Samstag, 17. Juni 2023

بیگی منو....

حاجی رفتیم تو ترجمه سنگین، چکار کنیم دیگه با این نفهم ها

آقا کیری ترین آدم ها هم آدم های خوب ما هستن، مغز های گوزیده، مغز های ریده شده، میگه: آخه خدارو خوش میاد ما به اینها بگیم چکارتون کردن، خدا مارو میبخشه؟ ما باید بگیم؟، کی گفته ما باید بگیم؟، مگه ما جلادیم!آدم بد هم دیگه خودشه دیگه، یکم کمتر کیری تر، میگه: من به کیرم هم نیست چکار کردم، کوس اول تا آخرشون، بفهمن، بیان کیر من رو بخورن، بیاد من رو بکشه آقا، به تخمم، من مادر جنده ام، خوارکوسدم، کیرم تو این دنیا با آدمها.

به کوس ننه جندتون، ما بریم با جهود ها حال کنیم، امروز یه اسرائیلی توریست اومد ازمون 2 تا تابلو خرید، گفت: من نمی خوام تو ضرر کنی ولی چقدر ارزون میدی، گفتم چاکر آدم چیز فهم، مملکت ما نفهم بار اومده تو فقط امروز موندی به ما حال بدی و برینی به ما و بری...

45 years of mass murder in iran and dictatorship only works with mass psychopathy, 90% of iranians in vienna are former refugees and are saying right now in chat rooms: you can kill us, burn us, or behead us: we have never done anything and also have no evidence and there is no evidence against us

we are dirtier than all other europeans is a silent saying and an action, like yesterday and today

mother fucker, dirty nazi animals, jesus was jew armenian, native iranian too, you scum

inferiority forces human to do something he doesn't want to do, healing the blind with bare hands is seen as a joke or charalatanism today, but this one is a necessity to show the inferior charlatanism, darwinian eugenics nazi: you are half human, made from ape to human by genetic manipulation

embarrassingly stupid, is the Aryan feeling of inferiority, the nazi had to ruin three shops in order to claim: i am superior with my house. with a salary of 1800 euros 500,000 euros house! and the state is dirtier than stupidity. dirty evolution monkey origin, inferior eugenic nazi

Freitag, 16. Juni 2023

austrian government has been a disgrace for 30 years with this statement: no garbage comes to us here and tells us we are genetically superior. clandestine laboratory tests said so, no one else, psychopathic nazi dirt and pig

this europe should be crushed next to america with whatever methods and tools. mass killings and wars should be stopped, mass murder should be stopped. you are evolutionary and we have always been human. bastard killer breed, killer breed is inferior like an animal

austrian government has been a disgrace for 30 years with this statement: no garbage comes to us here and tells us we are genetically superior. clandestine laboratory tests said so, no one else, psychopathic nazi dirt and pig

I've only been saying it since 2020, you are of ape origin, we are creation with millions of years of history, which is suppressed and made a taboo topic

austrian government has been a disgrace for 30 years with this statement: no garbage comes to us here and tells us we are genetically superior. clandestine laboratory tests said so, no one else, psychopathic nazi dirt and pig

vienna helped mass murder, torture and the persecution of minorities in iran for 45 years, with statement: the european tribes iran the romano race are human, you the native race are subhuman. since 1998 vienna has been pursuing gene politics, racial torture, racial degradation, attempted genocide. darwinian fascism, eugenic nazis never leave this world alone.

I live in a society where the doctors' community advertises in all hospitals for failure to provide assistance: whoever (Jews/Armenians vmat2) has and collects evidence against us will not be treated, or will receive a proper diagnosis

this long-term strategy of the penguins has one goal, namely: if tehran and iran remain silent, the arabs and turks too, nothing stands in the way of racial cleansing in the middle east and north africa. Neo-liberalism needs consumption, consumers need target victims, a free money resource that only needs self-sacrifice and time as an investment. look at azadeh amiri: at the age of 60 she would get a maximum pension of 2000 euros, today she has 10,000,000 euros

the difference between american eugenics fascism and german austrian is like the difference between penguins geese and ducks! of the same kind but the penguin is just slow and the attitude nobler

UNO is the absolute american eugenics fascism of the 21m century, then international agencies and international courts

in all international authorities and regional authorities, human rights organizations, the prerequisite for a position is: zero empathy when it comes to jews/armenian vmat2 and general vmat human beings. child woman girl old young doesn't matter. zero empathy for human rights and civil rights regarding vmat jews/armenian human

UNO city is fascism and the wehrmacht in the 21st century: vmat2 is unnecessary for this world and we have access to international databases for cyber torture traces removal

this crime and atrocity is organized differently in vienna, this glorification and insignificance is achieved with stasi capital: kill the victims quietly if you want to keep wealth, houses and money

vienna will never stop with racial persecution, mass murder and racial humiliation, vienna never stopped after 1946, it only got worse as you can see

it takes a few million euros to turn a relative into a killer. related that the victims had little contact with them, or we never had. we even refused nasser farahani any contact personally or by phone from 2002 onwards. or my mother's cousins for 15 years, the others for more than 15 years. today they still sit in chatrooms to manipulate iranians and encourage them to commit murder.with the money all our relatives became murderers, strangers that call themselves relatives

vienna helped mass murder, torture and the persecution of minorities in iran for 45 years, with statement: the european tribes iran the romano race are human, you the native race are subhuman. since 1998 vienna has been pursuing gene politics, racial torture, racial degradation, attempted genocide. darwinian fascism, eugenic nazis never leave this world alone.

Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2023

آقا ما بریم، میگم حاجی ما زمان امام علی آب حیات نداشتیم که، پیتزا با فلفل چیلی نمکی داشتیم و قارچ، و رشته ماکارونی، حالا غربی ها برای ما سوسه میان، میگن ما پیتزا داریم

i have to go but karbala scene was eugenics fascism, antisemitism, racism, and DAN tribe enmity intrigue

خلاصه حاجی یا ابوذر، یا حضرت عباس، یا مولا علی، یا حسین. خودمونیم حاجی: هم کری هم بلا، تا کی بگیم: ما هم بله، کربلا.. والا به خدا

vienna helped mass murder, torture and the persecution of minorities in iran for 45 years: the european tribes iran the romano race are human, you the native race are subhuman. since 1998 vienna has been pursuing gene politics, racial torture, racial degradation, attempted genocide. darwinian fascism, eugenic nazis never leave this world alone.

آره خلاصه مرمر مارو میکنی پرپر؟ مرمر.... رررررررر عنوناک اهریمنی