Sonntag, 4. Juni 2023

i have to go, but first about my murdered aunt in america 1990: at the end of the day, sometime during 1946, there were millions of corpses that showed too much education

buzzard is a bigger friend than eagle and says: psychopathic arianism and satanism called fascism are in austrian and iranian secret services with one difference: in vienna the assholes are systematically feminine because of the second world war, their politics and intrigue, their murder business is lousy feminine. in iran they claim to be men

At the end of the day, sometime during 1946, there were millions of corpses that showed too much education. belief in eagles would be more important, our ahuramazdan friend

I have to go to sleep, but: if you have an education, especially self-education, and get into a stasi stalking and cyberterror crisis, then it has dramatic consequences, what the organizers expect is psychosis and suicide or self-destruction. in my case the animals are becoming more aggressive and murderous in vienna. mauthausen organizers animals, mass murderers, evolution animal origin

i have to go, but first: the world is flooded with fascism, anti-semitism, anti-human politics and the ayatullahs scold me as a magician or magoi, or sorcerer. iran is more affected by mauthausen fascism than anywhere else, look at ahwaz khuzistan abadan kurdistan sistan baluchists, or...

dirty fucking begging bowl

Christianity and all ancient Persian rituals have been mutilated throughout history. these three should protect the child for life, what happened to it? Description of "schitzopherenia and paranoia". i've been labeled as paranoid and schizophrenic, by the state, but also even by the hare hare krishna followers and sect.... that's the end of the world

what europe made of baptism and water was: kidding us, namely: we can do everything you jewish armenians can do

Traditionally in ancient times, the act of Baptism was considered a sacrament of the moon and fertility goddess in which worshippers underwent an immersion into water ritual or would take part in washing rites of spiritual initiation. With the development of Christianity, it was said that John the Baptist used water baptism as the central sacrament which became a Christian rite of admission and adoption into the Church, usually with the use of water poured over the head, used for the purpose of ‘christening’. Baptism is generally considered to be a form of rebirth by water and the spirit, to give birth to a new spiritual creation within the body and to become stamped with the spiritual seal of the Church

Why? as this relief from elam says: our race is different internationally on every continent, can't you deal with that? then it's time for a gun fight, fucking police international

if you ask me if i drank the water with the magoi and his ahrua mazdanian creature, then the answer is yes: yes, i coughed blood for 3 months during the winter, i spat blood. I needed help, a blackhead parasite, so that the cause is eaten

Do you understand, the viennese and iranians have been watching us since 1998, until 2006 they saw me constantly visiting restaurants, almost 50 euros a day, this 50 euros a day is based on knowledge, information, know-how, work and 10 hours of time every day. and not based on race, minority, and vmat2 trade. I chose my profession myself, my freedom and decision in a "democracy"

In this sense there are no leftists in Austria, only crazy murderers and mass murderers, psychopaths and sadists who cannot cope with their origins, just like the green party, right-wing, liberal and right-wing parties. Eating in the restaurant every day costs 30 euros. the only thing these leftists and greens think about

wiener wuk is a left autonomous eugenics fascism organization, also used in police hierarchy since the 70's with international networks. Iranian Toude Party, Aksariat and 35 more left-wing Iranian parties have been members since the 1960s and 1970s,actually the contacts exist since reza shah time. Viennese left-wing eugenics fascists and vmat2 mass murderers

eugenics fascism, antisemitism, persecution of minorities, attempted murder never worked without "leftists" actually red fascism that exploits vmat2 as a target. willi knew me when i was 15 and rana when she was 6 years old

It is an ancient Babylonian hierarchy that prevails in the west today, with the help of the new Iranian. every iranian can live in peace but without the creation line. capital fascism practices blackmail, or distributes bribes: a clean world will only exist without what we call the "jew armenians" vmat2 race. the annual bilderberg meeting with the presence of viennese politicians and journalists

Samstag, 3. Juni 2023

i have to go, but: With the help of these criminal organizations, Vienna has realized its longing for vmat2 mass destruction worldwide, it collected 100 million secret camera viewers for a vmat2 family. what do you think vienna has been doing for 40 years in the middle east, north africa, balkan countries, latin america, ukraine with this "iranian" hezbollah army

in 2002 i never talked about draconian and anunnakis in my political chatrooms, but about a strategic annihilation program with geopolitical dreams. until 2008 i had thousands of listeners, from 2008 illegal secret iranian secret camera viewers

I won't write anything more until tomorrow, but this sword was justice against a race that wants to plunder, rob and murder to this day, a race that even works with poison. as you see it in iran with ayatullahs, and in vienna with austrian state., 1998-2023

vienna is still screaming in chat rooms with the support of international judges: we did it because the trade and three shops including music career of rana has no value, the race from tehran is worthless

what iranian and austrian psychopathy/satanism also called fascism longingly awaits is: beheading with sword. it was the case back then in the sasanian era and it is the case to this day

austria is pursuing the goal of mass murder in iran with the help of the ayatullahs, a plan himmler for years 1956.., luristan ahwaz, kurdistan and azerbaijan massacre would be himmler's goal with a coup attempt in the iranian military

all ayatullahs have been with azadeh and her family since 1998 in this occult DAN tribe financial system. allowed by allah? pimping?

i'm back again and i think iran has a high level of satanism. strong ahrimanic network frequencies that call themselves fascists, who also claim: anti-semitism and fascism was always compatible with shiitism, emam ali emam hassan,, emam naghi and emam jafar sadegh LOL

Freitag, 2. Juni 2023

آقا ما بریم، شما هم تابلو های ویکتور را نگاه کنید. نرگس این تو نیستی، جون من؟

Victor Brauner

before i go to sleep: the austrian government wants to arrest and kill me with the reasoning: we can't arrest iranian families, we can only pardon them and kill the victims, the perpetrators are our people, our contractors

garbage food

i have to go, but before that: according to the islamic republic of iran, the country has 211,000 prison inmates, calculate one euro per capita for daily food, and then annually. in the land of thieves, the regime has to pay millions of euros a year for food. the scarcity and lack kills everyone with garbage food

سیر ترشی درین تک

حاجی دیروز رفتم بعد از سالها سیرترشی شما هارو خریدم، دیدم نوشته در ین تک. لول
گفتم این قحبه ها مارو نکشن جون تو این در ین تک مارو میکشه، آخه اینجور که رسانه های خارج از کشور مینویسن سیر ترشی بعد از انقلاب سیرش از چین وارد میشه، خلاصه سرکه هم شاش خر حتما قاطیش داره. چی بگیم دیگه بخوریم بینیم کی راست میگه، حتما زندان اوین هم به زندانی های سیاسی میدین دیگه، ها؟ چرا همه مریض میشن میان بیرون.... نکنه رسانه ها راست میگن؟ محصولات چین بهشون میدین حاجی؟ چی بگیم والا

martyrdom is old but has become meaningless...

I don't think anyone will buy this painting, or anyone but me. it actually cost 3 euros, insignificant, unnoticed, unsigned, not qualitative, just irrelevant. Martyrdom has become meaningless too.

آقا ما شعر بنویسیم کسی پیدا میشه بخونه؟ پول هم نمیخوام ها، فقط میخوام ببینم کسی روش میشه بگه آره. جون تو شعری 12.000 دلار ارزش داره، ولی روش رو داری بگی آره و بخونی مجانی؟