Mittwoch, 19. April 2023

I'm slowly moving towards this psychosis because society is worse than the police, judges, politicians and the state

fucking idiot i have to go and will be back in the afternoon. in iran it was called barekat

that stays on facebook, the police say: we don't work for iranian jewish armenians vmat2. this statement is a murder plan, a mass murder plan

آقا امشب هم بریم با این کونده بازی بخوابیم، کونده

Lenin’s popular quote about targeting the education of children with social engineering into a communist based ideology demonstrates what is being made visible in the outerscape of western or democratic society today.

Weaponizing Groupthink for Genocide

When groupthink is weaponized as a psychological warfare tool for swaying public opinion through fear, it can lead to mass hysteria and mob mentality that surfaces collective shadows and hidden phobias that spiral into panic. Those that spiral into panic have taken the emotional bait hook of the psychological warfare, then feed off of each other’s emotional and fear-based reactions, causing the group panic to swiftly escalated to incite mob hysteria. When the groupthink is weaponized into mob frenzy and rule, it lends to the destructive tendency of all or nothing thinking in order to demonize those outcast groups that are not in submissive agreement with the core ideology and its methods. The angry mob searches for those they can scapegoat or persecute through displays of public shaming or grandstanding to make public or political examples of, in order to further spread their poisonous ideology which is based on coercion, intimidation, and aggressive violence. This is the classical set up used as the roadmap for genocide

1200 to 2400 euros salary is working class family., working class! academic title or without, working class! what does america say: the exploitation of ethnic iranian minorities happens because we don't have money for high salary for aryan academy. it is with regret that we have to announce: our high-quality potential must access other recourses and extract what their potential is entitled to

i have more enemies in america than in argentina or nicaragua, the rats that fled across the rat line back then speak spanish today, with the help of the varikan, but american enemies are worse. i haven't found a woman for 6 years, america is the biggest nazi with forced sterilization

Dienstag, 18. April 2023

i took a picture a minute before 11:11, standing in carla, an area where the lightworkers worked millions of years ago, i smiled when something happened at 11:11. I'll be back in the afternoon

i have to go read the websites. those who have the gifts can identify higher beings and choose him or her as king or queen

persian kings and leaders were chosen genetically, based on abilities. as shahab suhrawardi strongly emphasized: not only zarathusrra was a light bearer but also many iranian kings. a trip to israel is darkforce membership, mass murder alliance

Maji Priest King

آقا مرحوم محمد رضا پهلوی خدا بیامرز اگر روحش خبردار میشد این پسرش یک روز مانند امروز برای چی میره اسرائیل، میرفت ثریا رو بر میگردوند و از کون بچه دارش میکرد، والا، حالم بهم ریخته از دست این ربع پهلوی. میشناسی که مارو ربع پهلوی؟ جازمن پالتالک

Morgen Heiznug

my mother got a salary of 11,000 tooman in 1977, so it would be possible to travel to europe twice a year and to america once a year. Austria was a poor country in comparison. iranian revolution intrigue was the same intrigue as vienna has been making with our lives and existence since 1998: envy

what this state is doing or what it has been doing since 1920 is this: our people need the feeling of being human.

the austrian is not ashamed, it is not ashamed, do you know why? Because it knows that millions of years ago, when the water was a hundred meters above St. Staphan's Cathedral, we were humans, a civilization, a mixed race...

Austrian psychopathy doesn't care about scolding or insults, LOL, it only wants to get up when it's too late, and that's this case: when you spit in the face and shoot the monkey in the head

since the year 2000, interpol and europol and no international authority has reported anything, but kept everything secret and buried the evidence. because of our genetic and ethnic origin from prehistory. til today. actually, since that time, tens of thousands have died in iran

this photo was taken in year 2000 when i was shopping in flea market Naschmarkt, ali gharib's mother was standing in front of me and was talking about too much fat in alis gheymebademjoon stew in his iranian restaurant and that he never listens to his mother. in any case, almost all flea market dealers in vienna have known me for 23 years, and nobody remembers 3 shops and the stasi system

this level has been reached like in 1932 with the difference: we only want to destroy dozens and live well, not countless like back then

the earth has a worldwide dilemma and problem with satanism, government ahrimanism and luciferian alien elite, today you can see in vienna: everything that this disease does with the sick ayatullah regime and vienna networks, the international authorities say next to americans: it is none of our business, we see no terror, stasi system, and attempted murder, we see nothing from both governments

