Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023

Aryan women were cleaning ladies and maids in Iran, but all spies from Alexander and responsible for the fall of Daraio the Great dynasty (Elamite language and culture), the Aryan immigrants were treason, I can prove it in Tehran Shahre rey with writings and artifacts

the "iranian women" chant in vienna next to viennese nazi women: we are aryan: woman freedom live. woman freedom live! we are aryan iran: woman live freedom. what we did with arab alliance with you was the right thing, woman in black garbage bag cover, woman at home, woman far from politics. the Aryan women

the divorce from my mother was in 2002, more than 20 years ago, by what right the state of austria and the islamic government of iran dragged an ex-husband into the stasi system against a woman after 32 years of work. to kill me? or my sister? with a nazi bastard whore? nazi fotze

خجالت هم نمیکشن، زن زندگی آزادی رو داره به این معنا فریاد میزنه: زن یعنی زن آریایی، ایران یعنی ایران آریایی، آزادی یعنی ایران آزاد آریایی. خوب خارکوسده جنایتکار مقصران و دشمنان ما شما ها هستین که هرچی چسونه بتول و چسونه فاطی داشتیم رفتن یا مجاهد زن شدن یا حزب اللهی زن. کونی های کوسکش... بدبختی دارم ها، هاهاهاها

زنی که از ایران فرار کرده و امروز با شعار زن زندگی آزادی آروغ کثیف میزنه، نشسته امروز خونه و گریه میکنه و میگه: بمیرید دیگه، بمیرید، بمیرید ما پول نداریم، ما پول نداریم بمیرید، ما پول نداریم. زن زندگی آزادی هم شعار امروزشون

Rana and I haven't had any police files, criminal files, conviction files since 1986. rana and i had zero costs for the state of austria between 1989 and 2009, i especially. hide evidence, lies, charlatanism, lowly beings behavior is because of ruining professional careers, and 3 shop with the aim: to establish racial stasi murder financial system

the disease of international authorities, geneva, america, israel, iran, brussels, all international courts of justice is: first one or all of these victims must die, then we start with condemnation austria with billions of euros. and all because of the dissolution of the stasi pot, the bets are still in the pot..

this crossroads, arak, farahan, elam will be pursued and killed without mercy. no matter where, there is apparently an alarm program in worldwide laboratories for this combination of dna genes and blood. and a worldwide network of eugenics fascism

work career progress is the honor of elam, my mother had 18 years of work behind her before she came to vienna in 1986 and worked 10 years almost 10 hours a day. this is this nazi vienna. eugenics nazi vienna

For 30 years not a single terror murder case has been processed, considered or the victim seen as a human being because of these reports

Do you understand, Viennese judge collective actually Freemasonry wants to kill me despite this evidence, with the help of inferior police officers. american israelis and ayatullahs pay millions of euros for the death of the race in democracy and the rule of law. to the UN hundreds of millions of euros

this is a russian site concerning elamite research, it lacks details and it causes an anomaly of overall scene from elam. but some of what has been researched can be used

the lower book is a dedication to farah diba in the 70s, trip to iran and photos. what interests me is the similarity with horus and seth uniting signs both countries, like elam and luristan. i rather believe that even then the egyptians had stolen genes and dna from persia and they had recreated and copied elam. unfortunately iranian archeology has been in the hands of CIA and MOSSAD for 45 years and iranian arian eugenics fascism

Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023

scrotum terrorist leaves the house with this look: police cameras are you ready? watch out, maybe you're lucky and I'll fuck someone

I have to go and come back in the afternoon, but for back magic mafia, world satanism, nazi satanism, for freemasonry and illuminati wear 30% of iranian terroism between the legs, creation uterus and scrotum.

for eugenics fascism my scrotum is terrorism, and european iranian government democratic choice of iranian. All support from America, Europe, Israel and parts of Asia is because of this: European Iran, the European government is the only conceivable option, everything else is an impertinence

مادر جنده، کونده خوار خارکوسده، کمپ اشرف هم سر یوژنیک فاشیسم میرین توش، کوسکش مادر های اجنبی

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says:the albanian government has its duties to respond to terrorism, this camp is full of terrorism. apparently my scrotum too, austrian state also reacted because of my sperm for 24 years. where does he put his cock in we have to report to the ayatullahs

the only power plant that has satanism, ahrianism, freemasonry, black zionism, and nazi satanism is capital, infinite sums. see all the UN workers, amnesty international, all international agencies, all bought and smeared with shit

I think the satanists created a child from my stolen sperm and killed it immediately after birth. This brings Freemasonry and Satanism to an economy collapsing for dozens of years

White owls represent the souls of dead babies. It was believed that in ancient Egypt when a baby was stillborn or died very soon after birth, it would transform into an owl to guide its parents on their journey through the afterlife

ارمنی های وین

آقا چیز، میگم چیز ترین دشمن های ما دوران جوانی ارمنی ها بودند، دوستان آزاده، من هم هی میخندیدم، میدونی چرا؟ آخه عوضی، مگه من تورو غیر ایرانی کردم یا ناایرانی، والا آخه عرق خور هم نبودن، هی زرت و زرت به دو تا سه تا شیشه های ما نگاه میکردن و میگفتن: خیلی مسلمونین خیلی جاکشید بچه مسلمون ها..... به ما میگید ارمنی اقلیت؟ ما ایرانی نیستیم، تو عرق خوری، آره تو عرق خوری. خوب بابابزرگ باقر سیاه رو که همه ندارند که، به ما چه.. آب حوض بچرخون با شلنگ، بچرخون.

this austria is dirtier in chatrooms than the mauthausen or ausschwitz wehrmacht soldiers during the second world war

the worst branch of evolution is in viennese or austrian upper 10 percent: dentist and root canal treatment costs a lot of money, we don't have that, hospital and treatment is a heap of money, we don't have that. that's what's being said in chat rooms right now: barbad's existence is unnecessary, the insurance costs a lot of money for the state. 1998-2023

in this matter, the islamic government of iran is not a fraud or charlatanism as far as eugenics fascism is concerned, but a vienna, an austria, an EU and fucking white house

every shitty 0815 type 75 to 90 iq has become a stasi psychologist, with the motto we're all ali Gharib LOL even a turkish construction worker, serbian baker, austrian supermarket worker and arab vegetable seller.

the fact is: in the last 9 months 700 people were murdered in iran, iranian regime gets the reward from america, billions of dollars, america: the root of eugenics nazi ideology.Therefore, to this day, the prehistory, the root race and ethnic origin of many Iranian tribes is considered a taboo topic.or international all forced to remain silent

since 2008, even museums in vienna have been saying: the papyrus could be a souvenir from mexico, or african tourist goods.,the light over the donkey is a sign of this

many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham)

where in this world do gypsy tribes see themselves as native people, behave politically and make decisions in foreign affairs and foreign policy? in america or canada? not even there. iran was aryan, cyrus the great and daraeus were aryan parole caused that, a parole without historical relevance and evidence

viennese dentists

the fact is i'm afraid to go to the dentist in this shitty town, i have a toothache, and every shitty 0815 type 75 to 90 iq has become a stasi psychologist, with the motto we're all ali Gharib LOL even a turkish construction worker, serbian baker, austrian supermarket worker and arab vegetable seller. and i see her almost every sunday and saturday as normal behavior in flea market, in iran but the leader of several oppressive gangs as far as my race and us are concerned

I don't see anything, don't you see anything either? this is established behavior in vienna, and i hear bee gees stayin' alive, vienna you shame, shame