Freitag, 21. April 2023

my mother's business permit in vienna in 1996 was based on 18 years of work in the iranian culture ministry, and 6 years of work at vartian carpet trade company, from 1996, i learned a trade until 2002, then i opened a shop myself, at that time most "iranian" in vienna have been ALLAF, do you know what allaf means? Nothing, nobodies, or they weren't Allaf but salary recipients, 1200-2200.

VLAD or valade zena : if you ask farrokh negahdar: who did you look for between 1979 and 1981, with lajevardi and others, then he answers: former secret service members savak. this is a lie, these people are eugenics nazis, active in iran from the 16th century to the present day, from the balkan countries. the result was 38,000 executions in 1988

i have everyone in vienna as enemies: toshmali bakhtiari, juki baboli, suzmani, luti. all are on murder mode after vmat2 financial project

my grandfather Bagher was a butcher, my mother a civil servant, my aunt a student, without wealth or capital. Bagher chose this life to live in peace, but the children did not. tara achieved a double title, my uncle davood became an antique dealer at 23, and my mother a carpet dealer with two shops. the enemies were as always: romano aryan iranian with vienna and america support

Well, the black spirits didn't come to Elam on four paws, but the hate has four paws. Do you see that today? do you notice? he came to elam from far far away

i'm back for tea and naps, i don't know how many people in tehran vienna and new york can do that, but apparently it's a widespread normal skill

Donnerstag, 20. April 2023

I have to go, but faith opens the gates again, iran is a country of rebirth. but i live in a dark force land with compulsive psychopathy of finding the anti christian and presenting him as the "MESSIAH". Well, Greece is EU but not your soil and right you Austrians

my sympathy for musa khiabani as a child was: a spiritual attraction, i smiled often even when many of the mujahedeen hugged the ayatullahs and then blew themselves up with bombs. we know each other from other timelines, when we fought darkforce alien together. the only thing: i was the general and musa my officer in spaceship

People born on earth with Indigo 3 agreements generally have cellular memory histories in the timelines with power conflicts and power abuses. They may have chosen this contract in order to gain self-mastery around the world of forces both material and spiritual, and determining how best to direct their spiritual light and consciousness power while addressing the most complex issues of global, race, and social memory situations that impact races of beings. A large majority have been involved in the Galactic Wars at some point where previous strategies failed. They want to learn why that mission failed because most failures are centered around power abuses and making the wrong decision based on unclear intel or wrong information, at the point in time that decision was made. They may go back to that point in the time field to explore what they did and make corrections to the Timelines. This will show up in current life experiences where they have to solve a problem that appears impossible. This is a re-enactment of the previous timeline where you get to have a "do-over" with the same level of energies or conflict in present time. When they learn to overcome their mind and ego limitation, they learn how to work with the spiritual forces to apply consciousness power in harmless ways to solve the problem. These were Group Leaders and Generals that were managing large amounts of resources and many teams of people, such as a Fleet or Ship Commander, in other timelines of great conflict and war.

we came to vienna as political refugees in 1986, at that time i was eleven years old and severely traumatized by what i experienced as a child between the ages of seven and eleven. i said aunt to most female students, my aunt tara had dozens of sisters i knew when i was 5. I felt mortal fear for years because of arrests, jail, executions. some aunts also disappeared without a trace, without files. the whole thing is repeated because of my mother and sister in vienna, the viennese police, secret services and judges, the viennese upper class. with ayatullahs and hizbullah in action

good night LOL

adolf searched with himmler for a long time for their living dogson father, the primal father. With their black magician archaeologists, only the honor was mine with a black magical electromagnetic stab in the ear

i felt this DAN 1 spirit in kefalonia, dozens of meters as a cursed merman trapped under boulders in a cage (sarcophagus), it begged me to dive and free him, he promised to free me from this stasi capture, i got an ear infection as I laughed at him, the curse was just a joke like his promise

for schizophrenia and paranoia and diabetes, this photo is like chocolates with peanut cream. i am in mortal danger because of viennese police and secret service draconian reptile spirits. message from matrix

this photo and gate is wonderful, taken 5 minutes ago, long live great elam

Is building a house more important or the life of any family or person in society is an alien tactic and mind control program. this black ego producing factory kills millions of people. many people have known me in vienna since 1986, how many are unknown? and will die without a name tag


i never talk about something without evidence, there is historical evidence and statements even former toude party elite iraj eskandari: many iranians became communists after stalingrad, former fascists, like 35% leningrad fascists. iranian workers party toudeh is the mother and father of all iranian leftist parties, and decades long allies of russian eugenics nazis, with best contacts to england and america, europe

