Dienstag, 11. April 2023

Fuck Nazi doctors in Viennese Hospitals

The original God Spirit of every person has the power to alter and remove all damage made to the DNA through the abuse of these technologies. Once we focus our full attention on serving our inner spirit, we will receive the guidance and support we need during this challenging time on earth. These artificial technologies are designed to suppress Consciousness. They are mostly used to disconnect humanity from communicating with their inner spiritual source and recognizing their true self.[1]


fuck nazis, fuck you evolution nazis


this is the third world war against vmat man


shame on UNO and amnesty International


fuck you austria


i don't have much to write today, the fact is: vienna is still in our apartment with the ayatullah regime, it's not seen as terror or racism, it's not seen as persecution of minorities but as a vmat2 show. judges talk about international law and privilege to pursue vmat2 to spy on vmat2 and to kill vmat2 with secret cameras intrique

I have to go and write again tomorrow, but this is the result: hate without end, murder war and mass murder without end, even against a mother and daughter and son because of ethnic origin

I am happy about a visit from the positive aliens, but they are only there to cry and be sad. irresponsible this pity for evolutionary primates, stupid pity

the help comes of course from many levis, apparently i am baphomet and nasser farahani is not, or the son of baphomet!? actually i am the son of god and baphomet just a biological seed donor. or was jesus (...) rock art great persia

Some of these secret society brotherhoods referred to God as the God of All Things, which was turned into the acronym GOAT. Hence, the symbolism of the goat faced demons Baphomet and Pan that have been commonly associated with the horned devil in Satanic rituals and occult seals used to evoke demonic powers. One of Albert Pike's influences was the French occultist, ceremonial magician and author Eliphas Levi who he quoted in his masonic handbook.[1]

Baphomet Deception

The Baphomet Deception was mainly carried out by the Luciferian Knights Templars in order to distort and twist the original Gnostic teachings from the Christos Essene Templars, the blue flame grail lines of the original 12 Essene Tribes. From the earliest Luciferian Templar sects, this signature was promoted over many generations to be adopted into Islam and to pervade the Satanic sects, in which it became the Church of Satan’s GOAT (god of all things) symbolism.[2


what defines these girls and is useful in one point: that the ugly beast, basement anti-semitism, actually basement fascism, secret murderers, poisonous murderers and mass murderers will show themselves in masses. it justifies the plundering with: you were created to serve us, the actual creation., that's how it happened in colonial times until today

99 percent persian artefacts are a scientific explanation, one picture or relief is like a thousand pages:, princess code

Pricess code


Seducer Archetype is very energetically profitable to siphon for an Negative Ego controlled by sexual addiction and hooked into the mass consciousness Sexual Misery program and belief systems. When a human being is “choosing” to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the NRG network and spread its NRG Implants. The NRG and the Michael-Mary Reversal are systems of which are designed to split apart male and female energies in so that internal balance is not capable of being achieved through the consistent abuse of one's sexual energies or gender energies. The Seducer Archetype is enmeshed with the Baphomet reversal mother or Satanic fields in the earth layers at the 2nd Chakra and 2nd dimensional layers.

  • Seducer: (i.e. Surface: Oooh.You're cute! Flatter, Flatter. Hidden: Let me tangle you in my false flattery webbing and cord your 2D centers for my insatiable vampire and lure you into Sexual Misery)

Femme Fatale or “player” is very good for an ego addicted to receive external attention or energy cords from the opposite sex to feel loved or worthy of attraction. This is related to the Seducer Archetype.

Archetypes of the Seducer include Charismatic Leader, Fame Seeker, Status Seeker, Publicity Seeker, Escapist, Princess CodePathological Liar and Sociopath. These are listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 3 clearing under Addictions/Phobias

this financial genius and heroine: everyone knows you're a bastard and i'm on the side of the people, i'm the good news, I lighten the burden of everyday life.

