... i wonder how many people knew me in istanbul for a trip without friction, the cat was the only friction.

Isn't that neoliberalism today: the money for consumption and house building should come from the houses and apartments and private rooms of vmat2

what iran actually needs for its success is dependency, 0815 people with iq 90 potential. the ancient demon, today known as "neoliberalism", cannot stand iran in any other way

بخدا والا

روزی که فلک از تو بریده‌ست مرا

کس با لب پر خنده ندیده‌ست مرا

چندان غم هجران تو بر دل دارم

من دانم و آن که آفریده‌ست مرا

آقا الان یه آخونده از جماران داد زد: مادر قحبه تو تهران که زیاد از اینها تو هوا داریم جاکش، تا 40 تا خیابون دور و بر خونه آقا توپ و تانک و فشنگ و ضد هوایی گذاشتیم، پیام و دعا هم با دست خط خود آقا هم روش نوشتیم: یا رب العالمین الله و الله