Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023

psychopathy found magoi genes and dna mixture from gene archeology research, it doesn't matter if you have abilities or not, it may be that due to poisoning of the brain pathways you are not even aware of who you are, you will still be persecuted and killed by police and secret services

i live in a democracy and constitutional state in which particular genetics and race are considered incompatible with the morals and ethics of the country, read plato: Magoi were the Iranians

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

کثافت بلده، کثافت بلده، کثافت خون و ژن کثیف، همون اجنبی خون کثیف

The stone composition is logical and relational and reasonable thinking, it is innate, which means the potential for innovation in all branches of science, business and professions. At its core, philosophy is not about logic, but about rationality, about reason, but is philosophy the mother and inventor of logic?

Samstag, 1. Juli 2023

i have to go to bed, but between 1998 and 2004 hundreds of iranian police officers were trained in traiskirchen near vienna for months even for a year, ask vienna in what!? tactics, strategy? mobility?, criminology? or racial doctrine ideology and systematic racial cleansing

viennese police officers and three secret services are with parts of the population more eugenics fascists, more dangerous than in 1932, insofar as the murder orders take place in laboratories. with international networks

What the world needs: Son of the bitches...

The confusion that I've been causing since 2018 has a deeper meaning, by which I mean (I'm only talking about myself): a visit to a brothel and a fuck is an event, what moves this one hour? what happens in parallel universe? what effect does this exchange of energy have in the intoxication of sex? well, it often happened that some girls said several times before sex: let's make children! this statement is not normal in an erotic studio, is it? sort of a comically absurd affair. lol then i sometimes thought afterwards: this world actually needs unknown anonymous son of the bitches, no stalin but real son of the bitches

by whom are these children killed? and why? what's the point of killing children? it's all a financial deal, tribal wars, culture wars between old iranian and new iranian, eugenics nazi satanism supported by israel america europe and parts of asia

45% of Viennese Iranians have known my sister and my person since 1986, when I was 11 and when Rana was 3 years old, these crimes, racial madness, NS repetition, crimes against humanity were glorified with hundreds of millions of euros, from eugenics fascism international, criminals syndicate and mass murderer

this statement is just austrian, stupid and naive: we have reached a hundred million people through secret cameras stasi action and won them over to our side! billions have been watching mass murders in iran for 45 years, are they all on the side of the islamic republic of iran? or do people just shake their heads and don't know what to say or ro do? against a government

this is eugenics fascism criminal syndicate supported by governments like austria israel america turkey and whole EU area.the families from iran and organized criminals that made my sister a target also murder children for wealth too, my sister is as innocent as these children, for 20 years. amiris and gharibs also kill children for wealth,

Freitag, 30. Juni 2023

i have to go, but the assassination attempt on my sister rana alone shows that more than half of society are active nazi animals, active racial madness, also in iran

i stop writing for today, but the problem lies in this: a native iranian child from iranian slums has more brain mass than an animal in 19th district vienna... look at the corpses in iran and i will show you the root of the mass murder. ‌the brilliant child is just one example, he was shot in the head

the animals are begging for hidden evidence or to destroy the evidence because the matter has long since been clarified: no prehistory dna and vmat2 may or should survive, there was only evolution

everyone, i say all top executives, elite power, managers, doctors, civil servants, social workers, judges, journalists, politicians, eu politicians, churches, vatican, synagogues, mosques, all human rights organizations are begging for this event: there is no vmat2 mass murder program and financial business. only for one reason: we will not rest until everyone is dead in iran in middle east, in asia and africa and latin america

when i talk about hereditary material and genetic programming i also have evidence, the stone has economic and political indications as well as instructions, the depth is like an ocean, and this ocean has black holes and white holes, the black hole is the window towards mars, there will be also transferred the ahrimanic capital. where is the money?

the most inferior thing the world has experienced was the building up of ausschwitz and mauthausen and dachau, by a lower developed evolutionary race, cyber financial stasi terrorism against vmat2 is much more inferior than the dachau structure and mauthausen structure, more dirty and more inferior

Do you understand: Building a business with zero capital is innate science, the innate alphabet of business, the know-how is worth millions of euros. 98% of the rich children are without the capital of the parents 0815, normal and I say again: 0815 evolution normal, there are only 2% with potential. Where the parents get the money from is also largely the result of crime, 60% of it

In 2002, I had no father to help me, no mother to have money, but I built my business with zero capital, zero capital, see what the upper-class animal children had done out of envy, upper-class animals out of eugenic envy: stealing company keys with azadeh amiri and secret cameras installation for race trade business

what a target does in life-threatening situations is instinct, instinct. what jesus did, after that the target will be tortured and killed even more brutally by government, police, judges, rich animals, especially rich animals. Rich capitalists, but nothing, mindless flesh and blood, nothing else, no value

the media are enthusiastic about the whirlpool phenomena, phenomena after phenomena, smoke, water, paintings, stone, crystal. well, after a daily 50 euro lunch menu, many people feel human when they shit: we shit star chef menu

Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023

austria is psychopathically dangerous for this earth, it was also proven with two world wars and today in ukraine. psychopathically dangerous for peace and for the world

i have to go but i found a book in italian yesterday and made a joke with myself: how can you remember? i was reading italian and i remembered pierre levi "collective intelligence" and i remembered a page:

Kapitel fünf:
“ (S. 106) Ein intelligentes Kollektiv, so Lévy weiter, ähnelt in gewisser Weise einer ‚Aktiengesellschaft‘, in die ein ‚Aktionär‘ statt Kapital sein Wissen, seine Erfahrung, seine Lern- und Lehrfähigkeit einbringt

what is the opinion of the vienna parliament: creation is a crime and not a human being, everything that is left from prehistory is a crime against humanity. these characteristics are human and natural development

in addition to israeli ayatollahs americans, politicians in vienna have psychotic abnormal murderous problems as far as rana and me are concerned, because of our origin, gene an dna. like wild animals around a gazelle and deer. dirty 0815 tribes and nazis. minderwertige abschaum

I have to go good night

the romanian girl is incredible, since 1994 she has been working towards masses getting rich in collective labor and home ownership so mass killing of my race is seen as trivial and unimportant. millions of helpers in iran and even more in israel america europe turkey and elsewhere.

here are two websites, iranian/viennese alliance

I see young girls, But I see that in this young body there lives no young girl, but an old hell dog and vulture spirit that has been written about by many throughout history

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert

i don't do it because i'm so naive and think that vienna will stop because of stasi, blood money, i'm doing it to show you something: you are obsessed with the black force and serve as hosts, shadow beings from the black hole