Freitag, 26. Mai 2023

vienna was always murder culture, vienna is murder culture, the basic idea is: we have to burn some corpses, otherwise someone will come up with the idea of checking dna traces and making a comparison with gene archaeological finds. stone found in wienerberg 10th district of vienna

austria has 8000 prisoners, i have been living in vienna since 1986 with no criminal record, no crimes or convictions. i was turned into a criminal with fake material productions with actors and doubles from iran and austria, without police files, on an international level. photo may 19. a special day

Adolf Hitler claimed: Democracy and Human Rights Laws is a scheme for Jews to protect their race and reproduce. you can see who the Taeget is today in vienna, my person, my family and others from creation tribes.

i never claimed to be a leader but campaigned for a decade for armed resistance by iranian native tribes, no freedom and liberation from mass murder without tribal struggle. It's a culture war, we're against the murder of culture

آقای حیدر مصلحی جاز منه هاااااا، یادته اتاق پالتالکی گفتم چیز.. چیز، آها گفتم بیگی منووووو مثل ریگی، سیزده بدر خبری نیست

Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023

i have to go, but some parts of vienna have become little istanbul, which the government obviously doesn't tolerate: a thousand and one nights baghdad ritual in wienerwald. one week circus with conjuring up old spirits from prehistory

آقا ما بریم، ولی حاجی تشکلات و سازمانده ای نه. ه. ه. ه

هنر نه.ه.ه.ه.ه.

Fish Eagle Totem, Spirit Animal

On the other hand, the Fish Eagle totem people are the last sun worshipers. They adore sunny days that are full of laughter and warmth. Moreover, they form an association with solar deities, which could be a relationship they create during their young age. In other words, there is a fire within you that no amount of rain can extinguish. 

good night

we come from iran, a successful family with 3 shops and it is the austrian government that says we cannot tolerate this breed, DNA and genes in austria. my political activism was an opportunity to draw the islamic republic of iran and the regime iranian to the austrian side.

حاجی میخواستی مارو دیوانه کنی، بیا اینم دیوانه از امروز به بعد...

this is all happening because of this: the supreme shia leader says i'm from lebanon, baghdad i'm syeyyed... get your blood and race tested: balkan romani european

40 percent of the Dragon system stasi income went towards the "imam ali" mosque. over 40 percent, a mosque with full zargari occupation, zargari and domari occupation. balkan gypsies muslims

we come from iran, a successful family with 3 shops and it is the austrian government that says we cannot tolerate this breed, DNA and genes in austria. my political activism was an opportunity to draw the islamic republic of iran and the regime iranian to the austrian side.

this is the cause of sick biology, the symptoms in the 21st century are worse and more dangerous than in 1938

Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023

I have to go, but before that: if you're going to name the bloodlines by religion, then you should also protect them. but Israel is worse than the Wehrmacht Jews in 1938

I'm going now, but before that: sociobiology should be updated, it's an intervention and manipulation of the evolutionary animal. an artificially caused tragedy. today you see the vienna tragedy in chat rooms


Ich komme aus dem Iran und heute wünsche ich mir ein noch stärkeres Israel, ein Israel, das als eine große Militärmacht mit aller Kraft verhindert, dass faschistische Islamisten und deren Freunde, die Neonazis und so manche faschistisch veranlagte Linke, das Werk von Hitler im 21. Jahrhundert fortsetzen. Ich wünsche mir ein Israel, das Juden und Jüdinnen weltweit beschützen kann und gegenüber den islamischen faschistischen Mördern keinen Millimeter zurückweicht.

Barbad Farahani kam 1986 aus dem Iran nach Österreich, wo er sich im Umfeld zahlreicher exiliranischer Organisationen betätigte.

i have to go but everything that europe israel america turkey and other countries did to our home, they did it after 40 years of mass murder in iran as a sign of: it was us and it is us

شماره ۴۰ میگه

اَلمِنَّةُ لِلَّه که درِ میکده باز است

زان رو که مرا بر در او روی نیاز است

خُم‌ها همه در جوش و خروشند ز مستی

وان می که در آن جاست حقیقت، نه مجاز است

از وی همه مستی و غرور است و تکبر

وز ما همه بیچارگی و عجز و نیاز است

رازی که بَرِ غیر نگفتیم و نگوییم

با دوست بگوییم که او محرم راز است

i like the photos of mikhail evstafiev, a russian painter and photo journalist. this photo from sarajwo is particularly close to my heart, this gun shot at a mother is dirty. my mother was also a target, before her sister was murdered in washington. 1998-2023

Despite hundreds even thousands of international and regional laws, this alien terrorist filth says: vmat2 human should not have personal rights, private rights and the right to property like in 1932. private life belongs to us. this is a mass murder plan

They are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians or benevolent humanoids in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. They generally prefer to use a Nordic blond fair skinned human body, or Tall White when they are masquerading as a human being

drakonian are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians or benevolent humanoids in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. They generally prefer to use a Nordic blond fair skinned human body, or Tall White when they are masquerading as a human being

حاجی مارو دک و فلک کردی و کی رو میفرستی جلو، مردم از گرسنگی مردن این یکی هنوز میگه: من همه رو حریفم بنده جواد ظریفم. بله، داریوش هخامنشی سر آتشکده ها انقدر زر نزد، فک نزد، آخرش گفت: خوب بیا تو بابا گائیدی مارو، بعدش هم بمیر مادر جنده کونی

This protruding individual, one side Jew, Armenian with various branches of DNA, proves himself with his actions, for example in emergency situations he acts intuitively and particularly instinctively, also in politics, economics, or various branches of science. mostly unorthodox in that he doesn't give a fuck about imposed laws.

Zeta Drakonian Agendas

The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta Drakonian Rigelians. They are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians or benevolent humanoids in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. They generally prefer to use a Nordic blond fair skinned human body, or Tall White when they are masquerading as a human being. Therefore, they are known to be one of the most hostile of the NAA intruding entity groups, they can shape-shift into appearing human like and are referred to as H.A.V.'s, placed in the category of Hostile Alien Visitors

just as jesus meant, the mixed race is the higher race and the salvation of mankind, his flesh and blood

strong tendency towards lubia polo case. today they sing amu eugenics chains knotter

In 1942, Soviet authorities authorized the resettlement View This Term in the Glossary of 24,000 Polish civilians and Anders army recruits from the Soviet Union to Iran. The transfer began in spring 1942 and continued until late summer of that year. In all, it is believed that some 116,000 Polish refugees and Anders Army personnel ultimately arrived in Iran, far exceeding the number originally agreed upon. Among the civilians were 1,000 Jewish children

i really have to go now, but we are one generation and one race, a phenomenon where we cause trouble everywhere, like this arrival: say you are christian and become muslim, say you are christian and not jewish, come to us for sabzipolo and lubiapolo, say you are not a jew, just a christian. come on baby say no to judaism become christian then muslim

Hungry and traumatized by their recent experience, many children refused to admit that they were Jewish. The children ranged in age from 1-18 years, although most were ages 7-12. Once the children were gathered in Tehran,

this is also the long-term strategy of the ayatollahs with the help of vienna: our opponents (opponents who cannot be bought) are jews. Jews Armenians