Sonntag, 7. Mai 2023

Crossbreeding for a mixed breed is an ancient science: Elam 4000 B.C. rock relief with watermarks

حاجی یعنی نصرت و باقر و صدیقه، به حضرت عباس قسم، خودشون بودن. سر چهارراه تیردقلو، صحنه و تصاویر فتنه رو حال کن، چی شد جون تو... من و رعنا، تیردقلو، لول

i have to go, but: apparently farsi was satan language, khuzestan melchior lucifer language and casper language hell language

اعراب با عجمیان حتی بعد از گرویدن به اسلام به عنوان انسان‌های درجه دوم برخورد می‌کردند. حتی در بصره مسجد موالی که تازه مسلمانان بودند از دیگران جدا بود. امویها با استناد به احادیث مجعول زبان مردم عجم را تحقیر می‌کردند. مقدسی در احسن التقاسیم یکی از این احادیث را بدین مضمون نقل نموده‌است: «مبغوض‌ترین زبانها در نزد خدا زبان فارسی است، و زبان خوزستان زبان شیطان است و زبان اهل جهنم زبان بخارایی و زبان اهل جنت زبان عربی است.» تعصب امویها به حدی بود که قتیبه بن مسلم والی خراسان، علیه کسانی که خط خوارزمی می‌نوشتند و سنت علمی سرزمین خود را می‌شناختند با شدت عمل برخورد می‌کرد

found in tenth district vienna favoriten, wienerwald. light bodies and drakonian

eugenics national socialism sassanid empire, high potential and spirituale man mass murder. shit on fake islam of " islamic republic of iran"

i have to go alien host

the prophet said renounce everything old and live normally, that can save your existence for a certain time, he declared the old potential to be haram. today the old potential and ability is a necessity for survival LOL

vienna is mass murder attempt, in 21st century, it has history, it is race, dna and genes

the identity of true islam, i repeat: true islam, has saved the continued existence of my race to this day. But today the roles have been reversed because the wrong human has usurped the identity to give us another identity to kill us en masse

that was jeroboam's fight with soleyman: the language and culture and matrix of the animals is our downfall.

"who we are or where we came from"

On 3D planet Earth, humanities true star origins, ET involvement and historical records, ancient artifacts and sacred spiritual texts, along with higher consciousness memories were mostly erased, so that we would not remember who we are or where we came from. We were handed a false history, false identity and false reality from the victors of war, along with strong broadcasts of NAA Mind Control programming in order to condition us to believe in the fabricated anti-human culture that is the controlled AI version of 3D reality. Artificial grids and AI timeline networks are used by the Controllers, both human and nonhuman, to maintain the 3D artificial reality for the inhabitants of this planet and to maintain the Prison Planet enslavement status

آقا دوتا فیلم اتفاقی نگاه کردم، نمیدونم چرا. یکیش قسم و یکیش کشتارگاه، همین الان به خودم گفتم: پسر خیلی گاوی. والا، گاو ماییم و اینها هزار قصه و داستان و تعریف دارند

Considering history up to 4000 BC, what does the aggressive alien host society do without the girl, mind controlled zombies: the result was seen during the war of Alexander and Daraios the Great: betrayal and native murder. in vienna public silent murder of a family, murder without evidence in front of state cameras


توجه خاصی نسبت به عملکرد دوپامین در مسیر mesolimbic مغز شده‌است. توجهات بیش از حد منتج شده از یافته‌های تصادفی است که phenothiazine مواد مخدر، که مسدودکننده عملکرد دوپامین است، می‌تواند علائم روان پریشی را کاهش دهد. این واقعیت وجود دارد که آمفتامین‌ها، که منجر به آزاد شدن دوپامین می‌شوند، ممکن است علائم روان پریشی در اسکیزوفرنی را تشدید کنند.[۱۴۸] فرضیه مؤثر دوپامین اسکیزوفرنی پیشنهاد می‌کند که فعال‌سازی بیش از حد گیرنده‌های D۲ علت (علائم مثبت) اسکیزوفرنی بود. اگر چه حدود ۲۰ سال این فرضیه بر اساس اثر مسدودکننده D۲ مشترک در تمام داروهای ضد روان پریشی بنا شد، اما تا اواسط دهه نود که PET و بررسی‌های تصویربرداری مقطع‌نگاری رایانه‌ای تک‌فوتونی شواهد پشتیبان را تأمین می‌کردند اثری از آن نبود. فرضیه دوپامین در حال حاضر، تا حدودی تنها به دلیل اینکه تجویز داروهای ضد روان پریشی جدید (تجویز داروی داروهای ضد روان پریشی نامنظم) می‌توانند مؤثر تر از تجویز داروهای قدیمی (تجویز دارو داروهای ضد روان پریشی معمولی) باشند ساده تصور می‌شود، اما عملکرد سروتونین نیز مؤثر واقع می‌شود و ممکن است اندکی کمتر از دوپامین اثر مسدودکننده داشته باشد.[۱۴۹]

در ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۱۴ دانشمندان موفق شدند هشتاد و سه ژن جدید را که در بیماری اسکیزوفرنی نقش دارند شناسایی کنند.[۱۱۰] بیشتر این ژن‌ها در انتقال پیام‌های شیمیایی در مغز نقش دارند و برخی دیگر نیز بر سیستم ایمنی بدن تأثیر می‌گذارند. این پژوهش ژنتیکی بودن این بیماری را ثابت کرد

پارچهٔ سوزن‌دوزی‌شده توسط بیمار مبتلا به اسکیزوفرنی

تقریباً نیمی از مبتلایان به اسکیزوفرنی در درازمدت بدون عود مجدد بهبود چشمگیری خواهند داشت و بخش کوچکی از این افراد به‌طور کامل بهبود می‌یابند.[۷][۲۴] اما۵۰٪ باقی مانده دچار نقص مادام العمر خواهند بود

i have to go, but vienna has started several wars in history: the 30 years war dirty, first world war pandora's box campaign, second world war was supposed to be the start for the destruction of everything old and in fact it lasts until today even with: archeology suppression and prove destruction. worldwide

well, apparently this elami gene was also known in prehistory: we gave you vmat2 to be good, but not a donkey. well, it wakes me up at 6 a.m. and says: judges are dogs, police officers are alien son of the bitches, women in 3 secret services are alien whores and the rest is.....

I have a psychotic disorder because of my genes and suffer from schitzopherenia and paranoia. the voices in my head are surreal and in line with my delusion fascism in 21st century and vmat2 mass murder plan middle east africa and iran

Samstag, 6. Mai 2023

rana has been paying taxes since 2005, from 2004 she worked in flex club, next to my antique shop. i will find illegal nazi clips from that time. I never work and never start a project without a concept and evidence.

uterus envy and uterus problem, the targets of black madonna networks

In his book The God Gene, molecular biologist Dean Hamer blamed VMAT2 for human religious sentiments. The validity of his theory is still disputed. [8th]

adolf was also afraid of that and went to germany to announce the master race: there are billions of stones lying around in vienna and the viennese want to discuss the random prince and grow

these stones lie around in vienna, inexplicably grown with a multitude of logical scenes... so much for the topic of misogyny

stasi jews boycott: The Black Madonna Network is designed to spread Misogyny and anti-female belief systems for mind controlling the Collective Consciousness.

we have suffered from debt and race boycott since 2002. I tried to pay back my mother's debts because of constant harassment from bailiffs who wanted to take everything, furniture and apartment items. 2002 to 20012. we still have the debts because of oppression, stasi racism, stasi fascism and stasi anti-Semitism

I have to go, but before that: the plan was for German fascism to control, guard and hold back Austro-fascism and keep it on a leash, it failed.

there was a reason why adolf hitler emigrated to germany to talk about the master race and german honor: austro-fascism is the cheapest rubbish, even for hitler it was uncomfortable to implement his plans from vienna.cheapest kind of garbage, thoughts, biology and spirit

Freitag, 5. Mai 2023


یوسفِ گُم گشته بازآید به کنعان، غم مَخُور

کلبهٔ احزان شَوَد روزی گلستان، غم مخور

ای دل غمدیده، حالت بِه شود، دل بَد مکن

وین سرِ شوریده باز آید به سامان غم مخور

گر بهارِ عمر باشد باز بر تختِ چمن

چتر گل در سر کَشی، ای مرغِ خوشخوان غم مخور

دورِ گردون گر دو روزی بر مرادِ ما نرفت

دائماً یکسان نباشد حالِ دوران غم مخور

هان مَشو نومید چون واقِف نِه‌ای از سِرِّ غیب

باشد اندر پرده بازیهایِ پنهان غم مخور.... 

iranian artefacts, wall reliefs, and rock art means ethnicity, semite and thus ability, potential, genes/DNA, race. fucking nazi satanism and eugenics nazis, dirty black magic (DAN) world intrigue

I have to go to sleep, but everything that has happened to us, everything about crime and mass murder, has a background, deep belief and long-term strategic goal, it has its roots in history, layer by layer of patina

The epicenter of the Black Madonna Network is the Austro-Hungarian Empire which includes; Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania.

The Black Madonna Network and the Baphomet symbology represent the enslavement and torture of the true Christos-Sophia and Mother of God principle on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia's Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet and Black Madonna Networks. How the Negative Form is "passively" manifested physically in human beings to feed the Sophianic negative form is to think of Muslim women covered in black sheets with their face/identity shrouded from head to toe. If they show a body part they may be killed, if they are raped by a man, if they desire to be educated or have basic human rights, in certain circumstances, they may be killed. This is the physical symbol of Baphomet Lunar Matrix distortions or the Black Madonna archetype, the enslaved Black Madonna female in the earth impregnated without her choice to give birth to deformed or deviant creatures. To physically express that is to unconsciously feed hatred into the Black Madonna and Fatima network of which continually ensures Christos Sophia's enslavement and hatred, violence to be directed towards the females on the earth, and to control female breeding cycles.