Dienstag, 9. Mai 2023

turks, arabs, iranian afghans, eastern european origin, asians and africans work in the viennese police hierarchy, almost 90% would not find a job anywhere else if they were dismissed. it's a question of loyalty, nowhere in austria will these foreigners be tolerated: why aren't they loyal to us? you are not assimilated

see what's going on in vienna, the whole police organization in vienna is holding 100 million euros from the stasi system pot against my family in front of the eyes of society and is opening the fucking pamdora box again: torture of iranian vmat2 jews armenians is a national profit and nice economy

a small part of the DAN tribe were in denmark, but what is being kept secret is: the largest part was in vienna with this production, antichrist production, with pandora's box in the ass. genetically

Early Christian writers, such as Irenaeus and Hippolytus, even believed that the Antichrist would come from the Tribe of Dan.[11][12

we erase all traces of cyberterror and nobody will find anything is a lie, americans have terror commands for people with evidence or victims with evidence, even for regional and international officials if they are willing to work

What has been my downfall is: from 2004 I claimed that the Iranian regime receives its instructions from the Pentagon, Israel and the EU secret society, I provided evidence with cooperation in Afghanistan, arms deal with Israel until 2012, chemical weapons treaty between Israel and Iran in 2006 in Vienna , and money laundering offer for the service: racial cleansing

شریک های حسین قریب و آزاده امیری و برادران نصری و اتریش، از اون کاراته بازهای اقتصادی دان ۱۰... پول از زندگی شخصی ما هم خوردن داشت..

DAN tribe signe, viennese stone favorit'n

in 1940, himmler would describe me as a proud and root race of the persian empire with aryan roots, with black hair, i'm unlucky that today there are laboratories for himller's children soldiers

Before I go: the Controller offered my cock as a straw, or let's say they made my penis worth a straw for cyberterror LOL

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon

Clutching at Straws

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When a person feels overwhelmed from increased pressure of stress, they will generally accept any solution available in that moment to reduce that stress. This is referring to a basic Psychological Warfare principle, Clutching at Straws. This means to put the person in such disadvantage that they will try anything you suggest in order to get out of a desperate situation, no matter how irrational or unlikely it is to succeed. Literally it means a drowning person who, is unable to find any substantial flotation immediately at hand, and attempts to save himself 

from certain death by grabbing hold of a few stray pieces of straw floating on the water within arm's length.

Instilling confusion increases internal stress and it’s a way to destabilize the person so they will be easily manipulated to do what you want them to. Extreme confusion can put people into mental paralysis at such deep levels that they actually go into a trance like state. This extreme method of instilling confusion is a means of hypnotic induction, whereas the person becomes extremely suggestible to external forces, and can be influenced greatly by subtle forces of subliminal Mind Control.

We live in a world fraught with manipulation tactics. People that are controlling will always use manipulation tactics. Manipulation refers to making attempts at indirectly influencing or controlling someone else's behavior or actions. As human beings, our negative emotions often cloud our Discernment making it difficult to see the reality behind hidden agendas or motives in different forms of behavior. This is an important time to take care of ourselves and to note that this controlling and manipulating phenomena will increase in the environment due to the psychological and Information Warfare used to direct fear, insecurity and Confusion in the masses.[1]

Problem, Reaction, Solution

Increasing stress and confusion in the targeted business-person or in the masses is done on purpose to break them down so they go into self-doubt and become uncertain and confused about what is actually happening. Controllers purposely increase stress and confusion as a manipulation method to destabilize and weaken others, so they will be easily persuaded to go along with any solution the Controller offers just to reduce their stress. This is also called the Problem, Reaction and Solution tactic.

This works on the principle that a drowning person will clutch at a straw, so the Controller in his manipulation deliberately attempts to push them under water so he can then offer them the straw.[2



when i watched this movie i thought parallel to the story: how many vmat2 tarzans are there as homeless, illiterate, good natured, a child among wolves and monkeys. how vmat2 develops in wild under protection from wolves, murderers, killers and exploiters.
at some point the lightbody will probably come to the realization: there is a layer that is concerned about my rights, it takes care of law and ethics, or there is a conflict under this layer about law and ethics,
but still, whoever brings me bread and food for years is the wolf, the killer, the exploiter.

Montag, 8. Mai 2023

the result of not responding to my daily writing for 6 years is: a group of young police officers discuss target murder and vmat2 murder with secret services and police elite. right now in al capone dark rooms on the internet. with cia and nsa surveillance and hizbullah and ayatullah presence

آقا فیلم سینمایی مجبوریم رو کسی دیده؟ حاجی مجبوری مگه؟

نه عزیزم این دهن گشادی نیست، تو عنی من آدم. شصت نقض حقوق بشر را نادیده گرفتن یعنی عن، یعنی عن ننه

i can create the energy chain combined with stone crystal and silver mirror. Apparently the BSA can do it better with social democratic youth. Tablet photo raw


the elementary school i went to when i was 5 years old had a few farahanis, including a woman who was a teacher. one day she brought me to the balcony and presented me as the best student of the month. the days that followed were mass protests by the parents: why don't they bring our children to the balcony? Whether they get good grades or bad grades, that's not fair treatment with the kids. That's not how anyone treats children.

