Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2023

How I bought my house is nobody's business, is a statement made today by civil servants and salary people. the criminal behavior becomes a general behavior, or is currently international, with intention vmat2 tribe as a target and stasi torture victims. fuck iranian eugenics nazis

لول ما برویم، بای بای

آقا معنای تک روی فعالیت سیاسی ما این بود: هرکجا اصلاح‌طلبان تر زدن و خبرگان ور زدن و اصولگرایان زر زدن تو شر به پا کن، گرد و خاک بپا کن. خلاصه به این نتیجه رسیدیم گرد و خاک به پا کردن اشتباه است، والا هرکجا در این جامعه گرد و خاک بلند کنی در کل سگ صاحبش رو نمیشناسه، چه برسه به اپوزیسون ایران. استخوان با چهار مثقال گوشت مینداختیم جلوشون آخر سر گازمون گرفتن. حزب کارمندی حکمتیسم که اصلا عقب جلو حالیش نیست، هرچی آویزون میبینه گاز میزنه. والا ما موندیم اینها چجوری هنوز با مینا از تخم ما آویزان هستند

Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2023


چو غنچه گرچه فروبستگیست کارِ جهان

تو همچو بادِ بهاری گره گشا می‌باش

this phenomenon and battle scene from the smoke of myrrh and frankincense does not interest anyone, the reason is: we will never explain why jesus was gifted with frankincense and myrrh from the persians

i have to go to sleep. I've had a sugar level of 90 to 130 for weeks, even after shock and cake. i think i'm healed Squeeze 4 lemons and grate in two medium-sized garlic and drink with diabetic tea. then wash it down with a glass of water and 5 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar. twice a day. good night

the fascination for the aryan race is: how deep is the sea and how deep am i, what tremendous things are in us, she stood at the corner on the beach and philosophized. she presents in chatrooms with her tribe the deeps

lightbody is a question of dna, genes, race, ethnicity, when the sunni shahab suhrawardi talks about persian kings and the kings were surrounded by light, it means the indigo race, like cyrus the great and daraeus, xerxes, cambyses and others. photo: 2016 barbad farahani cefalonia

about 98% of the iranian aryan race are muslims, including the romano race from the balkans, india and pakistan. we native people are killed in the name of islam, as infidels, kafir

آقا جریان بومی پفیوز میدونی چیه؟ همچین طرف چسبیده به اسلام که انگار ما خودمون قبل از اسلام آدم نبودیم، حتی شهاب الدین سهروردی اول گفت نور و بعد از نور گفت: پادشاهان ایران. منظور؟ منظور اینجاست که اگر ما نبودیم نه دین مسیحیت وجود داشت و نه اسلام

there is an explanation for this smoke fight scene on the webpage posted below, find the explanation

i organized and demand come out kids, it's time

حیف ایران اشغال شده است، والا هم پلیس دشمن داریم، هم ارتشی دشمن، هم قبیله های دشمن، هم جامعه مخفی دشمن، وگرنه با یه پارتی پارانرمال دک و پوز هرچی خودی آشغال کله بومی رو میاوردم پائین. پفیوز خودی رو با پارتی ناب فقط میشه خفه اش کرد.

only my aunt tara could have saved us from racial madness and attacks, an accidental death was simulated in 1990 after her double degree, doesn't the cia and nsa, fbi, homeland security work together with iranian today? with family nasri, shams, amiri, gharib!? everything was planned, first the strong link in the chain, then the others

Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023

in iran, the ajnabis observe the face first, then the behavior as a child, the articulation, and the innate intellect, you will be haunted for a lifetime and never forgotten. until there is an opportunity for silent accidental death. austria changes the racial struggle laws: make it public

i have to go, society is partly educated as far as indigo children and youth are concerned, this education controls and manipulates the lower classes with lies, rumors and false philosophy of life: i work 9 hours a day and have nothing from life, i pay taxes, the money from the stasi system is my right. i can't afford a house despite my work, the house is my right. this is how austria commits mass murder again

The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its precise value is 299792458 metres per second (approximately 3.00×108 m/s), since the length of the metre is defined from this constant and the international standard for time. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all matter and hence information in the universe can travel. It is the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields (including electromagnetic radiation such as light and gravitational waves) travel in vacuum.[1]

From the Guardian perspective, the speed of light is not constant or finite, but instead is relative to the station of consciousness within time or space, the shorter the frequency wave, the higher the frequency spectrum, thus the more expanded the consciousness body, the faster the speed of light.

everything has a scientific explanation and mythological background. what is possible with the speed of light

stolen and used as a tomb supplement. lay in alexander's grave.

Indigo Races

The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix. The Indigos are here to fulfill this planet's Ascension cycle by holding the higher frequency and light codes required to support the planetary grids into activation of higher DNA coding.[

well i have to go to bed, with majma, the brass plate mirror it's another story. maybe tomorrow

who can and who wants to come to dig with me in vienna, dozens of meters to know why israel has bought 400 atomic bombs, afraid of the truth?


i've had this problem all my life, i was criticized even as a child: what's the point of this royal attitude? this sitting behavior and walking behavior? non-verbally and verbally. I was 9 years old and Nasser the idiot came up with the idea: I lock him in a toilet for 5 hours, in between I go to shit in the toilet and lock him in there again, maybe he'll give up. I always laughed and today even more.
For 30,000 years the DANN tribes and a few others have worked towards it: you shouldn't develop further at all,
That's what the others say, but we're going to teach you how to deal with mediocrity. well, the master race has no empathy, mercy, or pity bullshit.

