Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023
I've been writing every day for almost 6 years because I know the country and the state, it's about victory and defeat, victory is: killing the victims/the family with impunity and establishing illegal business with race, defeat is not an act of revenge and civilian losses, but punishment and damages, in this case hundreds of millions of euros after 20 years, plus the illegally earned money through race trafficking
Montag, 15. Mai 2023
I have to go and will be back in the afternoon
Anti-HG Targeting
Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts
خلاصه، جناب سرهنگ، گاومیش، گوز مشنگ، پفیوز،جاکش، بیناموس
متون اوستایی، صحنه نبرد و ستیز دائمی نیروهـای اهـورایی و اهریمنـی است، در جهانبینی زرتشتی در برابر هر کار نیک، شرارتی و در مقابل هـر ایـزد یـک دیـو وجود دارد هر چند خیر و شر هر دو ازلی امـا هـر دو ابـدی نیـستند و سرانجام غلبه نهایی از آن هرمزد است و قـوای شر و اهریمن را نابود میسازد. در این جهانبینی اهریمن در برابر آفرینش اورمزدی دست بـه آفـرینش جهـان بدی میزند و در برابر امشاسپندان، کماریگان یا سردیوان و در برابر ایزدان، دیوان را میآفریند. چکونگی آفرینش دیوان در کتابهای زرتشتی به روشنی آفرینش اهورامزدا و موجودات اهورایی وصف نگردیده است، شاید در این امر تعمد نیز بوده! زیرا این نوشتهها باید در ذهن مخاطب خود این نکته را القا نماید که از خصایص بارز نیروی شر، بینظمی و ناهماهنگی است.
Sonntag, 14. Mai 2023
we cannot tolerate or accept political activism, we cannot allow freedoms of action against islamic government iran has to do with: prehistory taboo and indigo racial cleansing. I'm actually still alive, or my family because of evidence of potential, ability and action. Stones collected from the 10th district of Vienna
yellow crystals
after 40 years of race murder, mass murder, murder with deception political activism nobody wants to know why europe israel america in partnership islamic republic of iran target iranian families in exile, UN not and worse international courts refuse to work, amnesty international lied to my face : we don't know you, you need psychotherapy
I have to go, but why hafiz writes about something is a deeper philosophy of life than draconian eugenics nazis understand
به من سلام فرستاد دوستی امروز
که ای نتیجهٔ کلکت سواد بینایی
پس از دو سال که بختت به خانه باز آورد
چرا ز خانهٔ خواجه به در نمیآیی
جواب دادم و گفتم بدار معذورم
که این طریقه نه خودکامیست و خودرایی
وکیل قاضیام اندر گذر کمین کردهست
به کف قبالهٔ دعوی چو مار شیدایی
که گر برون نهم از آستان خواجه قدم
بگیردم سوی زندان برد به رسوایی
جناب خواجه حصار من است گر اینجا
کسی نفس زند از حجت تقاضایی
به عون قوت بازوی بندگان وزیر
به سیلیاش بشکافم دماغ سودایی
همیشه باد جهانش به کام وز سر صدق
کمر به بندگیاش بسته چرخ مینایی
ramba samba
Samstag, 13. Mai 2023
there is a cocaine center for cocaine addicts in vienna, my experience is: they cannot subordinate themselves to humans, so cocaine has a healing effect, which makes them feel powerful, freed from fear and feelings of inferiority. Drakonians Swastika at the time the Romans invaded Vienna
Black Sun DNA
The Draconian Orion Group are also referred to as "Black Suns" from their DNA genetic lineage. The Black Suns have reversed their DNA from eons of inciting warring aggression in the Universal timelines to a reverse 10 DNA strand (reverse 10D) and running a reversal life current which they use the Iran Gate to feed off. This is why they perpetuate the reversal 10D current on planet through the area they have control in the middle east, Iran and Iraq. They are only capable to exist in 3 dimensional consciousness while in their body, yet they have access to 10 dimensions of consciousness field. They are primarily form the Satanic class network family although they work and cooperate with the Luciferian Belial families to control the planet and share the spoils of "war". They cannot cellularly transmute their body in out of Stargates easily and use humans to do that. They access limited levels of biological immortality through the vampirism and siphoning of other living things, such as the planet earth
Bea schatziputz
Freitag, 12. Mai 2023
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...