Dienstag, 20. Juni 2023

I've always been human, see what the Viennese "IRANIAN" do for Vienna, so that they are considered human or seen as human

I have to go. When we came to vienna in 1986 it wasn't third world ambition and behavior: we came to europe to become human. Even when I was 11, I pissed on some teachers and insulted them in front of all the other students, not with me, you monkey, I know who I am and where I come from.Today, after 45 years, I look at the Viennese Iranian with the statement: we are Austrians and we live in Austria, we are Europe, we are no longer Iranians, we are Europe

I'll only laugh and hear the blues this morning, Muddy Waters, in iran many fascists in ayatullah costume are screaming: his grail and water is dirty, look at it, look at it, dirty jew negro blood and water

fucking nazis, ayatullahs and israelis

i live in an austria worse than 1932, because vienna and berlin have israelis as allies, and these austrians take the liberty to talk worse in the 21st century than adolf hitler: israelis agree with us: elamite semit is close to ethiopia, and this jew armenia luristan blood combination is inferior to all other races. this is also the behavior in vienna, since 1998 with state secret cameras

bouuuuhhhhhh cowboy

i prove our history, our ethnic groups and mythology, i prove great persia, a persia that is flatteringly laughed at with a thousand and one nights of stories: "oriental fairy tales" magic fairy tales

these two old persian magoi friends woke me up, apparently waking up tonight is supposed to be a different experience and event

آقا ما هرچی تریاک فروش و شیشیه فروش میشناختیم تو این شهر همه آدم حسابی شدن، لول... یعنی دیگه از بیخ آدم حسابی، از بیخ میدونی یعنی چی؟ یعنی ما نه قاچاقچی بودیم نه بچه بودیم به کسی کون دادیم... دهن گائیده ها. ما بریم برای خواب. بای بای

i asked the old lady: what do i do with these black birds in vienna, DAN tribe? look at some children who inherit from their parents millions of euros in real estate only in the 2nd district and still say: stasi murder business and private life trade is none of your business, the old lady only replied: i am getting ready for a trip to israel, since then i haven't heard from her, maybe she will announce herself with a loud bang

These bastard networks, together with Viennese doctors filmed me directly in my antique shop with secret cameras, stalked and followed me right down to my sex life, so that today everyone is equal to my person: we also live with 1200 to 2400 euros a month, or we want to see no water and smoke and other things, you're not right because we never had that ability

This door needs a 70,000 euro camera lenses, and right now Viennese women and girls are saying: why don't the iranian nazi satanists kill him, we hadn't done anything

All movements worldwide of active anti-Semitism, fascism, National Socialist behavior are supported directly from the UN building, responsible for eliminating traces of cyber terror, persecuting minorities, silent murder and hiding evidence

water turning to the left and to the right has been a yin yang-like ritual in elam, (or the roots of this chinese philosophy) is my thesis and statement, so i want to say: aryan racial delusion and racial extermination program acts from only one position:from the position under the testicles pubic hair from the native iranian

iran has current official fascism organization, iranian national socialist workers' party, vienna washington berlin paris and all others help by humiliating and murdering jewish armenians to feed the children of the national socialist workers' party, not only in tehran, but also in the west.

political activism in the stasi system eventually comes to the realization: But my words and my gestures, Just like piss in the wind, And keep on getting wet. well, then another way, it usually only happens vmat type human. fuck iranian nazi satanism

جون تو حاجی پول جیبم بود رو کم کنی الان میرفتم هیمالایا دود بلند کردن، والا، به سازمان سیا هم میگفتم با عمو دالایی لاما خایه داری پاش بی جلو، آقا ما ایرانی ها بریم اونجا پرواز هم میتونیم بکنیم ها، جریان داره، یه سی سانتی خلاصه شاید بتونیم بریم هوا..

in 2018 there was great outrage on the other side, viennese iranian nazi satanists and tehran satanism networks had serious attacks plan on the three of us. mojtaba khamenei as leader. the strong voices were between november and february: they will kill mother and daughter. jump mother fucker, jump out the window dirty asshole

this antisemitism with intention murder by the austrians and ayatollahs and hezbollah is so dirty and perverse supported, promoted and motivated with applause and laughter by amnesty international and the UN, that i personally would only scratch my head if 15 passenger planes flew into both buildings and then ask myself: what happened there? what jumped out of the window? well.... why are you jumping out of the window at all? can't you stand smoke and fire? something different than my smoke and fire, but what's the point?

i looked at some austrians today, blood thirst and terrorism is clearly manifested on their faces, but the thing about ayatullahs is incomprehensible: we have had a death sentence in our hands for 15 years and we cannot kill him. On the other hand, the Austrian government is more a whore than society and ayatullahs: we kill as is our tradition: mental illness, disability, must be eradicated and sterilize is a privilege, for these paranoids, schitzopherenia and psychosis. we kill with the consent of the doctors

Montag, 19. Juni 2023

خلاصه‌ای جریان..

آقا ما بریم، ولی حاجی بخدا یکی بیاد به من بیسواد لمپن هم بگه بنویس جریان شیر تو شیر میشه... یعنی تو کی هستی من کی هستم هاااا، تو با این همه سواد و من بیسواد، بعد به من بگه بنویس...

hafez probably also suffered from schizophrenia, i can confirm that, it's a kind of schizophrenia that you can only dampen with writing, somehow reduce aggression and empty yourself.only with me no poems come out, maybe there will be another poetic voice in the future, a nasty saying, a hissing voice

ما بریم بخوابیم، میگم ببین لاشی خانوم، دوزاری چت رومی، تو هم ده تا پونصدی دزدی ته جیبته و داری الان عربده میکشی هااا، جنده خانوم من زیر پشم خایم یک شب دویست تا پونصدی باختم، خندم هم گرفت از ناصر بیناموس، گفتم کونی نکنه میخواستی جیب مارو خالی کنی بری مرسدس اس کلاس بخری، بیلاخ.، لول.... حاجی بچه بودیم دیگه چکار کنیم

there is no 30 years war, world war, or famine. a hyena is a hyena, aphrodite is aphrodite, simone is simone and azadeh is azadeh, and the viennese girls what they always were during several wars, only this time, there is no war but the curves need design to annoy old women. they need money for that

two stones, found in the pond 10th district vienna. tablet photo raw

حاجی ما برویم شام، ای فتنه من رفتم شام، فتنه، فتنه

 در کتاب انساب الأشراف به نقل از ابو سُخیله آمده: من و سلمان در رَبَذه، نزد ابوذر رفتیم. گفت:
در آینده، فتنه اى خواهد بود. اگر آن را درک کردید، به کتاب خدا و على بن ابى طالب پناه ببرید؛ چون من از پیامبر خدا شنیدم که فرمود: «على، اولین کسى است که به من ایمان آورد و اولین کسى است که در قیامت با من دست خواهد داد، و او رئیس مؤمنان است

the question is if being human means money and capital, why do you spy and stalk our business, professional and social contacts? where is the problem?what is the purpose of this psychopathic diligent search in laboratories for human, race, dna genes and abilities? photo 2020

I don't remember exactly, but I think there is on my worldpress. com around 5000 photos of the energy and shaman stones, also sets. thousands of stones collected in vienna

nice one, pity

worldpress. com