آقا امروز در کمد رو باز کردم چشمم خورد به این کت، گفتم بزار امروز با درجه بریم بیرون هوا خوبه. چند قدمی از خانه و زنجیره انرژی سنگام دورشدم و باز رفتم تو افکار منفی: خوارت رو گائیدم مادرقحبه، درجه مارو دزدیدی ریدی به هرچی فروغ جاویدان عن ننه، آخه تو تاکتیک و استراتژی حالیت بود هفت هزار نفر رو به گا دادی نیم وجبی. مادر خودت رو رژیم رو من گائیدم...

Montag, 17. April 2023

fucking sick vienna

before i go, i also have some of the DAN in me combined with vmat2, a mixed race, jew armenian race. the strongly pronounced electromagnetism and white magic: SEHR

I have to go but I suppose I'll pass by a VÖGELE women's fashion shop again and then think of emam ali again. we still have proof: snake and dragon culture and emam ali grace over persia. they even contaminated us with Bird fashion and superfluous consumption at the time

So if Herodotus weren't such a dirty alcoholic and alien nationalist then I wouldn't be in this situation with my family. all misreported to fuck us forever. serpent culture:


During the days of the Biblical Great Exodus, a group separated from Moses and went to the North. This group was the Tribe of Dann. Millions went and settled in the European and Scandinavian areas. From there they spread out to other parts of the word... conquering the countries, spreading their Annunaki seed and replacing the conquered people's traditions with their own serpent culture.[3

i have to go, viennese stone, 10th district. good night DAN LOL


Celts may be of the Tribe of Dan

"There are certain facts that suggest that the Celts might have derived from a Jewish tradition from the East. The Celtic body of ecclesiastical and civil knowledge was Druidism. Their system can be traced to about 1800 B.C. It is recorded in ’Welsh Triads’ that Hugh Gadarn synthesized the wisdom of the ancients for those whom he led west from Sumer and Mesopotamia. In ’The Psalter of Cashel’ it states that: ’The Tuatha Dé Danann’ ruled in Ireland for about two centuries, and were highly skilled in architecture and other arts from their long residence in Greece.’ The Tuatha Dé Danann were the descendants of Danaus, the son of Belus, who went with his fifty daughters to Argos, the home of his ancestrous Io. In Irish legends the Tuatha de Danaan, who were considered to be demi-gods, were said to have possessed a Grail-like vessel.These teachers of wisdom were the founders of the Druidic priesthood." [Van Buren, p. 141-142

according to statistics from ayatollahs, teheran has 3 million psychopaths! it is said that the black numbers are up to 15 million in all of iran. in iran there is actually a birth control as far as iranian ethnic groups, minorities and semites are concerned, see what they did with me and rana worldwide, with 8 million psychopathy austria

چی میگه خدا میدونه مردک دیوانه

یا رب آن آهوی مشکین به ختن بازرسان

وان سهی سرو خرامان به چمن بازرسان

دل آزرده ما را به نسیمی بنواز

یعنی آن جان ز تن رفته به تن بازرسان

ماه و خورشید به منزل چو به امر تو رسند

یار مهروی مرا نیز به من بازرسان

دیده‌ها در طلب لعل یمانی خون شد

یا رب آن کوکب رخشان به یمن بازرسان

برو ای طایر میمون همایون آثار

پیش عنقا سخن زاغ و زغن بازرسان

سخن این است که ما بی تو نخواهیم حیات

بشنو ای پیک خبرگیر و سخن بازرسان

آن که بودی وطنش دیده حافظ یا رب

به مرادش ز غریبی به وطن بازرسان

پسر حاجی این بشقاب پرنده تعریف داره ها، برو از حاجی یاد بگیر حافظ کجا رفت تو قافیه...آقا حاجی از شاملو بدش میومد ولی جریان عشق و نفرت سر حافظ بود، عشق به این معنا: آقای شاملو عنایت بفرمائید به ما و مردم بگویید این مردک دیوانه بود یا نه...

my aunt tara, my mother's sister, was murdered in washington after completing a double degree and viennese secret services are talking about it: the mother is not intellectual, she only restored carpets, rana only made unnecessary music, and he knows a lot but knows everything from talking and listening and not from books reading LOL that's why we're still alive?