My tablet photos are also saved to the internet gallery at the same time with a click, there is no technology at the moment to fake photos with tablets, not even bill gates has this technology

Today: the Golden Ass connection

To truly practice the positive application of directing our consciousness energy in Service to Others, we must purify our consciousness and our body of negative ego desires, and allow ourselves to be a clear conduit of genuine heart-based intentions to serve our inner spirit or God’s divine will. Through the pursuit of spiritual dedication to develop unconditional love, virtue ethics, goodness and communing with the Spirits of Christ, one allows themselves to become a white magician. By allowing the forces of goodness to flow through our physical vessel and circulate the inner light, while blessing the world around us. This is the natural result of spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness towards achieving spiritual freedom. It is not the ego identity that accomplishes this, it is the spark of God that transforms and heals the darkness, from the perfection of the Universal Krystal light that may flow through us

many black pencils have colored night dreams, news from prehistory. 35% of them in Leningrad had this love, they would have liked to give the nazis a warm welcome, but they were patient for 900 days and didn't talk about their wishes. lol The post-war period wasn't ecstasy, but the wanking was enough

Mittwoch, 19. April 2023

the photo reminded me of anna achmatowa, so i still sit at home and read, and grin about eugenics nazis. poem without a hero

HOKUSPOKUS-FALL, Ist Schadenszauber strafbar? Arschloch Richter, Fake Standard Nazi

I thought it's eight o'clock, it's about 7:39 and I'm still at home. like i said: slowly it starts with psychosis. In any case, these snake dragons that azadeh has set up with her networks are annoying, martyrdom programming of these species is annoying

I'm slowly moving towards this psychosis because society is worse than the police, judges, politicians and the state

fucking idiot i have to go and will be back in the afternoon. in iran it was called barekat

that stays on facebook, the police say: we don't work for iranian jewish armenians vmat2. this statement is a murder plan, a mass murder plan

آقا امشب هم بریم با این کونده بازی بخوابیم، کونده

Lenin’s popular quote about targeting the education of children with social engineering into a communist based ideology demonstrates what is being made visible in the outerscape of western or democratic society today.

Weaponizing Groupthink for Genocide

When groupthink is weaponized as a psychological warfare tool for swaying public opinion through fear, it can lead to mass hysteria and mob mentality that surfaces collective shadows and hidden phobias that spiral into panic. Those that spiral into panic have taken the emotional bait hook of the psychological warfare, then feed off of each other’s emotional and fear-based reactions, causing the group panic to swiftly escalated to incite mob hysteria. When the groupthink is weaponized into mob frenzy and rule, it lends to the destructive tendency of all or nothing thinking in order to demonize those outcast groups that are not in submissive agreement with the core ideology and its methods. The angry mob searches for those they can scapegoat or persecute through displays of public shaming or grandstanding to make public or political examples of, in order to further spread their poisonous ideology which is based on coercion, intimidation, and aggressive violence. This is the classical set up used as the roadmap for genocide

1200 to 2400 euros salary is working class family., working class! academic title or without, working class! what does america say: the exploitation of ethnic iranian minorities happens because we don't have money for high salary for aryan academy. it is with regret that we have to announce: our high-quality potential must access other recourses and extract what their potential is entitled to

i have more enemies in america than in argentina or nicaragua, the rats that fled across the rat line back then speak spanish today, with the help of the varikan, but american enemies are worse. i haven't found a woman for 6 years, america is the biggest nazi with forced sterilization