Mittwoch, 5. April 2023

ORF: "al lost cultur" LOL 10.000 B.C.

the difference between romano aryan race iran and romano aryan vienna is: vienna has no radical freedom of action. secret cameras as an incinerator is the alternative. not a single scandinavian country is like vienna and berlin and tehran. romano aryan race and vmat2 enmity sign in india. state ORF science writes:
an anunnaki spirit woman with her djinn man holding a sibling pair, they hold paws with head down after hunting, a lost culture LOL

garbage sing songs, from the 20 years of "true democracy" in vienna

i have to go to bed, garbage origin and unnatural descriptive origin shall continue to speculate in chatrooms why we should kill race in 21st century with ayatullahs as friends to live in prosperity, "the right and worth of existence"

fascism is: alien spirits, demons and reptile spirits, nested in the brains of evolution and monkey origin, how else do you want to explain this bestial massacre in austria, or attempted murder of a family because of stasi financial capital?

I'm back, I meditated and got access to chat rooms, current topic: current fascism, genocide, racial madness, abominable creatures, dirty bastards fascism says: we have value in existence and have the right to financed apartments and luxury houses through stasi genocide system, should races and ethnic groups murder happen again, we are judges and have this value

I have to go, but yesterday and today, nothing has changed: children, if he comes by throws big stones, I will bear the pain for you. fucking world

Hafiz: Do you understand? in paradise as beautiful as it is, there will never be this unique encounter by chance, who wants to go to paradise voluntarily. what has vienna done internationally? emotionless evolution origin, envy society dirt: go to paradise

all photos are taken with a mobile phone, and sent from facebook messenger to tablet, this proves the originality and the photos will never be lost, hundreds of photos are safe

خلاصه حاجی، میگه زرشک

برو ای زاهد و دعوت مکنم سوی بهشت

که خدا در ازل از اهل بهشتم بسرشت

یک جو از خرمن هستی نتواند برداشت

هر که در کوی فنا در ره حق دانه نَکشت

تو و تسبیح و مصلا و ره زٌهد و صلاح

من و میخانه و زٌنار و ره دِیر و کنشت

منعم از می مکن ای صوفی صافی که حکیم

در ازل طینت ما را به می ناب سرشت

راحت از عیش بهشت و لب حورش نبود

هر که او دامن دلدار خود از دست بهشت

صوفی صاف بهشتی نبود زآنکه چو من

خرقه در میکده‌ها در گرو باده نهشت

حافظا لطف حق ار با تو عنایت دارد

باش فارغ ز غم دوزخ و ایمن ز بهشت

in my office at the back of the shop there was only political activism against mass murder torture and humiliation of iranian people

i opened this business after 35 years of work and 35 years of experience from my mother, the austrian government says: nothing happened to this family with an international boycott, he paid rent but the business was ours

austrians are absolute psychopathy as far as genes and dna are concerned, since they can no longer deal with jews, the austrians reduce their paranoia, racial fanaticism and abnormal murder ecstasy to iran. sepah basij and parts of the ayatullah society are your financial partners in the murder business. mauthausen drawing 1945

apparently he also had atomic sperm, otherwise what was his fault?


میگه من حکم الهي دارم تو را ببرم به مجردی و بعد بکشمت، کوسکش بیناموس تو گوه خوردی با جد و آبادت، تو به آب کیر و گل محمدی و ساقه گل نرگس چه کار داری؟ میگه اون ماییم چهار تا چهارتا، تو یکی هم زیادته مرتیکه محاربه چه برسه به دوتا. آخوند کوسخله، کوسخل تر از فاشیست های برون مرزی.. حافظ هم همین رو میگه، میگه پس خدا خواسته آره؟ حیوان زاده حکم الهی داره؟ برو ژن تست بده، یا کار مارو اگر بلدی انجام بده...

one minute filming and spreading private life and sex life illegally is terrorism, in austria NS re-activation and nazi terror

Dienstag, 4. April 2023

آقا ما برویم، ولی نگاه حافظ به خوشبختی چگونست اینه جریان: بیلاخ، بحث زیاد راجع بهش نکنید، فقط بیلاخ به روحانیت نااصیل

