Sonntag, 23. April 2023

حاجی یه زمانی تو کاسه مردم هم میشاشیدیدم بازم مارو به کشتارگاه نمیبردن، میگفتن ولش کنید شاش بعد از آب حیات است، بابا تو دیگه کی هستی حاجی، نشاشیده همه رو کشتی. آقا ما بریم بخوابیم

enlightenment was always a necessity because of iranian tribes and their origin, after the libraries and books or silver and gold writing plates have been burned several times. this task has been taken over by secret sects, freemasonry and illuminati, and only one percent have received this enlightenment since the 15th century: you are of inferior origin than the people that live here, you have nothing to do with the old race or with the achaemenid empire. Envy is the killer

he has known me since 2002 from paltalk, where I was an admin for 15 years, actually an alpha. his gang were sympathizers because of my radical words and combat strategy plans against the iranian regime, today in vienna and europe there is not a single chat room without death threats against my mother and sister, especially iranian women in charrooms. with the reason: the private life of the vmat2 jewish armenians is state property and the stasi money is the property of the network. it is this democracy and human rights that this opposition is talking about. "aryan democracy"

Samstag, 22. April 2023

i have to go and come back at noon, read the page. Elam rock art

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی حاج پهلوی انشاالله قبول باشه، پشت این تیفار حقیقتی نهفته، و این حق بهترین سلاح توست، ای رسول رستاخیز، در اسرائیل یه تیفاره یه تیفاره که پشتش....حالا با این گوه خوردن ها هی بزن به ما.. یا اینکه زدی به آخوند؟

0815 evolution can no longer afford real estate and no prosperity, we are in danger internationally, the human, the vmat2 race is in danger. long-term torture financial projects, aiming to: end result death, even a whole family

How do viennese greens and leftists want to justify NS repetition with jews armenians international boycott? hide evidence? delivery of evidence after 9/11 in vienna? so that the nazi money disappears and remains buried.the goal that is aimed at is charlie hebdo fall in vienna, expectation is 9/11

0815 evolution can no longer afford real estate and no prosperity, we are in danger internationally, the human, the vmat2 race is in danger. long-term torture financial projects, aiming to:result death, even a whole family

For centuries, this creature only wants to humiliate and uses humiliation techniques, it can't do without. we must die because this cannot live with us, this here... it cannot live next to us and with us..., 0815. it seeks and hunts us, in laboratories in hospitals in gene databases, it controls our genes and DNA, Because it doesn't want to live next to us

look at the social democrats, the lefties and the greens in vienna, who do you think works in amnesty international and UNO city? anti vmat2 movement and mass murderer with DAN sorros support

Austria and Germany and their allies the nato states should be constrained with evidence from prehistory: you were never human but just a hideous unnatural creatures genetically altered by alien technology. mass murder warmongers and parasites. what the fuck is the master race, who is and who was human? fucking Baal bastard

i can sing you a song and in between write two stories novels about where these green and left-wing tribes in vienna come from. anti vmat2 movement bastards

Fallen Wesa Matrix

This ancient history is entwined with the Wesa races that decided to utilize the technological weaponization of shadow forms in which they generated the Monsters of Chaos to create a vast army of Antichrist Shadow Creatures. The timeline damage that was caused by the several concurrent historical tragic events generating the formation of the darkest aspects of shadow creatures and AI assimilated entities into an organized hierarchy, which then sought to exist and find immortality by creating phantom systems. These antichrist shadow forms created the phantom matrices via metatronic (anti-life) reversals and by directly enslaving other living species in order to consume their light and resources. The shadow creatures of the phantom races seek to harness the living consciousness energy that is found within those races, within lineages directly connected to the God Source fields. They seek out those Christos forms which hold the Sacred Crystal Heart permanent seed atom, which ignites their inner spirit eternal God body, and try to capture it and replicate it on several other phantom dimensions.[2]

dirtiest murderers and fascists in this city are the green ones, as far as genes, dna and race are concerned, poison killers and supporters of national socialist euthanasia system: we are humane, we kill without anyone seeing blood, the stasi nazi money will not smell of blood

everything that Viennese greens, leftists and social democrats did with my mother and sister in the last 15 years is based on vmat2 uterus hatred. deep psychopathic hatred for vmat2 uterus, especially because of my mother

do you understand the absurdity in europe? the right-wing parties are controlled fascists, the green the social democrats and the socialists are accepted eugenics nazis and genocides

today the viennese green party strongly emphasizes: it is right for us to watch secretly and quietly in jewish armenians apartments from iran. it is still said: it's not a fascism topic, but we want to save the world, a clean environment needs happy and satisfied people, through this show we reach everyone in the whole world: clean environment is a privilege, helps us to remain unpunished for our goals

Freitag, 21. April 2023

I have to go and will be back late afternoon, read the page and compare everything with ancient elami persian artefacts

