Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023

Are White Holes Real And Can They Connect to Parallel Universes?

ethnic group from persian empire with water grail and fire and smoke tradition. what is written in the austrian constitution does not apply to luri elami semites, because world black zionism and jewish freemasonry have decided: my family and i are not semites or a specific race, just normal mixed race


yes cowboy, i have to go to bed, but this persian magoi (i call him sam) says: somehow make your cock 25 meters long towards america..... of course he means the diameter for the gate. we're all kind of verbally vulgar

compare the statistics with today, all countries where nazis murdered more than 70 percent of the jews also have high vmat2 statistics today. many are not jews. that's why i say: american eugenics fascism was or is the root of evil

Message from sam, just now: UNO elite hired killers to shoot me in the head, contract killers from UNO city: it was the ayatullahs

every viennese iranian has known me for decades as a political activist and antique dealer, even from paltalk and my internet activism, 99.9% accepted the money offer from the regime and the austrian government: he has a penis that is too small for azadeh amiri, we all help with to satisfy the girl and bring her to ecstasy. since 1998, and worse when I opened my shop

Definitely haji, 8 centimeters can grow up to 17 centimeters tall, why are you worried about my thing, I mean that thing?

i never write without proof, just what concerns water and prehistory of i bought this stone two years ago at the flea market, a bit bigger than a pebble but how many years old? A stone collected from Austria's mountains and valleys

between 65 and 75 this man had 800 euros pension available, the money that both governments including america gave for 16 real estate houses is this sign: iran should live with dirt on the skin, you will never get this dirt off your skin again, the way we live, dirty

in prehistory, hammam bowls and actually also singing bowls had this grail function, the white hole energy purification, something can happen every second, one should go over in purity

آقا میگم که، این آفتابه رو هر کی واسه ایران تولید کرد و وارد کرد خیلی خارکوسده بوده، مشکل کم آبی نداشتیم که آذربایجان، اون زمانه منظورمه هااا، مشکل اینجا بوده: کونتو با آفتابه بشور مثل حیوون هرروز نرو حموم، مگه آدم هرروز میره حموم. خلاصه، اینهم فرهنگ و عادتی که وارد کردن با یک آفتابه

من بیام بیرون؟ بهم میگن نرو... لول

project aquarius in america is a rumor, i am the truth. bad mobile photo

Do you understand: black wormholes are plausible, that's what science says, that's what Switzerland says, white wormholes are still in the impossible theoretical realm

i started with water and the grail in november 2021, when until 2019 the jews were also unimpressed by jerobam's idols and smoke, well, i should already build a stargate with a diameter of 25 meters in 2019. although conjuring up the money for it was a bit difficult, but possible

I had daily full political chat rooms between 2002 and 2010 as an admin in paltalk. i addressed all branches of economics and politics, even geopolitics of americans with the help of sepah and hezbolah. filming someone jerking off and his sex life and showing his cornea means: we have to get rid of inferior people? he should die. it's not terror, fascism, anti-Semitism, racism? only: we have a ridiculous person!?

That's why emigrants of whatever tribe deliberately ridicule everything about us, even our hornauts by filming them with secret cameras. we also have secret cameras

i have to go to sleep, but one of the eugenics fascism strategies and intrigues in iran is: women are not allowed to get pregnant without a husband, this unchaste behavior is forbidden in our islamic identity and culture. In a situation where potential native husbands are like a needle in a haystack,or cannot be found at all.

آقا سال ۲۰۱۸ هر بنده خدایی این صفحه فیسبوک مارو از ترس کونش میخوند، ما هم این صفحه رو چند بار پست کردیم واسه نوک تیز ها. یکیش پگاه و مرضیه نوک تیز: پگاه: مرضیه جریان چیه؟... مرضیه: جریان اینه، منتظر یه جاکش بودیم بیاد به ما بگه چرا اجاقمون کوره...همین، کیرم تو دهن خودش و باباش و هرچی مرد و نامرده....

Samstag, 24. Juni 2023

spö and the ex mayor are human trafficking syndicate, stasi fascists, terrorists with hezbolah and sepah army and the only thing vienna has to say is: what is a mother and daughter, michael häupl was a hero for vienna, a brilliant comrade and friend. it's about hundreds of billions of euros, earned by stasi secret cameras and the private life sex life of vmat2. human trafficking and torture

آقا ما بریم خسته ایم، ولی خداییش امروز یه ۳۰ یا ۴۰ تا ایرانی هم از کنار ما رد شدند با لب های خندان، یعنی که یعنی، یعنی ما شادیم. ما هم گفتیم خدارو شکر یکی شکل تیمور لنگ، یکی شکل آتیلا، یکی شکل اسکندر یکی هم شکل چه میدونم مثل گورکانی یا همون گورکن. لول، گفتم خوشا به خودم تیپمون به خوشتیپ امام حسن میخوره.... شب خوش

this dirty envy of the austrians is so strong that even dogs are afraid, really, dogs are also afraid of this envy: why are you so sensitive, loyal and romantic? why do you have that? envy also killed MOZART, it's always the others who murder, even if the dog suddenly dies, it was the neighbor

today i gave myself an adriano celentano facial expression and waited until dozens of people smacked my face as they passed by, i soon found out: even if i write a folk song about your mother's cunt, you'll start to laugh too. where is my guitar? Ha? houm? ewa?, iiiiiishhhh