Dienstag, 2. Mai 2023

who will die is clear, for 40 years the indo-arian race was raised in iran with strategic gene politics and racial politics, and the natives were ruined, prepared for mass extinctions

nobody believes that suddenly ten million die in one year, when it happens it's too late. what will happen in iran.. no one believed mirza taghi khan until it happened in 1918. He was banned for a year as a paranoid

politics, geopolitics, strategies are like a smoke on a winter day in december. How many layers you work on is a matter of taste and lifestyle. it's actually about empath and NON-EMPATHS

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، اینم نشستیم واسه خنده دوباره خوندیم

حافظ » غزلیات »

غزل شمارهٔ ۴۶۳

سلام الله ما کر اللیالی

و جاوبت المثانی و المثالی

Do you understand: among the 10 million exiled iranians lives the third generation that is worse than the first generation, young people between 16 and 25 are worse misery than their intellegenzia grandparents 1968: we are liberal, the train of globalization gives us tickets, fare dodgers will not be tolerated. we have tickets, as race and law

80 percent of austrian women have an old hate against me personally, against my sister and against my mother, the popular laboratory report showed: ethnic group from austria, they left their home country austria 38,000 years ago

more hate to great persia and elam than to turks with two sieges

getting up at six in the morning on sunday, not having a party on saturday night is fun, so on sunday i asked a lady at the flea market: what is that? she replied a broken vase! i wanted to ask how was the long party last night? but i said don't do it, her dark circles under her eyes are punishment enough. In any case, I am pleased that many Viennese no longer remember the second Turkish siege,
but instead they remember forever a one night stand with a turk. This hand grenade had greek fire in it during the second siege, well, the greek fire burns differently today too. does it burn or hurt? no idea

Vienna is not offended by million-year-old stone formations, the only insult and impertinence would be: how do you dig up the stasi jew money!? our money and work between 1998-2022 you persian crypto-jew

Montag, 1. Mai 2023

i have to go, but the dead bodies are lying somewhere else, and vienna says with ayatullah government: we have to find the corpses in the vmat2 family basement, the basement of mother, daughter and son

it takes months, weeks, even years to find two matching stones and minerals, to do everything for one purpose: what does darwinism have to do with ahrimanism, and what was creation. and why the austrian government and its judges fanatically want to condemn the victims with hide evidence. tablet photo raw

At the very corner of these two labradorite stones I found a spot, the false Michael Matrix. responsible for circumcision law. jews and muslims, taboo for christians and zartushtis. but in islam there are no original writings by the prophet and imam, with handwriting and signature

Fallen Nephilim Luciferian entities that have been masquerading as Archangel Michael since the Luciferian Rebellion.

vienna wants to establish a higher standard with the destruction of existence and murder, apart from viennese officials like the judges, it's viennese journalists who don't want to live with a normal salary, but as real estate owners, a life with travel, fun, luxury. through silent murder and strategic torture techniques

private life trafficking through secret cameras is a heavier crime than heroin trafficking, a trafficking just as serious as child pornography trafficking, austrian government says: the perpetrators are humane and decent and the victims are not decent. the perpetrators say: we are human and no one can arrest us because of non human victims

a situation has developed in iran with immigration: we don't bow our heads to you, that was the fall of the persian empire, also that of greece. even alexander and persia war suffered from it. we don't lower our heads to old race

What is a Ziggurat

i started taking pictures in 2018 after nobody wanted to give the exact reason for international hate campaign, at the top of the ziggurat elamis had rituals, with smoke and magic they called themselves to be close to god and claimed to get messages from beyond as god's sign


