Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023

austria is psychopathically dangerous for this earth, it was also proven with two world wars and today in ukraine. psychopathically dangerous for peace and for the world

i have to go but i found a book in italian yesterday and made a joke with myself: how can you remember? i was reading italian and i remembered pierre levi "collective intelligence" and i remembered a page:

Kapitel fünf:
“ (S. 106) Ein intelligentes Kollektiv, so Lévy weiter, ähnelt in gewisser Weise einer ‚Aktiengesellschaft‘, in die ein ‚Aktionär‘ statt Kapital sein Wissen, seine Erfahrung, seine Lern- und Lehrfähigkeit einbringt

what is the opinion of the vienna parliament: creation is a crime and not a human being, everything that is left from prehistory is a crime against humanity. these characteristics are human and natural development

in addition to israeli ayatollahs americans, politicians in vienna have psychotic abnormal murderous problems as far as rana and me are concerned, because of our origin, gene an dna. like wild animals around a gazelle and deer. dirty 0815 tribes and nazis. minderwertige abschaum

I have to go good night

the romanian girl is incredible, since 1994 she has been working towards masses getting rich in collective labor and home ownership so mass killing of my race is seen as trivial and unimportant. millions of helpers in iran and even more in israel america europe turkey and elsewhere.

here are two websites, iranian/viennese alliance

I see young girls, But I see that in this young body there lives no young girl, but an old hell dog and vulture spirit that has been written about by many throughout history

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert

i don't do it because i'm so naive and think that vienna will stop because of stasi, blood money, i'm doing it to show you something: you are obsessed with the black force and serve as hosts, shadow beings from the black hole

my genetic brothers look like this in area 51, i have no chance of saving them, not even with this masquerade, will someone let me in?

the timing is one millisecond, one has to be shot in with a cannon, the speed is a secret. nobody will volunteer. but coming back as a cartoon character is like superman mode no one can harm you... especially not CIA comedians

this is the reason why CIA never rests in latin america and spain and portugal: where are the criminals? the revolutionary testicles...

ya ahura mazda hansi and franzi, hey nazi pig ya ahura mazda ahrimanic pig, ya aliii. at first emam ali thought we were an interstellar joke too, then we went to spain for "trabajar"

if there are to be inferior citizens, then only these pedophile scum, pedophile scum, in parliament

inferior 0815 politicians have psychotic problem with my genes, dna, bones, gale and bladder, kidney, heart and liver. apart from that since 1998 even more psychotic problems because of sick and absurd fantasies: he has projects worth billions of euros and wants to implement them from the age of 40. the inferior 0815 politician finds himself in position to ruin and kill higher race, persian higher race, to ruining his universal task

این رو باید مردم ایرام بالای دار میدیدن، قاسم داییش رو باید بالای دار میدیدن، حالا مجتبی جاکش و باباش و حزب اللهی و آخوند کوسکش با جنده هاشون و پتیاره هاشون آقا محسن آقا محسن آقا قاسم آقا قاسم میکنن، حاجی من کیرم تو دهن هرچی غربزده است، شاشیدم به اون غربزدگی رژیم، والا، کوسکش ها از جریان مدرن و پست مدرن فقط کشتن مارو فهمیدن: ماری لمپن دوست داریم فاشیست پست مدرن...

do you see this mohsen karimi? with his sister? the children of my aunt, nephew and niece of nasser farahani, he was arrested 12 times for drug trafficking in tehran, sentenced to prison 6 times. ask the tehran police about mohsen karimi residing in ariana. a mojtaba khamenei hezbollah and ayatullahs make my cousin Mohsen Karimi human, make his sisters human, also in vienna, and make me a criminal without police files and court files international

state secret camera actions are torture and forced sterilization

apart from the austrian government and vienna networks, the stasi secret camera actions are CIA and white house forced sterilization and birth control methods, only in iran is the cia way difficult, hussein gharib ali gharib rahim amiri and azadeh amiri have only the courage next to austrofascism, in iran they will be beheaded

Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023

حاجی، آه ه ه ه او او او هوااا هوااا آهاااا حالا: میگن آب کیر ما خوردن داره چون قد و قامت کون شستن نداره، سرشووو... خلاصه فلان و بهمان

I have to go, but many are involved in writing on this site, apparently overwhelmed at times. i am project aquarius, only in area 51 as a prisoner. what does american mean? master race from great persia has the ability, no europe america and israel.

People should lose their homes so that assholes say I'm human, that's the opinion of the Viennese today. 500 years cage, 500 years cage for the wild nazi defection after nazi crimes. american scoundrel, scoundrel state, charlatan, "world cop"

Americans kept Vienna and Berlin quiet as conductors for 60 years, since the 90s both have been back in the mass murder business... LOL

I have to go to sleep, but vienna should be locked up in a cage for 500 years after nazi crimes, but the americans have bent everything after 60 years: "vienna is normal and neutral". fuck dr Lenz, Fischer, himmler and adolf, who is high-quality pure breed and who is inferior dirt? envy dirt

ultimately the question is who in vienna didn't know the smoke from ancient persia, this genetic peculiarity? 1920-1930 metal vase vienna

Since I started publicly with incense for the first time in 2018, there have been the most absurd smiles, with the opinion: who will notice you if we don't notice you. whore and bastard you dirt, you did that, right. With hundreds of millions of euros from the Stasi race trade business, with hundreds of millions of euros in black money from the Stasi system of racial murder

as iranians we have to do with a regime but in austria with doctors, academics, social workers, lefitsts, alternative, greens, working classes, civil servants, academics and the upper ten thousand, more whores and son of the bitches than the regime. in vienna we are dealing with a lot of dirt, more dirt than the islamic government of iran