in vienna we have a lot of politicians with only high school diplomas without going to university, and some without high school diplomas, also artists without high school diplomas. all no problem for 6000 euro salary or something less, or something more. my activities:

Sonntag, 7. Mai 2023

Crossbreeding for a mixed breed is an ancient science: Elam 4000 B.C. rock relief with watermarks

حاجی یعنی نصرت و باقر و صدیقه، به حضرت عباس قسم، خودشون بودن. سر چهارراه تیردقلو، صحنه و تصاویر فتنه رو حال کن، چی شد جون تو... من و رعنا، تیردقلو، لول

i have to go, but: apparently farsi was satan language, khuzestan melchior lucifer language and casper language hell language

اعراب با عجمیان حتی بعد از گرویدن به اسلام به عنوان انسان‌های درجه دوم برخورد می‌کردند. حتی در بصره مسجد موالی که تازه مسلمانان بودند از دیگران جدا بود. امویها با استناد به احادیث مجعول زبان مردم عجم را تحقیر می‌کردند. مقدسی در احسن التقاسیم یکی از این احادیث را بدین مضمون نقل نموده‌است: «مبغوض‌ترین زبانها در نزد خدا زبان فارسی است، و زبان خوزستان زبان شیطان است و زبان اهل جهنم زبان بخارایی و زبان اهل جنت زبان عربی است.» تعصب امویها به حدی بود که قتیبه بن مسلم والی خراسان، علیه کسانی که خط خوارزمی می‌نوشتند و سنت علمی سرزمین خود را می‌شناختند با شدت عمل برخورد می‌کرد

found in tenth district vienna favoriten, wienerwald. light bodies and drakonian

eugenics national socialism sassanid empire, high potential and spirituale man mass murder. shit on fake islam of " islamic republic of iran"

i have to go alien host

the prophet said renounce everything old and live normally, that can save your existence for a certain time, he declared the old potential to be haram. today the old potential and ability is a necessity for survival LOL

vienna is mass murder attempt, in 21st century, it has history, it is race, dna and genes


the identity of true islam, i repeat: true islam, has saved the continued existence of my race to this day. But today the roles have been reversed because the wrong human has usurped the identity to give us another identity to kill us en masse

that was jeroboam's fight with soleyman: the language and culture and matrix of the animals is our downfall.

"who we are or where we came from"

On 3D planet Earth, humanities true star origins, ET involvement and historical records, ancient artifacts and sacred spiritual texts, along with higher consciousness memories were mostly erased, so that we would not remember who we are or where we came from. We were handed a false history, false identity and false reality from the victors of war, along with strong broadcasts of NAA Mind Control programming in order to condition us to believe in the fabricated anti-human culture that is the controlled AI version of 3D reality. Artificial grids and AI timeline networks are used by the Controllers, both human and nonhuman, to maintain the 3D artificial reality for the inhabitants of this planet and to maintain the Prison Planet enslavement status

آقا دوتا فیلم اتفاقی نگاه کردم، نمیدونم چرا. یکیش قسم و یکیش کشتارگاه، همین الان به خودم گفتم: پسر خیلی گاوی. والا، گاو ماییم و اینها هزار قصه و داستان و تعریف دارند

Considering history up to 4000 BC, what does the aggressive alien host society do without the girl, mind controlled zombies: the result was seen during the war of Alexander and Daraios the Great: betrayal and native murder. in vienna public silent murder of a family, murder without evidence in front of state cameras


توجه خاصی نسبت به عملکرد دوپامین در مسیر mesolimbic مغز شده‌است. توجهات بیش از حد منتج شده از یافته‌های تصادفی است که phenothiazine مواد مخدر، که مسدودکننده عملکرد دوپامین است، می‌تواند علائم روان پریشی را کاهش دهد. این واقعیت وجود دارد که آمفتامین‌ها، که منجر به آزاد شدن دوپامین می‌شوند، ممکن است علائم روان پریشی در اسکیزوفرنی را تشدید کنند.[۱۴۸] فرضیه مؤثر دوپامین اسکیزوفرنی پیشنهاد می‌کند که فعال‌سازی بیش از حد گیرنده‌های D۲ علت (علائم مثبت) اسکیزوفرنی بود. اگر چه حدود ۲۰ سال این فرضیه بر اساس اثر مسدودکننده D۲ مشترک در تمام داروهای ضد روان پریشی بنا شد، اما تا اواسط دهه نود که PET و بررسی‌های تصویربرداری مقطع‌نگاری رایانه‌ای تک‌فوتونی شواهد پشتیبان را تأمین می‌کردند اثری از آن نبود. فرضیه دوپامین در حال حاضر، تا حدودی تنها به دلیل اینکه تجویز داروهای ضد روان پریشی جدید (تجویز داروی داروهای ضد روان پریشی نامنظم) می‌توانند مؤثر تر از تجویز داروهای قدیمی (تجویز دارو داروهای ضد روان پریشی معمولی) باشند ساده تصور می‌شود، اما عملکرد سروتونین نیز مؤثر واقع می‌شود و ممکن است اندکی کمتر از دوپامین اثر مسدودکننده داشته باشد.[۱۴۹]