آقا ما صد تا کامران با این جریان صورت میشناسیم، اصلا انگار اسم گذاری رو بچه ها حس ژنتیکه، آخه ما با هر چی کامران آشنا شدیم دیدیم نگاه اولش مثل سگ با معرفت به صاحب و اربابش بود، ما هم دلمون میسوخت همیشه پیش خودمون میگفتیم گمشو بابا ما هنوز اونیم ولی  تو دیگه اونی نیستی که باید باشی. جناب سرهنگ نبینم دیگه اینطوری به ما نگاه کنی ها، بی غیرت. غیرت نداری ما صاحبت بشیم... لول

give me a license and permission to excavate in greece and i will prove that persians saved greece from satanic ahrimanic mass murder rituals and torture. blood sacrifice and god genes mutilation

persian imperialists

apparently i was the only imperialist, capitalist, wage dumping industrialist in vienna. Apparently I had workers and paid 1050 euros for 12 hours of work.
Apparently I'm the main culprit for the green party because of pollution, because of 30 cigarettes a day for 34 years. or animal molesters for horse leather shoes.. or deer leather jacket. in any case, i noticed here in athens 2010 that the greeks actually see us as imperialists of history.. LOL for all the ruins persian imperialists are to blame, from elam

Corrupt the legal system to support predators, with bias against victims of crime

Marxist-Leninist Subversion Playbook


As an ideology in the 20th century only atheistic Communism, with its murder and mass killings in multiple millions, are responsible for more deaths and violence than any religion or political system. This is why this ideology is so popular in the organizations working for the Satanic death cult, it has worked well for securing mass Blood Sacrifice in the past histories. The following are some basic guidelines for ideological subverters that are working to destroy a culture, nation or identity. Please hold some space for thoughtful reflection on what the consequences of these could be on the minds of children, youth and adults and note how many of these steps are active today, with visible evidence demonstrated in the culture. What I want to make clear is that these were not the events of random evolution chosen by individuals, these were purposely guided as a Mind Control agenda for spreading harm to the people. This has been followed as a rule book by media, education systems and all forms of Social Engineering used by subverters to confuse the public, so the Controllers can remain in power and have all the wealth. This Propaganda must stop if we want to live as free people in a free society

Sonntag, 30. April 2023

I have to go and I'll be back in the afternoon, fuck this day, the first of may has become a zombie parade. led by the luciferian alien in red costume

when the american says: no one cares how much the iranian regime has earned through terrorism and attempted murder of a family in the west, then it has a meaning: for 40 years we were involved in systematic native mass murder. the american is employed in all international authorities as a mole. stronger in UNO.

i have to go to sleep, or prepare for sleep, but this psychopathy from rahim amiri, from political iranian like toudeh and aksariat party is the psychopathy 1979-1988. rahim amiri was active in evin prison for 12 months in the 80s, not as a politically ambitious but as a torturer. look at his files next to mohsen darzi, his friend in sweden, the former comrade

i colored the myrrh smoke photo a bit in tablet, it fits the website


when the austrian (i also mean 90% austrian women) says: we can control each other and i cannot control myself then there is a reason: apart from earned illegal nazi money, the country has to pay damages, alone 15 million euros for the crimes between 2002-2006. instead, the country has paid 160 million euros to hush money to international key figures and international authorities.also to iranian opposition leaders

austrian government is not only targeting iranian native vmat2 breed, but it tries to target vmat2 on an international basis with millions of viewers networks, the secret camera customers. 1932 vienna

This evolution was foreseen to reach a point where it says: hunter gatherer is the higher being, we have no empathy we are the force. that's why indestructible rocks, mountains, stones, metal and artefacts in general were left behind with the message: stay on your place you monkey origin

many secret signs have one main meaning: we are in the majority with billions in capital, we can afford anything, and our heads have a priceless value on our bodies. the result is: a 0815 academic with a salary of 1800 euros claims the same and sees herself as a nazi perpetrator of the same standing as an industrialist. also unemployed academics

آقا امروز یکشنبه بازار بودم، تا این رو دیدم گفتم: آی تخم حروم، آثار خجسته هم از خودت میگذاری، که به ما بگی بیلاخ.

if 40 years of orthodox academic heads in the opposition fail, not being able to prove a single successful step, then there is hate and envy against the unorthodox spirit and science being greater

both states austria and iran gave her millions of euros to stand next to me, the importance of this issue was: leadership potential