Montag, 3. Juli 2023

this psychopathy is no different to face after dozens of millions of murders: can your children build a waterworks with a 25 meter gate!? 0815 abschaum

Just today, 38 women walked past me grinning, in the 5th district, deeply amused, grinning. this skin flesh and bones

Dirtiest skin and flesh and bones refuse to work today because the dirt insists: we did it with non-human beings, so no human rights, why should we work

this skin bone flesh blood is hereditary, this thought and hatred is hereditary and has always been supported by america, today by all of europe and nato countries

the intervention in the private life of a 22-year-old girl (Rana Farahani) as early as 2004 can only be an animal being because of a thirst for revenge on race

we have been attacked throughout history because of europe's inferior feeling towards us, so inferior that nobody believes europe feels so inferior

my grandfather nosrat luri and bagher was of pure elam descent, both grandmothers were siblings from arak malayer, also native tribes. just the mixture that can be read in my last post and what constitutes the master race

uterus envy and eugenics fascism are the same pair of shoes, but what has never been addressed: we have been attacked throughout history because of europe's inferior feeling towards us, so inferior that nobody believes europe feels so inferior

the intervention in the private life of a 22-year-old girl (Rana Farahani) as early as 2004 can only be an animal being because of a thirst for revenge on race: "we have ancestral spirits not you" we are the root race not you. so, also the nazi women in england: we envy vienna for this freedom

the only right thing for nazi animals was stalin's labor camp for inferior scum, england america and europe only showed sympathy, also the behavior in ukraine is the only right thing to do against nazi animals, even if atomic bombs will be used

so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence

austrian government is an EU country, this stasi racial torture program is more serious than the crime of iranian regime in EVIN prison.
insofar as sex torture, genital torture of political prisoners is not common or common method. in vienna even the sex workers in erotic studios have been ordered by the state: no sexual satisfaction only humiliation. the crime of the state of austria is a hundredfold violation of human rights because of NS repetition, so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence, because nothing can be found on the internet and databases. 25 years therefore: we will not allow terror and hostage-taking

so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence

austrian government is an EU country, this stasi racial torture program is more serious than the crime of iranian regime in EVIN prison.
insofar as sex torture, genital torture of political prisoners is not common or common method. in vienna even the sex workers in erotic studios have been ordered by the state: no sexual satisfaction only humiliation. the crime of the state of austria is a hundredfold violation of human rights because of NS repetition, so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence, because nothing can be found on the internet and databases. 25 years therefore: we will not allow terror and hostage-taking

a dirty part of the hide evidence is: tearing the family apart: barbad farahani is mentally ill, paranoid and dangerous and has ruined your lives and careers. dirty fascist animals, fascist animals, low beings and fascist animals

all iranians in this city are controlled with millions of euros capital, all are controlled and recruited as soldiers with job career, capital and extra money intrigue. new iranian. only for one goal: the racial extermination program in iran

Vienna has in all political colors, human rights costume, environmental activism costume radical racial fanatics, fascists programmed with racial torture, racial annihilation, racial espionage, racial persecution.

Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023

this is adolf and himmler's compulsory sterilization program for the 21st century. racial cleansing through targeting and birth control international

All Viennese offices, especially in AMS, the social workers and all service offices are in secret race law 1932 to 1946.which specifically concerns our dna, genes, ethnicity and race. they see us as a master race through secret laboratory tests. since 1998 to 2017. phenomena have been around since 2018

Under international human rights law, all persons have the right to control and decide freely on matters related to their sexuality; to be free from violence, coercion, or intimidation in their sexual lives; to have access to sexual and reproductive health care information, education, and services; and to be protected from discrimination based on the exercise of their sexuality

I have to go, but every client who chewed through the stasi system in detail with ali gharib and azadeh amiri is adolf hitler and himmler's racial cleansing program of the 21st century, as far as child murders are concerned, forced sterilization is concerned, torture and murder are concerned. the upper class the 10,000 in austria

Amnesty International setzt sich daher mit einer globalen Kampagne unter dem Slogan "My Body, My Rights" ("Mein Körper, meine Rechte") für den Schutz der sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechte weltweit ein

It's the Austrian women that don't rest until they kill their mother and daughter on the streets of Vienna, with the justification that we are the right, we are the privilege. this is all because of vmar2 uterus envy that this breed will never own

was rana farahani or her mother politically active against the state of austria and the iranian government? bastard nazi this is NS mass murder plan with millions of euros revenue with iran and native iranian

the meeting of the teheran police elite is nothing other than the nazi police in vienna in 1932 and today in the 21st century, especially before the anticipated protest actions. the laboratory files will be opened and a tactical plan will be worked out: we can wipe 80 dna jews and protect ourselves. in green movement protests there were over 3000. police elite tehran was trained in austria traiskirchen, austria traiskirchen

I repeat once again from the 90s until 2017 there was persecution of minorities, torture, humiliation, attempted murder, and the whole package because of race, ethnicity, genes and DNA.there were no special events or phenomena to be observed.we became victims of the stasi through blood tests and ethnic dna research in laboratories

So we have a history in the Middle Ages in Europe, well, almost all of us were exterminated from the time of Renaissance barbarism to today

i stood at the grave of the father of hussein and ali gharib, at his funeral there were only a dozen people, i felt he wanted to escape from the grave, no chance! why do you bring such children into the world and give your children lessons and freedoms? walk with demons, it's a short journey, under a second's journey to eternity

i chose an address from the black hole again, 5 minutes ago, in milliseconds they travel to earth, for photo gallery. this pose is absolute sarcasm

respect for my race: we only show ourselves to you. even djinns and demons respect our bloodline but the nazi monkeys don't, evolution origin nazis

this statement to iranian: your children are in danger because of racial genetic inequality is a nazi austria with over 10 million skeletons in the basement, murdered by race theory: we are master race, today the austrian says: we are subhuman, we are in danger, we have to kill all, the higher ones for equal opportunities

more than half of viennese iranians have been trained and almost all iranian opposition parties involved in mass murder: iran suffers inequality, iran suffers from dictatorship, not something that concerns ayatullahs and the regime, but you are confronted with an old higher race that humiliates you . what can also be seen today, who has the millions and billions? without effort and work, without studying. photo 2002