Leviathan is also a negative alien race, put here to guard the Tiamat wormhole ripped open between Sarasota, Florida and the Temple Mount. However, it is more commonly used as an image of Satan endangering God's creatures, by attempting to eat them and by threatening God's creation with an upheaval in the waters of chaos. The Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters at each of the points of the Sigil of Baphomet to represent Leviathan in their Black Magic rituals. This means Satanists that conjure or evoke Baphomet fields to power up Leviathan entities for service-to-self rituals, are actually contributing to the feeding of the Beast Machine and its AI technology for maintaining the electromagnetic harness. This is another example of why Satanism is a natural segue into the Transhumanism agendas, as many materialists are very pro-artificial intelligence.[1

before i go to sleep, vlad and valadezena, are from the gray austrian dan kitchens, the traces are dozens of meters underground, Many of the subterranean hell kitchens are concreted in from the church

my mother's business permit in vienna in 1996 was based on 18 years of work in the iranian culture ministry, and 6 years of work at vartian carpet trade company, from 1996, i learned a trade until 2002, then i opened a shop myself, at that time most "iranian" in vienna have been ALLAF, do you know what allaf means? Nothing, nobodies, or they weren't Allaf but salary recipients, 1200-2200.

VLAD or valade zena : if you ask farrokh negahdar: who did you look for between 1979 and 1981, with lajevardi and others, then he answers: former secret service members savak. this is a lie, these people are eugenics nazis, active in iran from the 16th century to the present day, from the balkan countries. the result was 38,000 executions in 1988

i have everyone in vienna as enemies: toshmali bakhtiari, juki baboli, suzmani, luti. all are on murder mode after vmat2 financial project

my grandfather Bagher was a butcher, my mother a civil servant, my aunt a student, without wealth or capital. Bagher chose this life to live in peace, but the children did not. tara achieved a double title, my uncle davood became an antique dealer at 23, and my mother a carpet dealer with two shops. the enemies were as always: romano aryan iranian with vienna and america support

Well, the black spirits didn't come to Elam on four paws, but the hate has four paws. Do you see that today? do you notice? he came to elam from far far away

i'm back for tea and naps, i don't know how many people in tehran vienna and new york can do that, but apparently it's a widespread normal skill

Donnerstag, 20. April 2023

I have to go, but faith opens the gates again, iran is a country of rebirth. but i live in a dark force land with compulsive psychopathy of finding the anti christian and presenting him as the "MESSIAH". Well, Greece is EU but not your soil and right you Austrians

my sympathy for musa khiabani as a child was: a spiritual attraction, i smiled often even when many of the mujahedeen hugged the ayatullahs and then blew themselves up with bombs. we know each other from other timelines, when we fought darkforce alien together. the only thing: i was the general and musa my officer in spaceship

People born on earth with Indigo 3 agreements generally have cellular memory histories in the timelines with power conflicts and power abuses. They may have chosen this contract in order to gain self-mastery around the world of forces both material and spiritual, and determining how best to direct their spiritual light and consciousness power while addressing the most complex issues of global, race, and social memory situations that impact races of beings. A large majority have been involved in the Galactic Wars at some point where previous strategies failed. They want to learn why that mission failed because most failures are centered around power abuses and making the wrong decision based on unclear intel or wrong information, at the point in time that decision was made. They may go back to that point in the time field to explore what they did and make corrections to the Timelines. This will show up in current life experiences where they have to solve a problem that appears impossible. This is a re-enactment of the previous timeline where you get to have a "do-over" with the same level of energies or conflict in present time. When they learn to overcome their mind and ego limitation, they learn how to work with the spiritual forces to apply consciousness power in harmless ways to solve the problem. These were Group Leaders and Generals that were managing large amounts of resources and many teams of people, such as a Fleet or Ship Commander, in other timelines of great conflict and war.

we came to vienna as political refugees in 1986, at that time i was eleven years old and severely traumatized by what i experienced as a child between the ages of seven and eleven. i said aunt to most female students, my aunt tara had dozens of sisters i knew when i was 5. I felt mortal fear for years because of arrests, jail, executions. some aunts also disappeared without a trace, without files. the whole thing is repeated because of my mother and sister in vienna, the viennese police, secret services and judges, the viennese upper class. with ayatullahs and hizbullah in action

good night LOL

adolf searched with himmler for a long time for their living dogson father, the primal father. With their black magician archaeologists, only the honor was mine with a black magical electromagnetic stab in the ear

i felt this DAN 1 spirit in kefalonia, dozens of meters as a cursed merman trapped under boulders in a cage (sarcophagus), it begged me to dive and free him, he promised to free me from this stasi capture, i got an ear infection as I laughed at him, the curse was just a joke like his promise

for schizophrenia and paranoia and diabetes, this photo is like chocolates with peanut cream. i am in mortal danger because of viennese police and secret service draconian reptile spirits. message from matrix