Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2023

2005 most clients for stasi existence destruction system were rich apes, evolution origin tribes, with hate against vmat2 uterus, with the feeling: subhuman and lower beings, towards vmat2 human, ape origin, mauthausen racial madness

dealing with vmat2 private life, producing fake material, forced pornography, nude scenes, intimacy publication for mental and physical torture has for the police elite up to 20 years imprisonment, apart from UNO and amnesty international staff: lifelong

The value of a hundred kilograms of crystal meth is approximately 6 million euros, a crime with a prison sentence of 8 to 16 years. between 2014 and 2017 alone, the viennese police earned 50 times that, 300 million euros, from a crime more serious than drug trafficking, a crime with history, mauthausen racial madness


I have to go again, but if I say: this makes 100 kilograms of heroin, cocaine or meth smuggling a right for us, this dirty state system and human trafficking, stasi murder financial system and torture give us this right. a renewal of the transport system logistics and distribution is a privilege. and the good news: 30 percent of 60% sometimes becomes someone through consumption. with good cocaine or meth....

my answer to psychopathic darwinism is: nothing has changed since before christ, in christ's time and after christ's time. This is why this ahrimanic system formation and intrigue exists and works: we are confronted with 60% psychopathic nobodies, 15 percent psychopathic somebodies and 5 percent ruling aliens. 20 percent are forced to move underground in underground organizations

Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023

worldwide distribution of lies, clips with doubles, fake material, fake clips, smearing relatives with millions of euros for fake material confirmation, is fascism and anti-Semitism, boycott and mass murder plan. in a country with a history of Mauthausen and mass murder

experimental music needs support, especially when it comes to vmat2. this is post-war vienna to this day: our doctors and academics say: you are vmat2 jews armenians, worse than mauthausen prisoners


i have to go to sleep, but it was always UNO first, then world trade center, and then vienna

That's clear enough, only a blind person has no eyes for it. Mobile Photo raw

that's why i'm talking about hezbullah and sepah and the basic pillars of austro-fascism, vienna says next to the church, UNO and the vatican synagogues: there isn't this water grail in vienna and iran, nor is there a race for it, because we can't, or because we, our race cannot control it

there is no democratic decision regarding: torture, deprivation of liberty, sexual torture, secret camera pornography business and violation of human psyche and human body. nazi leftists and nazi green party vienna, dirty eugenics nazis,

sexual desire inner drive orgasm and ecstasy gains more meaning after the water ritual when the genetically suitable or freely chosen partner is present

murder torture humiliation is the daily scene iran, and for me vienna gathers hundreds of millions of viewers, (mostly fake material and doubles) : barbad fucks whores (true), barbad licks pussy (not always, depends on genetic development) barbad plays pocker (true) , barbad plays roulette (truth) barbad takes drugs( i fooled you) barbad.... LOL

the basic pillars of austrofascism in vienna and tehran. you dirty leftists and green party, dirty eugenics nazis and mass murderers with "iranian" eugenic nazis

boycott of jews armenians or boycott of iran is to be advocated with mazdak nationalism, the being of light should by no means allow black genetic origin to spread in the country. this only means mass murder, ethnic murders, tribal murders and war.... see the "iranians" in vienna enjoying lawlessness. calls for murder in chat rooms have been unpunished for years

persian mother had a meaning, persian father had a meaning, based on an ancient science, ideology, philosophy, genetic engineering, racial research: our children are the future, which future? Construction, progress, prosperity, joy, life, pride, nation, master race, humanright race.

the strange thing is: they are all looking for persian native uterus, the psychopathy is: they are looking for persian native mothers for their children. as a torture method, suffering, eternal crying

in vienna live 3400 of these Zargari gypsy tribe families with their daughters and sons, hussein gharibs and ali gharibs tribe, the basic pillars of austrofascism in vienna and tehran, dirty leftists and green party, dirty eugenics nazis and mass murderers.

it has been proved to me today, the tribes in green party are inferior branch of evolution than all others: we will not give up the real estate financed by illegal stasi pot money. fucking killer race, fucking child murders, fucking VMAT2 rana killer, woman killer

the destruction of my career next to rana's career proves: inferior origin paranoia. "why do they want to achieve something in life on their own feet?" vienna is paranoia and inferior like in 1932. fucking green party and leftists, fucking eugenic nazis

racism, eugenics fascism, racial madness, vmat2 war is rubbish, rubbish. and in austria vmat2 has to do with 85% rubbish, darwinists and mass murderers, eugenics nazis

actually all parties in vienna and the members are rubbish with 1932 anti-semitism and racial madness, but the green party and leftists are worse than everyone else. VMAT2 elam/luristan society

i live in a city with the current stasi system and i have to deal with people every day, today i met again a few green party members and i came to the conclusion again: in the garbage can green parties in europe the fish stinks a lot more than the garbage can far-right parties.

i am currently being insulted from two fronts from iran, from god's faith and from schayatin's belief, some turned the water the wrong way, god's belief to the left and others to the right, everyone drank the water LOL. bloody brain diarrhea happens to you all right, for 6 years I've only been talking into empty air

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023

جون تو، رشت هم یک چیز های گذاشتم، حوصله نمیکنم بیام ببرم حاجی، شکل مرغانه چیز میز هایست زیر خاک... از درونش میگه بیب بیب پیییییپسسسس بیبیب پیبسسس

i have to go and i think: science and research should be in the hands of the unorthodox independent reporter at least as far as history and archeology are concerned. I've got two doctoral theses in my pocket and four in my box drawer, and I don't give a fuck about the titles or medals awarded by the Ahrimanian state. you get some of it for free... YANG SIGN... PERSIAN Sarmatian ARTIFACTS

swastika water turns yin, and swastika turns yang.if mao zedong were still alive next to pol pot then they would reward viennese social democracy with french kisses for the successful establishment vmat2 espionage and mass murder plan

i have to go to sleep, but good news from archeology department Elamite auspicious sign "cloud" or swastika, or SS CROSS refers to the water turning in the grail, pond, river, sea with the left hand. happiness and love from other side. Goodnight

himmler and adolf organized dozens of teams with the mission to hunt for phenomena on all continents. to find the aryan root race.... today they know the cause and say fuck phenomena we just want money