Sonntag, 9. Juli 2023

insanlar was before 1979 who?

iran has been ruled by kiris for 45 years, the most kiris in iranian history, there has never been anything like this, and iran has never been so depressed, kiris from...

the austrian government, the austrians say to us INSANLAR, thieves charlatans fascists nazis say to us INSANLAR, we are INSANLAR, native iranian no INSANLAR


Empedocles achieved the dissolution of an organization that was referred to as the "Assembly of a Thousand" and probably pursued oligarchic goals. something like this: what they don't have in heart, brain, bones, stomach and blood, kidneys and liver and hands, they want to clean up through slave labor and ahrimanic economy: we are human and you poor are nobody. methods what you see today from the established middle class and upper class iran vienna and europe and zionism

back to the massacre of the wehrmacht in greece, this racial struggle also had over 150,000 european jews as soldiers, austrians and germans with their families and sons and daughters. prehistory connoisseur: DAN tribe from sparta, distributed from there in europe

Empedocles describes himself as having superhuman abilities. According to a common interpretation, at one point he even explicitly claims divinity.This caused a stir and offense even in antiquity, they accused the poet of arrogance and charlatanry. genetic code: greece iran middle east

Empedocles of Agrigento also spoke of situation-related non-violence on the part of the weak or the principle of renunciation of violence, and he also dealt with the development of evolution. stasi secret camera action is monkey violence, monkey state power, genetic code: greece iran middle east

Samstag, 8. Juli 2023

i have to go, but be sure: if there is armed struggle and resistance in iran, edelweiss monkeys will join the islamic government of iran, sepah and hezbolah, just like in ukraine and balkan war. veiled masked militias like in ukraine

around 60 percent of the wehrmacht soldiers on the greek islands were austrians, "edelweiss mountain hunters".3 generations later they withhold evidence, use mind control to carry out psychological terror in the city, ruin sex life, family life, business life, and deprive all existential livelihoods for this hunt: vmat2 murder. in the 21st century

i have to go, but what does islamic government mean? all human rights organizations and including international authorities have re-educated viennese society to be murderers, poisoners and stalkers. Again, this time human rights activists and journalists

See Vienna is an example, these orders or shall we say advice come from 89%, percent of the UN and Amnesty staff: shoot the son in the head and put the mother in jail if she protests. Vienna is a vivid example., my advice for vmat2 political activism is to make erotic clips, lick pussies, fuck and suck, don't let them jerk off because of your blood and death, but because of your good fuck

i made it clear from the year 2000: we have a deep-seated problem in iranian society. This political and intellectual part of society is a contempt for all values of democracy, in that more than half discuss domocracy but ignore democracy. I always pointed out: I am a cheeky anti-spelling and grammar law, you are deeply haters of democracy

the only wish that this illegal government and state organization with capital fascism has is: we only want to set up concentration camps for strange jewish-armenians and let them die there. hide evidence is this strategy

does anyone see a dolphin spirit? or are the asses full of bundles of money? pushed in without vaseline. bastards

Freitag, 7. Juli 2023

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon, but I'm not writing with stomach cramps and nausea, I'm writing with evidence. Great Elamit Rock art

do you know what a blessing in disguise is in this fucking town? no one wants to mess with alexander's concubine spirits or argue or compete. they destroyed daraeios, daraeios the great. i have to go to bed, i took the photo like da vinci. not true? the angle is gorgeous


i can remember i was 19 and a morgan le fay from downtown dragged me home from a disco, in fact the first thing she did at home was take a shower, but then she put on a nightgown that smelled tremendously of mothballs, that mothball smell (I think it was mothball) poisoned my soul and all chakras so much that I didn't get a stiff penis, shortly afterwards she screamed into an apartment with an open window: you're 19 and impotent hahaha, you're young and impotent hahaha, you poor dog lol

this state was always a joke, despite mass murder and racial torture, charlie chaplin portrayed adolf hitler well, comedians. nasser and veronika a baphomet and black lilith is a genius prank, isn't it? there was no terrorism and fascism just a naughty vmat2 son, worse than pedophile networks vienna this barbad farahani, he has to be tracked non-stop with secret cameras and gps

I have a structure at home, energy stone composition for grid network, energy structure and fields for Destruction of the Baphomet Network. get out with your secret cameras from my power plant.fuck 42 governments.

Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023

LOL i have to go mother fucker, dirty animals

42 countries urge Russia to withdraw from Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine

this poverty cannot be compared to 1920-1932 either, it is dirtier than the 20th century and more murderous. to the extent that 42 neoliberal countries in the west call this vmat2 torture-murder business "reconstruction of the economy". economy boom

today's western poverty is dirty, a consumerism society without money. to generate courage in this direction: stasi torture and murder system is the dirtiest devil's swamp, where corruption and discrimination reign as law.

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی ببین تو علفزار که راه میری برخی اوقات گزنه پاتو میزنه، گرفتی؟ قوچ دو شاخ داره گوزن چندتا شاخ، مگه کسی نوشته بوده همه گوسفندن؟ حالا زنیکه فقر رو برداشته کرده شجاعت و با کون نشسته رو ما هی میگه آخ آخ آخ، این منو میکشه، آخ آخ آخ این من رو میکشه. کوسکش‌

so islam also said as a last resort: evolutionary woman is of unsound mind, therefore away from politics, economy and science, decisions and positions of power

Amnesty International

there are horrible scenes what many women in positions of power in politics and business do to other women. in the second world war there were millions of women and children victims, up to half the perpetrators were women and mothers. women's rights, feminism whatever branch are represented today by those who have psychopathic traits, see the case of my family

Working years: 1968-2005

worth nothing, zero value, scum, no potential, talks about women's rights and when it comes to a mother and daughter my mother and sister, then the fascist women roll their eyes and their heads and show these non-verbal behaviors: we're not dealing with any real women here. my mother is a craftswoman, artist, wages 100 euros an hour and my sister is a music producer, vmat2 music projects in the field of experimental music.

sex life is an absolute right no matter what erotic dreams, these ahrimanic fowls got a lesson with islam, we fuck hundreds of you in a harem, as chaste behavior. what the church still calls satanic action, plural women marriage and sex

the question: what is so special about vmat2? my answer: the whole anatomy, bone marrow, bone crystals, all in all the light body. that doesn't change when the state films me having group sex with 4 women, the tongue in pussy number one, the cock in pussy number two, well, two middle fingers and... ahrimanic drecksau staat

Austrian constitutional authority is responsible for why not a single journalist writes about mass crimes and attempted murder, and why terrorism, anti-Semitism, fascism and NS repeated and nazis have freedom of action. this crime is more serious than a head shot on iranian streets, 20 years of torture system with race trade economy