جون تو

خسروا گوی فلک در خم چوگان تو شد

ساحت کون ومکان عرصهٔ میدان تو باد

زلف خاتون ظفر شیفتهٔ پرچم توست

دیدهٔ فتح ابد عاشق جولان تو باد

ای که انشاء عطارد صفت شوکت توست

عقل کل چاکر طغراکش دیوان تو باد

طیرهٔ جلوهٔ طوبی قد چون سرو تو شد

غیرت خلد برین ساحت ایوان تو باد

نه به تنها حیوانات و نباتات و جماد

هر چه در عالم امر است به فرمان تو باد

the opening of the gates is a report from ancient greece, hinting at the great empire of persia, also by alexander's generals.racial ability and genetic

the life that azadeh has built up is based on: genes dna race, ethnic group. it was financed by racial delusion. in europe in democracy and the rule of law, in cooperation with UNO, amnesty and international authorities. an example for aryan women in iran!? for how many?

آقا بچه بودیم داشتیم ساز دهنی میزدیم، یکی رد شد گفت: بذار کنار بابا خارج داری میزنی، یک عمر هم خارج میمونی، گفتم چشم علامه. بخدا خودش بود...

آقا این هادی خرسندی هم دیوانست ها، داره فکر میکنه چی واسه دختر چتی هاش بنویسه:

رفتم از شرم از چت روم بیرون
پرنده مردنیست چرا باید بماند بی ارزن و بی دون
ارزن ارزش ندارد او، آن مرد
ای دل پاکیزه، ای خرد، ای مکر
مکر به او که رسید ما هم شدیم پکر

i am a breed molesterbecause nobody knows what will happen to my children, how will they walk on water? or become magoi, the zaratsutan magoi the unnecessary

austrian governments were and are from the time of the founding of the second republic wounded sick creatures until today, it was shown in balkan war by representative kurt waldheim in UNO, today in ukraine

fascism and anti-semitism of the red and green vienna is so strong that tens of thousands have illegally enriched themselves through national socialism financial system, and I as a Jew/Armenian and a victim of terror, don't get a small apartment from the state.... despite severe depression, paranoia, schizophrenia and psychosis

do you know who mr ebrahimi is in tehran? an email from austria is enough, and he jumps up like an athlete, he shows a hitler greeting and says to his wife: write back nastaran ebrahimi, write warm greetings to the children of dear adolf and we will hold the last wall in tehran, our children defend the last wall in the only true democracy and the only free country

in austria there is practicing satanism and arianism, active anti-semitism with racial economic plan, no one helps a political colour, a deception, smeared as a good person: i am green, i am red, or silk red. fuck fascism from which country nationality and skin color

unpunished nazi criminals of whatever nationality will be shot in the head, criminals that still proudly make ethnic groups and races into illegal financial transactions and celebrate their deaths

I have to go, but a feng shui like the one Barbad built consists of various sets, 3, 5, six and 7 sets. the energy chain should ensure the opening of the gate, for the supernatural supply of energy

تیکه برای من است، باربد خر نشد ولی قصر شیرین مال من است

روزگاریست که سودای بتان دین من است
غم این کار نشاط دل غمگین من است
دیدن روی تو را دیده جان بین باید
وین کجا مرتبه چشم جهان بین من است
یار من باش که زیب فلک و زینت دهر
از مه روی تو و اشک چو پروین من است
تا مرا عشق تو تعلیم سخن گفتن کرد
خلق را ورد زبان مدحت و تحسین من است

دولت فقر خدایا به من ارزانی دار
کاین کرامت سبب حشمت و تمکین من است
واعظ شحنه شناس این عظمت گو مفروش
زان که منزلگه سلطان دل مسکین من است
یا رب این کعبه مقصود تماشاگه کیست
که مغیلان طریقش گل و نسرین من است
حافظ از حشمت پرویز دگر قصه مخوان
که لبش جرعه کش خسرو شیرین من است

this statement: if i die, i don't want to die in someone else's bed or someone else's apartment or house is a deeply genetically programmed ahrimanic behavior, see vienna: we are ready to kill for financing houses because we want to die in our own house! with which way of financing? what money? what property? where is the money from?