I've been writing every day for almost 6 years because I know the country and the state, it's about victory and defeat, victory is: killing the victims/the family with impunity and establishing illegal business with race, defeat is not an act of revenge and civilian losses, but punishment and damages, in this case hundreds of millions of euros after 20 years, plus the illegally earned money through race trafficking

We will soon have sour rain in Vienna and neighboring countries because of profitable defeat and victory. everything that flies up and explodes in ukraine is uranium and radioactive contaminated. like in Syria and Iraq


americans announce that according to genes and racial research, native iranians are similar to jewish armenians, and the viennese pattern of behavior is a repeat of "christians racial hunting like in rome", and germany is in the forefront to support vienna. this means that the german jewish tribes have more power than the viennese jewish tribes. like in the first world war. defeat was more profitable than victory. and the result was: adolf became psychopathically ill. 

actually it has to do with: ROM. but new rom is not rom, how is it possible? we rome? don't you see stphansdom? you idiot, are you blind? we are christians and every week in stephansdom

the austria-hungarian kuk army hanged 38,000 families, civilians, in the first 3 months of the first world war. the austrian historian is the explanation of the name origin "drakonian" a thorn in the eye.... handgun, handgun

Montag, 15. Mai 2023

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon

Anti-HG Targeting

Spiritual couplings and Genetic Equals that came to the earth to fulfill the Christos Mission of Sacred Marriage or Hierogamic Union, are known to be directly targeted by the Anti-HG Technology, in order to manipulate or destroy the relationship and derail the collaborative mission. This can prove to be very confusing and even emotionally devastating for many spiritual couples that are on the Ascension path and are consciously working towards achieving sacred union or hierogamic union between their male and female counterparts. Anti-HG Technology directs the archetypal forces of the Demon Seed of the anti-Christ, in the form of Azazael and Black Lilith, which are the Satanic Force Counterparts

anyone who is interested in persian poetry, literature and painting, from whatever side, empath or NON-EMPATHS, negative ego or positive, knows how to talk, knows how to write and knows how to be sarcastic. negative EGO black magic

nostalgia and sarcasm sucks, i have to go. I won't write until tomorrow morning

The film Labyrinth is an everyday story in Iran, who benefits who loses through some chain reactions of negative ego.

خلاصه، جناب سرهنگ، گاومیش، گوز مشنگ، پفیوز،جاکش، بیناموس

طبق دینکرد، دیوپرستان مراسم خود را پنهان اجرا می‌کردند، اما ذکـر مکـرر نـام آنها و نقد عقایدشان در کتاب‌های پهلوی نشان از آن است ایشان در عهـد ساسانیان نیز وجود داشتند؛ زرینکوب معتقد است نام “دیـوداد” در خانـدان ساجیان آذربایجان که با افشین خویشاوند بوده‌، نشان از آن دارد که احتمـالا در اوایل عهد عباسی نیز هنوز پرستش دیو در گوشه و کنار ایران رواج داشته اسـت. چرایی پرستش دیوان به علت ترس از ایشان بود و تـلاشی بـرای خرسند کردن [و شاید در خدمت گرفتن دیوان] و تمام نیایش‌ها و نذرها و قربانی‌های تقـدیم شـده بـه اهریمن و دیوان برای رسیدن به این هدف صورت می‌گرفت. در اواخر هزاره‌ی دوم و اوایل هزاره اول پیش از میلاد قبایل ایرانی از هم جدا نشده بودند، اما در میان ایشان نام اهورامزدا شـکل گرفتـه بود. پس از تثبیت موقعیت والا برای اهورامزدا، بخشی از خدایان کهن هند و ایرانی “اهوره‌ها” صورت فرشتگان و یاوران اهورامزدا را یافتند و گروه دیگر خدایان که “دئوه‌ها” بودند مظهر شر گشتند؛ سپس در مرحله پیشرفته‌تری در فرهنگ اوستایی اهورامزدا به خدایی یکتـا تبـدیل شد و خدایان دیگر حذف شدند و اهریمن مظهر شر و سرور دیوان گردید.
متون اوستایی، صحنه نبرد و ستیز دائمی نیروهـای اهـورایی و اهریمنـی است، در جهان‌بینی زرتشتی در برابر هر کار نیک، شرارتی و در مقابل هـر ایـزد یـک دیـو وجود دارد هر چند خیر و شر هر دو ازلی امـا هـر دو ابـدی نیـستند و سرانجام غلبه نهایی از آن هرمزد است و قـوای شر و اهریمن را نابود می‌سازد. در این جهان‌بینی اهریمن در برابر آفرینش اورمزدی دست بـه آفـرینش جهـان بدی می‌زند و در برابر امشاسپندان، کماریگان یا سردیوان و در برابر ایزدان، دیوان را می‌آفریند. چکونگی آفرینش دیوان در کتاب‌های زرتشتی به روشنی آفرینش اهورامزدا و موجودات اهورایی وصف نگردیده است، شاید در این امر تعمد نیز بوده! زیرا این نوشته‌ها باید در ذهن مخاطب خود این نکته را القا نماید که از خصایص بارز نیروی شر، بی‌نظمی و ناهماهنگی است