Negative Ego

i have to go but: today i bought a yoghurt drink and drank it, i enjoyed the strawberry soft drink with zero percent fat and 11 percent sugar. Suddenly an old turkish couple passed me, the woman looked at me with hate, she saw the allah ring on my finger as I was holding the bottle and said:"Deppert": you idiot. i grinned and looked at the old woman and thought: bebe you have a suitcase instead of an ass, a big backpack on the front and you are ready to travel. let gabriel advise you on the other side

Negative Ego and Mob hysteria


the term goat has been the term for whistleblowers throughout history. spiritual individuals who knew no respect for sick torturers and dictatorships. fucking hosts for beings and aliens from other dimensions, now it can be the white house, austrian government or freemasons, or islamic government of iran or the eu parliament. Alien hosts are known by their deeds, visions and tactics, and verbal and noverbal behavior. Sassanid period artifact just before alliance with Emam Ali

جریان شاش بز قندی کهن است حاجی جون

بزبز قندی نماد یک مادر شجاع، دلسوز و مهربان است که به خوبی از کیان خانواده خود دفاع می‌‌کند.

بر سر خاستگاه اصلی داستان بزبز قندی اتفاق نظر وجود ندارد.
عده‌‌ای معتقدند بزبز قندی داستانی ایرانی است که اقوام دیگر آن را ربوده‌‌اند و به نام خود منتشر کرده‌‌اند.
برخی دیگر گمان می‌‌کنند که اصل قصه ترکی است و عده ای دیگر بزبز قندی را از آن کشور آلمان می‌‌دانند.

مورخینی که اعتقاد به ایرانی بودن ریشه داستان بزبز قندی دارند استدلال می‌‌کنند که فلات ایران در زمان‌‌های کهن همواره مورد تهاجم اقوام بیانه بوده است و دشمن در تعبیر این داستان همان گرگ سیاه و بدجنس و مامان بزی نماد کل ایران است. همچنین شنگول و منگول و حبه انگور نیز هر کدام بخش‌‌های مختلف سرزمین پهناور ایران هستند.

Sonntag, 9. April 2023

I have to go and will not write anything more today, read this page until tomorrow, write keywords in the search area, please do not write my name in it, you will not find anything, there are proofs on my blogspot. com


حاجییییی ما بریم بخوابیم، رپتو پتو شپتو پتو واایییییییی که خدا مرگم نده، با کی رفتم زیر پتو... شپتو رپتو پتو



Women carrying the Anunnaki bloodline were kept in the holy temples and used as a star fire supply for the kingship line. These producers of the Star Fire were called ‘Flow-ers’ and all were given the names ‘Lil-y’ which derives from the name ‘Lil-ith’, Cain’s twin sister and wife.

nibiru is philosophy of life, lifestyle, economics, finance, strategy and tactics, nibiru is geopolitics, it's all not based on potential, inventiveness or ingenuity, but only on exploitation, looting and robbery... area 51 is probably a concentration camp with barracks, the inmates are we the old race, for monkey progress...

آقا ایرانی این آهنگ هارو گوش میکنه مایه خجالته، خودم رو میگم ها، هیچکس مثل خودم دیوانه نیست، ما هم یکم باهاش اومدیم:

 رپتو پتو شبتو بتو، شبتو بتو رپتو پتو با کی رفتیم زیر پتو، وااااااایییی ها ها ها ها
عباس شده مثل هلو
ناصر شده یه شفتالو، 
قاسم رونگو که زردالو
محمود نشسته رو پا حاجی با هفتا آلو
رپتو پتو شبتو پتو، 
از شابدالعظیم به نیبیرو
با لشکر بابل نیرو
سر عشوه تیر دوقلو
رپتو پتو زیر پتو شبتو پتو 
با کی رفتیم زیر پتو
 پتو پتو شبتو پتو...
ادمه دارد....

i have to go, fuck nibiru... LOL

evolution is the ability to learn and act on command, how can you increase creativity and spirituality if there is no potential you shit nazi, with 5000 stored brains from the second world war

85% of austrians have the same psychopathy and illness as sepah and hezbollah, they even proved that with corona vaccination: the number of mentally handicapped and physically handicapped people has increased significantly. nevertheless, BSA science talks more advanced than Hizbullah science: what happens when a person listens to music? what music can help? and the helmet with template must send the impulses with the harmony and rhythm of the music. (...)!?

بفرما حالا دانشمند حزب الهی هم خوند شد چوس دکتر الکتروفیزیولوژی و نظر داد: آقا میشه ها، ما اگر بتوانیم قابی یا شابلونی درست کنیم مانند این جدول که این پهن و عن میگوید شاید بشود با ایمپولس های الکترونیکی هم کاری کرد. ببین بیا کیر من بی سواد رو بخور چوس دانشمند.. شاید گوه زیادی نخوری، نرینی به مغز مردم